Chapter 28

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*Niall's POV*

The night before was complete chaos. That asshole-of-an-ex-boyfriend, Kyle turned (Y/N) into a creature from our genes. Even though he feel like an abomination, we aren't gonna give up on him because he's grown fangs, claws, and wings. Even though I think that a merman tail fits him well, which may be pretty biased because I'm a merman myself. We have all agreed on showing him how to embrace his new sides until we come up with how to fix our boy.

"Has anyone seen, (Y/N)?" Ashton stepped out his cabin looking for (Y/N).

"I think he's in the woods with Liam." Calum answered. "He might be teaching him how to hunt."

"Oh cool. I wanted to teach him how to fly."

From the distance we heard what sounded like a broken howl from a werewolf. We all turned our heads to where we heard the howl.

"Um.....(Y/N)?" I called in a confused tone. After I spoke, (Y/N) came sprinting at the woods and running towards us, with a wagging tail.

"Aww our puppy!" Calum grinned opening his arms to (Y/N). "You're so cute!" Calum gushed, scratching behind (Y/N)'s ears like he's a house pet. The werewolf boy leaned into Calum's touch and (Y/N) tail continued to wag. Liam walked out the woods in his human form shortly after.

"Liam is this....normal?" I had to ask him.

"It is." He nods. "He is literally a puppy because he's never been a werewolf before until obviously now. His werewolf ways are kicking in."

"Into the form of a puppy?"

"Just about."

"Liam, we should keep him like this forever." Calum insisted, rubbing (Y/N)'s back until he turned human again. "Awh!!" The ghostly guy whined.

"It happened again didn't it?" (Y/N) asked, slightly embarrassed.

"It did." Liam answered. "But it wasn't your fault. Your wolf side kicked in."

"Oh okay. Um.....Niall, can you teach me how to be a merman?" (Y/N) asked politely.

"You can't swim?" Calum asked, still slightly upset that (Y/N) turned human again.

"I can swim. Just not with a tail." (Y/N) responded.

"So does that mean that you have to strip naked in order for your tail to come?" Luke asked with an amused grin on his face.

"He's doesn't have to get naked. His tail will come with his clothes on." I answered for (Y/N) taking his hand. "This way love."

"See you guys." (Y/N) waved at the guys and they all waved back. I've gotten used to jealousy between all of us. Especially when one of us gets to spend time with (Y/N). Now that we've all come to a truce and grown some sort of attraction for one other. It makes things easier for (Y/N). We can all keep the peace and help him too.

(Y/N) held onto my hand as tight as he could, staying cautious of his tail growing. I slowly counted down in my head and by the count of four our legs transformed into tail. He gasped and feel into the water with me, landing on top of me. Then we were locked into each other's eyes like lovers.

"Hi babe."

"Hi, Niall!" (Y/N) took the chance and quickly kissed me. I honestly felt like Luke when he went down and kissed me. The demigod was absolutely in love with (Y/N) after their accidental kiss. And as expected, Ashton was jealous.

He heaved off me then started to crawl into the deeper part of the water so he could start swimming on his own. I went after him and he's already swimming in the deep part of the lake, moving his tail in weird motions. At least the boy is trying.

When I caught up with him, I tapped him on the shoulder to get his attention. I stayed in place in moved my tail in a wave like motion. (Y/N) tried it himself and he was able to swim more smoothly. I gave (Y/N) an assuring smile so he knows that he's doing it right.

He repeated the motion then he literally took off miles into the water. He's a fast learner. I played along with him and chased after him. He swam to the bottom of the lake and circles around each other like two mermen in love. We swam back up to the lake level and got locked back into each other's eyes.

"You like me don't you?" I asked, suggestively raising  my eyebrows.

"I've always liked you, Niall. We haven't spent as much time together so I decided to by swimming with you. Maybe being part merman isn't so bad." (Y/N) shrugged and kissed me again. "Can I ask a merman related question?"

"Go ahead."

"How do you have sex?" He asked innocently.

I swallowed hard and butterflies formed in my stomach, I answered, "We usually do it in our human forms. We find dry land and.....yeah that's how it goes."

"Have you done it before?"

"I have." I mumbled. "Yeah I've had really bad sex."

"Interesting." (Y/N) blushed. "Hopefully you'll find good sex with one of the guys."

"What about you. I can't count you out. My little merman-in-training?" I crooned.

"I'll let you guys know when I'm ready."

"Ready for what?" Zayn asked, standing on the docks. "Are you two talking sex?"

"Nope." (Y/N) quickly dove back into the water embarrassed. Zayn stood there hysterically laughing at the him.

"When did you get here, vampire boy?" I asked him.

"Just now. You know vampires have enhanced senses too you know? We hear everything." Zayn reminded.

"Are you gonna join us?"

"I can't swim."

"We can come to the shallow end if you want."

"Sure." Zayn agreed, taking his top off. From where I was, I could see he had a very nice body. Before he could take off his bottoms, the roof of one of the cabins set on fire.

"What going on?!" Zayn gasped.

"I got it!" I stuck out a hand creating a stream of water from out the lake, to the burning cabin.

"I can help too." (Y/N) came out of hiding and repeated the same action as me, except that he's made a bigger stream of water than me. Our powers working together was enough to put out the fire in seconds.

When the fire went out, Ashton peeked into the window, then stated, "It's just Louis and Harry having sex. They both got excited and set the roof on fire."

"Woah...." Zayn replied. "So the wizard and the demon fucked and almost burned the cabin down. That's new."

"It is." I nodded. "What do you think about that (Y/N)?"

He didn't answered, he just stared out into space with reddened cheeks "I'll see you guys in a bit." He dove back into the water and swam off.

"I think he's too embarrassed to admit that turned him on." Zayn informed me.

"Maybe so." I agreed. I came out of the water and dried myself off until my legs came back.

I took the time to think about how I can get the guys to help (Y/N) explore his sexual side. Maybe he has a blood kink because of being part vampire? Or a biting because he's part werewolf? We'll find out soon enough.

We'll make sure he enjoys it.

He Belongs To Me: 1D and 5SOS (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now