Chapter 13: Zombies, Cats, and eavesdropping.

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(Haru's POV.)


That one singular, high-pitched scream of terror echoing through the movie theater was somehow louder than gunfire, akin to a rifle going off right next to me as I turned to look at the source, who was clinging onto my arm like a koala would to a tree branch. And of course, her face was bright red as she buried her face into my shoulder to hide from the movie we were watching. Though the adorable face I saw right before that trumped everything else, even the fact that she almost made me deaf. "Somehow, I didn't anticipated you to be scared of zombies." I teased, and Roboco immediately pulled back from my shoulder to pout at me. "Hmph... You didn't tell me what we were gonna watch!" She huffed out, puffing her cheeks as she tried to look angry. "And besides... Guts and Blackpowder is a cool movie, right? Zombies, Muskets, what more could you ask for?" I added, and she kept up her pout. "Hmph... I don't know... Maybe warn me of what we're watching?" She retorted, and this time I couldn't contain the laugh as the sounds of zombies groaning and muskets firing echoed through the theater.
We continued to watch the movie after that short exchange, watching as the main character, a French officer during the Napoleonic era leads his men through the dark and maze-like catacombs of Paris, all while the zombies stalk them in every turn in the enclosed space. From what I heard, this whole movie was based on a game, neat.
We then reached a certain point in the movie that had been the talk of the internet for weeks before the film actually hit the cinemas, as the main character leads his men through the maze, one of the soldiers ended up getting lost in the dark, and in desperation to find his way back to his regiment he called out, a horrible move in the dark and zombie-infested catacombs.

The soldier walked alone, calling out to the main character who was trying to lead him back to them out of concern, just when he was getting close though, he audience briefly saw a pair of glowing red eyes stalking him from behind, it moved so quickly before disappearing that half of us were questioning what we saw. Until the soldier who was lost turned a corner under the guidance of the main character, and once he did...


A zombie with glowing red eyes, tattered up clothes and about as well-nourished as the average skeleton without skin tackled the pour soul, and despite the soldier's best efforts to struggle and the MC's attempt to get to him, the runner took a chomp into the soldier's throat, his life ending in a mess of blood and horrifying gurgles before the MC and his men finally found him. The moment she caught sight of the runner, Roboco shrieked in terror for the 5th time and tightened her grip around my arm, burying her face into my shoulder again to muffle her terrified whines as the scene played out. Eventually the MC and his men came across the runner eating the soldier's corpse and wasted no time in bringing some justice by killing the runner. "Hey... It's gone now, stop hiding." I said teasingly, and she reluctantly pulled back from my shoulder, still tightly clinging to my arm like a sloth would to a tree branch. It took a while before she went back to watching, and with every echoing noise from zombies in the catacombs she would flinch and hide herself in my shoulder again until I told her it was nothing. It was pretty funny but also adorable, and I'd definitely do this again with her if it means seeing her react like this... This might be what being evil feels like, oh no.

(Timeskip, approximately 1 hour later after watching... Haru's POV.)

Damn... Guts and Blackpowder might be my new favorite movie of all time now, who knew 18th century Napoleonic-era mashed with zombies would be a good concept? I like it, now I'm tempted to try the game the movie was apparently based off of. For now though... All I'm focusing on is how clingy Roboco is being as we walked out of the theater, she'd stopped trembling from the movie now but her arm is still tightly wrapped around mine, the adorable pout never leaving her face. "Hmph... Still annoyed you didn't warn me that we were gonna watch a horror movie..." She then mumbled, earning a chuckle from me before I ran my fingers through her hair, and Roboco let out a sigh as she leaned into my touch slightly. "So, it's your turn to take the lead. What's your plan?" I then asked, and she took a moment to clear the pout from her face before she hummed and thought for another second. Right before her face lit up in an "Aha!" moment and she started dragging me away to wherever she wanted us to go for this date, had to ask her to slow down a bit when she was practically running down the sidewalk from how excited she was. "Just where are we going?" I finally asked after a minute of being forced to sprint across the pavement trying to keep up with Roboco, who just giggled in response to how strained my voice is as I kept up the pace as best as I could. "Hehe... Just wait, you'll see!" She says excitedly before she finally slows down to a walking pace, much to my relief, which I wasn't afraid to express with a loud, relieved sigh. "Someone couldn't keep up." She then teased, though unlike her, I wasn't going to fall for the teasing and just stayed quiet, fighting off the urge to pout at her like she'd been doing to me. "Heyyy... No adorable pout for me???" She whined, feigning a sad expression as she saw my lack of reaction at her teasing. "Hmph... I was doing my best to look cute for you y'know..." She mumbled, though there was still playfulness and teasing in her tone. It was a stark contrast to her embarrassed and flustered demeanor earlier, and of course, it was fucking adorable.

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