Chapter 9: A long awaited reunion.

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(Roboco's POV.)

This... This is great news, it's what I've been waiting for since this mess started. In a nutshell, what happened was that Ame dragged me back to the station and told me that an informant from Eden Robotics gave us a ton of new info about what their CEO had been up to. According to them, a few hours before Eden Robotics announced his disappearance, he'd been visiting an old factory owned by the company. Interestingly enough it was the same facility where Creator-san assembled and activated me for the first time, it struck a chord inside me, it was like a person finding out the fate of the hospital that they were born at. It might not affect most people but it struck something in me.
The fact that Haru is being held in the place that brought me into existence just made me wanna get him out of there as quickly as possible, as time ticks by, the more I get worried about him. He still has a gunshot wound on him, and I'm not sure his captors bothered to even tend to his injuries, injuries that I inflicted on him. The thought of that only sent another sharp pang of guilt through my chest, the fact that I was the one to give him that kind of injury... It hurts me, but nowhere near the emotional turmoil that Haru went through when he realized that it was me who shot him. The look on his face is still burned into my memory drive, it's something I'll never forget. I was trusted to protect and care for him even at the cost of my own life... And I ended up being the one to hurt him.

"So... There's the plan, you up for it, Roboco-senpai?" Ame then asks after she told me what was the plan of action for getting Haru back, normally stuff like this isn't something I'd be excited about but this time was different. I was looking forward to this, I've been waiting for this.
"Pretty sure you don't have to ask that question." I responded, and she responded with her typical gremlin chuckle. "Right... All that's left now is to gather everyone up so that we could go." She says, and I nodded with eagerness. The time's almost coming.

(Meanwhile... Haru's POV.)

Damnit... How much blood have I lost now? I'm not sure how I'm still breathing... All I know is that the floor is a mess from how much is coming out of my shoulder, those bastards won't let the bleeding stop for even an hour. My vision was really blurry now, and my breathing was ragged, I was exhausted both physically and mentally. The pain from the bullet wound to my shoulder was still at a peak, it was so bad that I felt tears well up in my eyes whenever I moved my shoulder. And the sight of that only seemed to stir those two bastards presently torturing me inside this storage room even more, they made sure that whatever they did to me made me move my shoulder as much as possible for maximum pain.
"Ugh... Fuck..." I mumbled under my breath as this hellhole continued, struggling to keep my eyes open and stay conscious despite the amount of blood I'm losing, it's a painful uphill battle that I know I'll most definitely lose soon enough. Even so, I'm not losing now, not now. When I lose, I wanna make sure I'm dead so I don't have to feel this hell any longer.
"Heh... Still kicking, Detective?" One of those phony cops asked me with a smirk on his face after he beat me senseless again before leaving me alone, and I let out a relieved sigh. As of now it looks like their only goal is to torment me while I slowly bleed out and eventually die, at least that's what I think judging from what's going on. They don't ask me for anything, they just pummel and look at my reactions. Tanaka in particular takes great pleasure in it.

I let out a pained grunt as I got up from the floor, clutching at my untended wound. How long is has this been a problem again...? I don't even remember anymore. All I know is that the throbbing pain from it constantly leaking out precious blood hasn't faded in the slightest, and it won't be long before I eventually succumb to this entirely.

(Roboco's POV.)

I'm a nervous wreck right now, Haru's life is on the line in this mission. One mistake and Haru could end up paying for it with his life... Not to mention the aftermath, I have to face him and explain how I messed up and ended up shooting and leaving him in that situation in the first place. I don't even know how I'd get myself to look him in the eye... I just feel so ashamed from my mistakes.
"Oi... Being a depressed android again, Roboco-senpai?" Ame then says, pulling me from my thoughts and back to reality. "Ah... Yeah... Just thinking about how I'm gonna talk to Haru when we get him back... You know, talking to him about what happened..." I responded, and she looked at me understandingly and shook her head. "Hey... Remember that you raised him well, he'll understand. Wasn't your fault his brother was a lying piece of human waste that takes advantage of people's trust." I guess she does have a point but... The doubt is still there, he has all the rights in the world to be mad at me and even distance himself from me after this. And I'm scared that he would... I don't want him to move away from me now that I've developed these kinds of feelings towards him.

Robocosan at your service! (A Hololive fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now