Chapter 11: Officially a thing.

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(Roboco's POV.)

There... I said it, after god knows how long I finally said it. I sat anxiously in my seat while I waited for Haru to react to my confession, my hands fidgeting nervously with the hem of my pink hoodie as took several deep breaths to steel myself for what he might say. The silence dragged on for what seemed like an eternity as Haru just looked at me with wide eyes like a deer caught in headlights while crossing the street in the middle of the night, I couldn't bear silence any longer so I spoke up first. "Come on... Say something..." I pleaded, desperation evident in every word and every breath I took. Another few tense seconds passed before he managed to clear the shock from his system and finally responded. "... For how long?" He asked, and I shuddered again before I spoke. "I-I don't know exactly when it started but... I've had these feelings for a while now, maybe ever since you became a detective... I'm not sure..." Haru just nodded at my words before he spoke again. "A little closer please?" He just said, my eyes widened at his request but eventually I scooted closer to him as much as much as I could in my seat, though judging from Haru's reaction, it wasn't close enough. "Closer... Get on the bed if you need to." It took a moment for me to register what he meant, and the effect on my face was immediate. As evidenced by the redness on my face coming back after having just subsided. "O-Okay..." I just quietly mumbled out as I got out of my seat and moved closer to him, to the point of snuggling with him in his hospital bed. "T-There... Now what?" I asked sheepishly, my hand finding its place on Haru's chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart as I tried my best to ignore how embarrassed and flustered I was while looking up at him. The silence lingered on for a few more moments before Haru spoke up. "Well... Here goes nothing... Just keep in mind that I've never kissed anyone before." Hang on, what-

And then it happened, before I could even ask what Haru meant by that his lips were already pressing against mine in another kiss. My eyes instinctively widened when I realized exactly what was going on, we're kissing... Not a spontaneous revenge kiss given out because a Pocky was stolen, an actual kiss shared as lovers... After I realized this, there was nothing I could do except close my eyes and lean into the kiss. It was everything I've been waiting for, everything I've wanted. After a few moments we pulled back and my eyes fluttered open to look at Haru, who was looking at me with a warm smile. "That was long overdue huh?" He says, and I just nodded sheepishly as I tried to clear the redness coating my face. In the end though I just settled for burying my face into his chest again to hide it. "Just... Get some rest for now." I mumbled, my voice muffled my his clothes as I hid my face in his chest. I snuggled with him for a long while, wanting nothing more than to be with him after all that happened the past week. And then Haru spoke up again. "You can probably get off now... We don't want the nurses seeing us like this." As true as that was, I hated it, I didn't wanna pull away from him but I eventually did and sat back down on the chair next to his bed. "I know it sucks, but you'll have time to be clingy with me when we're back home." I just nodded in response, looking away from him and taking deep breaths as I tried to calm myself down. "And Roboco?" My head perked up again as he called my name, and I looked back at Haru and waited for him to speak. "Please fix yourself... You're damaged you know?" I recoiled at those words, in all the chaos that went on today I completely forgot about the damage I took during that fight with his Tanaka. If that confrontation could even be called as such. "R-Right... I guess I'll go fix myself then..." I responded before hesitantly getting up from my seat and scanning my internal systems, after a few seconds my heads up display filled up with system diagnostics and damage reports detailing the damage on my left shoulder and on my abdomen. It was pretty bad but manageable, I was designed for military use after all. A few pistol rounds isn't gonna be enough to put me out of commission. I shuddered slightly as I took in the damage reports more extensively before I moved on outside.

Robocosan at your service! (A Hololive fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now