Chapter 14: A dark cloud.

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(Haru's POV.)

Phew... I'm beat. Worth it though, today's date was fun. Roboco and I took turns taking the lead and dragging the other person to wherever we wanted to go, starting off at the cinema to watch my newest favorite move, then to a cat café that Roboco had been wanting to visit for a long time, and then I took her to an amusement park since I'd never been to one before. I was too busy learning Pythagoras' theorem alongside Java and Python... Didn't ask for Roboco to throw me into those things but it happened. And I'm not really complaining. After all of that we just decided to have dinner at home, nothing in this world is comparable to her cooking after all. We had just left the amusement park and had started walking back home, while the date was coming to an end there was still some excitement to be had. Namely dinner and snuggling up in bed, the latter seemed to excite Roboco the most as she nuzzled herself against my shoulder.
"Hehe... Looks like someone's tired today." She says, tightly wrapping one arm around mine.
"Alot happened today y'know." I responded, letting out a tired sigh as I sauntered across the sidewalk. I could see the occasional passerby giving us a look, I shuddered slightly at the attention, though Roboco was definitely enjoying it. "Mmmgh... People are staring again..." I mumbled, though it was loud enough for her to hear. "Heh... Someone's shy about walking with his girlfriend in public~" She teased, I sometimes wish I was an android too so that I wouldn't get tired like she does. "Stop worrying so much, I'm all yours, I won't let anyone take me away from you~" She added, sending a faint blush coating my cheeks. She's been reading me like a damn book the whole day... And I hate how much I actually like it. "You better make sure then." I said, my tone laced with affection, exhaustion, and possessiveness. All of it blending together in a potent cocktail that made me feel warm inside. And I instinctively tightened my hold around her arm, earning a happy giggle from her. Now that I think about it... Emotions have been all over the place today, varying from embarrassment, laughter, jealousy (pops up whenever a girl said hi to me while we walked together), and that familiar connection we shared between us ever since we first met, one that always persisted no matter the mood. Honestly though? Those are all what made today so memorable, I never thought this day would come but here I am. Walking home with my android girlfriend after our first date. A dream come true.

The walk back home passed by in pleasant silence, the only sound coming from us was the noise of our footsteps moving over the pavement and the occasional hum of contentment curtesy of Roboco. The whole thing had its own allure to it, a peaceful walk back home without the need to worry about cases in the office or talking to traumatized witnesses at a crime scene. Eventually we reached the familiar streets of our neighborhood, at this point the sky had darkened to a beautiful star-filled indigo, normally I wouldn't really care about this sort of thing but something about the current situation, walking back home after a nice date with Roboco, tempted me to look up and admire the stars. "Hm? Never seen you pay that level of attention up there, anything up?" Roboco then asked, and my head went back down to earth to look at her. "Maybe... Something about today is compelling me to look up, maybe it's how peaceful today went, or I just feel weird and decided to look up, I dunno." I responded, earning a giggle from her all the same. "Hehe... That's new." She remarked, and I just chuckled sheepishly in response. "Pretty sure everything we went through today is new..." I remarked, causing another round of giggles from her. "Point taken."
Finally, we reached our house, standing in the yard and seeing the familiar and ever so cozy abode sent a new level of intimacy that just wasn't there before this date even took place, a warm sensation that was more than welcome after all that happened between us. Judging by the look on Roboco's face, she definitely agrees with me. "So... Here we are." I spoke up to break the silence, and she turned her head to look at me with a smile on her face. "Yup, anything specific you want for dinner?" She then asked, I didn't really care what I was eating as long as she made it so I shook my head. "Not really, I like it better when you surprise me." I said, and she perked up from excitement at my response. "Alright then~" She cooed, taking my hand after she unlocked the door and pulled me inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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