Back at the Burrow

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Amelias POV

The summer going into my Seventh year at Hogwarts happened to be when I would be back at the Burrow. I haven't been back here since The war of Manhattan and that had been stressful. While yes it had been only a year it was odd not being there for Christmas. I stopped going back to Camp because most of my friends went back home during the year so I went to the Weasleys. Last year I did not want to come back there yet as I was a little scared that monsters would surround us again. I knew it was not likely but I just wanted to keep everyone safe. I stayed at Hogwarts with Harry and we bonded and got closer. With Sirius black trying to " kill him" I was by him whenever I could be. Even though Sirius is innocent I still and weary of the man.

I was currently at Camp comforting Annabeth. Percy was Missing and we have not heard from him in about 4 months not to mention the gods have stopped communicating with us demigods so we all were a little suspicious of what was happening.

" Promise me you will be safe Amelia. I can't lose another friend." Annabeth sobs into my arms as I'm standing with my wand out about to appaerate to the Weasleys. " You don't have to worry about me annabeth I'll be fine. if anyone comes near me or tries to hurt me I'll just kick their ass." I tell the sobbing girl. I was rewarded many giggles from her and I took that as my que to tell her I have to go now.

" Annabeth  I have to go now, but I will write to you every week. Though Iris messinging might be better." I tell annabeth who laughs again." If we did that you might end up a little broke. Just owl me. the Owls like me anyway and I really like them too so it's fine." Annabeth tells me. She pulls me into another bone crushing hug then lets me go. " Don't worry if you need me just Iris messages It's faster. i'll see you this summer." I pull out my wand and as apperateing I yell " Ill miss you annabeth!".

when I opened my eyes Im in the home that I have learned to love. I look around for someone but only see people in the kitchen. I walk up to Ginny's room where I would be staying and put my bag down and unpack. When I'm done with that I go back downstairs and see everyone still in the kitchen. But I see Bill on the couch. I realize if I wanted to put off the crazy Red head clan hug that I was bound to get I might as well hang out with Bill till they realize I'm here. Boy was I wrong.

" Hey bill" I say as I jump over the back of the couch to sit down with him. I think I scared him judging by the fact he is no longer next to me but instead on the floor. " Don't scare me like that Sword wielding demon." He says Im a little shocked at the nickname he gave me out of the blue and he can see that too as he rushes to explain himself. " Not that your a demon Its just that when me and Charlie saw you with the sword killing the monsters one of us said you were a sword wielding demon and now we both call you that." he says with a slight smirk on his lips. " Well that's just Lovely" I tell him getting a small laugh out of him

" Oh by the way who's here already?" I ask the eldest Weasley.

" Oh well Mum and Dad, The twins, Ron, Ginny, Hermione, Then Harry, Percy and Charlie will be here soon. Some of us are going to go get Harry they were just waiting for you to get here so you can pic-." Bill was not able to finish what he was saying as I rushed into the kitchen where the rest of the clan was.

" Hey guys Bill told me y'all were waiting for me to get Harry. Just for you to know I have been here for an hour. lets go I want to see Harold." I say to the slightly shocked Red heads and Brunette. Just then I'm crushed in a hug that I was trying to avoid but failed. 

" Hun why did you not tell us you were here yet?"  Molly asked me" Oh well all of you were in here and I wanted to unpack my bag, then I talked to Bill for like 5 minutes." I tell her which got a mad look out of her. I was immediately scared for my life." WILLIAM ARTHUR WEASLEY WHY DID YOU NOT TELL US AMELIA GOT HERE A WHILE AGO!!!???" Molly screamed into the other room which caused all of us to cover our ears a  little too late.

Demigod + Witch = Amelia PotterWhere stories live. Discover now