Chapter 9 - At the Park

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Chapter 9 - At the Park


We arrived in London yesterday morning. We had an amazing time, Niall and Nik finally got together. This was actually the best weekend I've had in a long time. When we go on tour we're usually alone I mean we have each other, Josh and our band but it's good to be with other people. The girls have really become part of the group in such a short time. Cleo was shy at first, she barely spoke to us and when she did she didn't make eye contact now with the help of Liam she's really come out of her shell. Reina is...well she's Reina she's been great from the start, I think she and Harry like each other. Harry is my best friend and he deserves to be happy and I'll do anything to help him. Plus if he and Reina do work out that means I'm going to spend a lot of time with her sister. Right, then there is Karina. Karina is...she's confusing. One second she's laughing so hard there are tears in her eyes and then we look at each other and she stops and looks away. Kari is not shy at all, unless I'm around. Whenever I'm around she goes quiet and tries not to look at me. If it wasn't because I talk to her she wouldn't say a word to me. I honestly don't know what to do.

I'm on my bed with my computer checking Twitter and Harry come in. "Lou are you ready we have to go."

I furrow my brows and look up from my computer at him. "Where are we going?"

"Sophia's for lunch." He smiles and winks at me. "Nik just called and invited us."

"Oh. Okay let me just post something on Twitter." Harry nods and leaves the room. I post:

Lunch at Soph's with @KariNicole8 @ReinaValentina @EvansNov @NikkiEvans @LeeCart and the guys!

I close the computer and go to the bathroom wash my teeth and run my fingers through my hair. "Louis hurry up!" I hear someone yell from the living room. The guys are all in the living room waiting for me.

"I'm here. We can leave now." During the ride to Sophia's all I can think about is Karina. Why she's so weird around me.

"You okay Lou?" Harry asks me looking concerned. They guys here him and look at me.

"I'm fine just thinking. Um, have you guys noticed how Kari acts around me?" They look at me then at each other.

Zayn shifts in his seat. "What do you mean exactly?"

"I mean, do you notice she hardly talks when I'm around or that she avoids looking at me." They just sit there thinking about it. Liam finally answers me.

"Well I have but I don't think you have to worry about tit she's probably just shy." Liam assures me but I don't feel assured.

I smile and nod. " 'Kay." But I still think there is more to it.

"You like her right?" I look at Harry surprised by what he just said.

I open my mouth to answer but I shut it quickly. I can feel the heat rushing to my face and I turn away from them. They all chuckle and make fun of me.

"Aww, our little Louis has a crush." Liam says mockingly.

I snap my head back to look at him. "Look who's talking, the one who stares at Cleo constantly." Liam's eyes go wide and he blushes. The boys laugh at him and soon we are all laughing. The car comes to a stop, we've arrived. We get out of the car and climb the stairs to the porch and knock on the door.

The door opens and Karina is standing there looking beautiful as usual but without her glasses. She smiles and looks directly at me. I hadn't noticed eyes are a beautiful shade of green with a little brown around the edges. "Hey, come in. Girls the boys are here!" Once inside she hugs the boys and it is my turn now and we stare at each other, I smile and hug her. She stands there a moment but raps her arms around me and hugs me back. I take a deep breath, she smells like vanilla. It feels good to have her hands around me, someone clears their throat and we let go. She looks at her hands embarrassed just as I hear footsteps coming from the stairs.

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