Chapter 14

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*Ashton POV*

Luke and I sat on the dock at the lake while Niall swam around. These are the only two guys I can actually trust and confide in. Niall and I had our differences but we were able to drop everything and get along. He is actually a nice guy. Niall and Luke are both part human, so that alone is something to bond over.

"Hey guys." Along came (Y/N) walking down the docks shirtless and in swimming trunks. His body looked great without a shirt on. Part of me thinks that he could be a demigod himself.

"Hey, (Y/N). How'd you sleep?" Niall waved.

"Good." (Y/N) jumped into the water next to Niall. "Man this water feels great."

"Doesn't it?" Niall agreed. I can't help but smile watching (Y/N) enjoy himself in the water. The boy is great to look at. His smile makes me smile all the time. Niall childish jumped on (Y/N) bringing him underwater.

He came back up putting Niall in a headlock,"Wanna wrestle?"

"Get off my friend!" Luke dove into the lake pulling (Y/N) off Niall. He's playing along with them as well.

"Get off my boyfriend!" I yelled. Without thinking about what I was saying, my eyes widened. Luke and Niall looked at me with wide eyes. (Y/N) just blushed. "I mean my friend!" I jumped into the water, wrestling with the guys.

Niall jumped on my back attempting to take me down. (Y/N) pulled Niall off me taking him down underwater. I quickly turn my attention to Luke then wrapped my arms around his body trying to throw him. Then I suddenly lost my balance when Niall swam underwater, grabbing on my legs dropping me in the water.

"You jerks!" I shouted trying to keep my head above water as Niall get pulling me down. (Y/N) walked towards me and tripped in front of me almost to the point where are lips touched. We paused and realized how close our faces were.

He blushed and quickly stood up,"Sorry about that."

"Your fine." I say but I wished that we would have kissed on the spot. Luke said they were soft so I could only imagine how they felt. Probably the softest ever.

"Oh great. Michael, Calum and Louis are coming." Luke groaned.

"Just ignore those bastards....." Niall suggested then noticed Liam and Harry coming the other way. "Those cunts." One thing for sure that Niall and I have in common is that we both Harry. I probably hate him the most out of all the guys.

"Guys, don't fight. Just ignore them." (Y/N) intervened.

"It's hard not to." Luke shrugged. "I'm getting out."

"Luke, don't say anything." Niall scolded.

"I won't." Luke brushed him off walking out the lake. I quickly follow after him because Luke could start a fight and probably not be able to finish it because it'll be three on one if  I don't stand by him.

"Does he really call himself a demigod?" Louis whispered to Michael.

"That's what he thinks." Michael chuckled.

"Luke doesn't know shit." Calum joked. Louis and Michael burst into hysterical laughter.

"What the fuck did you just say?!" Luke turned to the guys, angrily.

"Luke, ignore them." I extended my right wing to distract him.

"If you have something to say, come to me! Don't fucking whisper." Luke moved my wing out the way and walked towards the guys. They continued to laugh at Luke pissing him off even more. I grabbed the boy to keep him fighting the guys.

"I'll shove that magic wand up your ass, Louis!" Luke screamed. Along came Niall and (Y/N) holding him back.

"I don't use wands, I use my hands." Louis retaliated. "I don't need them to fight. We can go right now if you want!" Now Louis walked towards Luke. Michael and Calum quickly grabbed Louis to keep him from getting to Luke.

"Who's fighting?" Zayn ran in the middle of it all.

"Who lost?" Harry came around with Liam.

"You aren't worth it!" Luke snatched away from us then walked away angrily.

"Luke!" (Y/N) called for him. "I'm gonna try to talk to him." He said running after him.

"I'll get him next time." Louis huffed walking away. Michael and Calum soon followed.

All that's left is me, Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Liam. The three of them give Niall and I death stares.

"Okay speak, what are you guys planning?" I spoke up.

"Nothing at all." Harry denied.

"What are you guys planning?" Zayn got back at us.

"We aren't planning. It's no secret that we all like (Y/N)." Niall shrugged. "You guys are telling me that you all don't have anything for him?"

"Nothing yet." Liam shook his head.

"I was hoping one of you guys would swing first. Guess not, I'm leaving." Zayn turned around. "Coming lads?"

Harry and Liam nodded and walked away. They are plotting something I can feel it.

"Man, I wanna punch Zayn so bad!" Niall growled.

"Let's not worry about them right now. Let's worry about (Y/N) and his safety." I tell him.

"Yeah, let's do that. And let's talk to Luke." He agreed.

We both decided to put the other guys to the side and focus on (Y/N). It's more of a friendly competition between the three of us. We protect  (Y/N) and he'll pick one of us.

Hopefully he'll pick me because I've fallen in love with him since we've met.

He Belongs To Me: 1D and 5SOS (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now