The kiss

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Charlies POV

I wake up in the morning still holding on to Amelia tightly. ( like the picture above) But what woke me up was the twins in front of me giggling. Fred had a camera In one hand and George had a photo in the other. I looked closer and realized it was of me and Amelia. They ran off and I did not even try to go after them. My whole family can see it I wont care, I'm happy right now and I'm guessing she is too because I can see a hint of a smile on her face. I was staring at her until my eyes felt droopy and I fell back asleep.

It felt like only ten minutes before I was woken up again. I felt Amelia stir next to me and I knew the loud commotion in front of us was waking her up too. I looked up to see my whole family in front of us smiling. Bill had a huge smirk on his face. My dad did not see but I saw Percy of all people giving Bill five galleons. Those shits had made a bet on us, Bill im not surprised but Percy. Apparently Amelia had enough of the noise as she subconsciously sent a gust of wind to shove back the crazy family. I made sure to kick Percy to make him think it was just me kicking him and not an elemental's powers. Amelia fell back asleep on my chest, she needed to be more careful with her powers. I smiled down at her and ignoring my family tried to fall back asleep too but I was interrupted by my dad talking.

" Charlie I know both of you want to sleep but we need to get going back to the portkey and get back to the Burrow." all I wanted to do was sleep and with that news I got an idea." Dad can't I just Apparate back to the burrow and you guys meet us there?" I asked dad. He looked shocked like he forgot I could do that or most likely Amelia." Do you really want to handle your mother by yourselves?" He asked. He had a point mom had to be scared for us and If it was just me and Amelia she would be even more scared." Your right Bill will come with us. And with that I grabbed Amelia's wand and made sure bill had his. I grabbed both of their arms  and I Apparited to the burrow.

 When we got there I had an asleep Amelia in my arms and a shocked Bill standing next to me.     " Charlie what the hell I was going to use the portkey with dad." Bill whisper yelled at me. I just smiled." Well now you have to deal with mom without me because Im going to my room with Amelia to go back to sleep." I tell bill as im walking into the house I yell slightly back at him." And dont think i did not see that little exchange between you and Percy!" I  realized i might have woken up Amelia. I looked down at Amelia who just smiled up at me. Guess she was fine with me waking her up.

I walked up the stairs quietly. But not quiet enough as mom came out and put her wand to my neck before she could see who it was. " MOM! It's me charlie. You know your lovely son. Please get your wand from my neck." I tell her slightly scared she would not realize its me and Amelia. " Oh my merlin. Charlie im so sorry dear I did not realize all of you were here. are you all okay? Where is everyone else?" She asked fast. " Mom it's just me, bill and Amelia. The rest have to take the portkey back remember. They will be here around noon. Only two more hours mom." I tell the frantic lady in front of me. She nods and walks down the stairs.

Amelia is now fully awake in my arms. I put her down only for her to almost fall. The curse must have taken a lot out of her. I scoop her back up in my arms and carry her downstairs. I put her on the couch and went to get some tea my mom had brewed up for us all. Before I got the tea though I walk into Bill.

" Hey so I told mom when the rest of them are getting here so you can tell her what happened to Amelia okay, good." I tell bill who looks shocked at what i asked him to do. Well I told him to do i did not really give him a choice. I grab the tea from the kitchen and tell my mom that Bill will explain what happened to Amelia and walked back out to the tired girl on the couch.

" Here My lily flower fresh and hot tea for you." I tell her while smiling she smiles back and takes one of the cups of tea out of my hand." Thank you Charlie.for the tea and letting me sleep with you. I slept better than I have in a while." She tells me. She looks at me and smiles. I smile back. She looks so happy and relaxed. 

We both looked at each other. Once again I could find my eyes trailing down to her lips and hers doing the same to mine. I was going to be risky and kiss her but I was not the one to do it. Once i had gotten over the fact that her lips were finally on mine I kissed her back softly. I rest my hand on the back of her hand slowly pushing her head closer to mine as her arms go around my neck. We both brake away out of breath. I put my forehead on hers and smile at her, she smiles back at me. My lips find hers again as we start to kiss passionately. I start to lean in more until her back is to the couch and I'm slightly hovering over her. ( I am slightly dying writing this and cringing so im stopping it here sorry ) We could have kept going and we both knew it but we both stopped when we heard a small gasp from the back of the couch.

I sit up Amelia still in between my legs and see Ginny behind  us but she was looking behind her next thing I know most of my family had come rushing in. The little snitch. Percy was nowhere to be seen and I think Amelia realized that. She sent a gust of wind at my family pushing them out of the room. And another one to shut the door. I grabbed my want and locked it. I looked back down at her smiling. She was smiling back but I could see the slight worry in her eyes. My family had seen her under me and in between my legs. Not to mention we don't know how long Ginny had been there she could be telling the whole family what happened right now. No she was for sure telling them.

" It's fine my Lily flower" I tell the worried girl under me." They had to expect it sooner or later. I had blushed a lot at some things they said." I tell her laughing at the memories of the night she went to go fight in the titan war. I had stayed up most of the night only falling asleep about an hour before she had gotten back. " She smiled back " Yeah I think Bill had caught on before the World cup. I was a blushing mess" She tells me while blushing slightly. I laughed at her and myself.

I looked down at her and leaned back in. My lips meant hers again but only for a few seconds as the door swung open and my mom came rushing in. She said nothing about the position we were in but she shoved me off of Amelia and pulled her into a huge hug. I hear silent giggles and turn to see Ginny , the twins, and Bill all laughing at my shocked and probably flushed face. Ginny looked happy and Bill looked proud. I was always more into dragons and learning about them than girls in school so I rarely had a crush, let alone kissed a girl. I looked back at the scene in front of me and saw Amelia close to tears and My mom crying. I guess they told her what had happened to Amelia at the World cup. 

I had only heard a few things of the conversation but it was enough for me " Tell me if something ever happens again and please I know I'm like a mom to you and hopefully will be one day please call me your mom if you want." I heard my mom tell Amelia . This sent her to tears I had always known that her mom had left her and now was dead so this was special and I was so happy to see this happen. My mom turned to me fast and looked at me and she gave me a hug. " If you ever break Amelias heart don't bother coming home." She whispered in my ear . I just nodded to her smiling at how much she cared about Amelia. My mom let go of me and walked out the door to the rest of my family.

I turned back to Amelia and smiled at her. She smiled back at me. We both got up and I grabbed her hand and dragged her to the kitchen to get food. Little did I know we both had to get through hundreds of questions from my siblings before we could eat at all.

( 1745 words )

Hey so It is like 5:30 am here and I started writing that at like 3:30 so that's fun. As you read I made it happen and now I'm dreading writing about the next part which is the beginning of school and no more charlie:(. Oh well tho. Does anyone want me to make her a Tri-wizard champion instead of Cedric. I'm not writing the next part until someone gives me a better idea for the next chapter than I have now. Ok bye bye

             - thatgirlincabin6

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