Chapter 23 - Crazy Ex

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Chapter 23


"Karina are you ready? Mom's waiting for us!" I hear Reina yell from downstairs. "And so is everybody else!"

I grab my overnight bag and head out of my room. Christmas was just a day ago and now the guys are headed to Manchester for a show. Since my mother's arrival some interesting things have happened. First off mom is not here for a visit but to move three houses down the street. Apparently she'd decided she didn't want to stay in Puerto Rico by herself because she knew we weren't going to go back considering our lives are now in London. She was technically right I mean I've lived here for two years and I never thought of moving back home. And Reina has come to love it plus Harry's here. While the guys are in Manchester we'll be here helping mom unpack and buy furniture. Considering we'll be living with her we need beds and some other stuff for our rooms. I still can't believe the guys helped her move here. They actually got mom a realtor and specifically asked him to help her find a house close to Sophia's. It just so happens the house down the street was up for sale. 

I make my way down the stairs only to find Louis at the bottom step smiling up at me. He has such a beautiful smile. He and Harry are pretty bummed out we aren't going with them but they understand. 

"Good morning love." Louis says slipping his hands around my waist. His soft lips touch mine. 

"Morning." I say content with staying like this forever. 

His eyes sparkle with love that makes my heart soar. "Now you know I'd love to stay like this all day but we have to go. Everyone is waiting outside." I frown and he laughs as he kisses my forehead lightly before taking my hand in his and lacing our fingers together. I will never get tired of holding his hand. He opens the door and we walk out to the cold morning air. Niall, Nik, Liam, Cleo, Zayn and Nova stand in front of the van while Harry and Reina are in front of mom's car. Sophia and mom are talking away. Louis takes my night bag and puts it in the car. 

I make my way to the girls and hug each of them goodbye. "Have fun over there. " Then it's the guys' turn. "You better behave while my sister's gone." I tease Harry as we hug. 

Everyone laughs at my comment. Harry chuckles and nods. "Will do." He says holding a smiling Reina closer to him. 

I turn to face a sad looking Louis. He smiles sadly and I hug him tight. "I'm gonna miss you." I say breathing in his familiar scent. He strokes my hair and kisses my head. 

"I'll miss you too K. I love you." With that he cups my face and kisses me. His lips part and our tongues meet sending shivers down my body. We break the kiss when we hear Niall say "Ouhh" teasingly. We chuckle and say goodbye. Harry and Reina kiss goodbye and they start getting on the van. Sophia's the last one to get on and then the van leaves. 

"I never thought I'd see you in love and especially with such a good boy like Louis. Same thing goes for you Reina. Harry is a wonderful boy." Mom says as a tear rolls down her cheek. 

"Come on mom don't cry. Today is a happy day, we are going shopping!" I say cheering her up. Reina and I hug her tight. 

"Tienes razon hija. Vamonos." We get in the blacked out car that the guys got for us. They didn't want us to be taking cabs so they got us a driver. The driver turns on the car and we leave for a whole day of shopping. 


"Twenty minutes till the show!" One of the staff calls out. The lads and I are waiting in our dressing room. We can hear the screaming fans through the walls.

"Its a full house." Liam says grabbing a water bottle from the mini fridge in the corner. 

Zayn chuckles which is the most laughing he's done in a while. "Its always a full house." At least his cockiness isn't gone. 

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