Chapter 17

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*Liam POV*

Our last fight with Louis, Michael, and Calum could have turned out worse that it already was, if we didn't stop mid-fight.

I guess all six of us proved our points that we aren't the ones to be fucked with. Before I caught Louis eavesdropping, Zayn and Harry were already masterminding a plan to make (Y/N) ours. I'm not sure exactly how they will do it, but I'll have to wait and see. Hopefully it's nothing that will hurt him in the long run.

"Guys, what exactly was our plan for (Y/N)?" I had to ask them.

"Glad you asked. Zayn will make eye contact with (Y/N) to hypnotize him then he will be all ours to play with." Harry answered.

"What do you guys plan on doing with him?"

"Fucking and loving loving him." Zayn answered.

"You guys are gonna make him do stuff against his will?!"

"Obviously." Harry nods as if it's not a big deal.

"Harry, that's insane! You guys can't do that to him!"

"Why not?"

"It's wrong."

"I thought you werewolves are supposed to be mean. You're  a little bit too nice." Zayn seemed disappointed.

"You guys are basically drugging him into sex and having your guys' way with him. Don't do that to him!"

"Liam, we are gonna do it regardless of if you like it or not!" Harry got defensive.

"I don't like it! You two are on your own now!" I shouted before walking away. I'm completely done with those guys. I don't know what possessed me to team up with Harry and Zayn in the first place. If I wouldn't known this was their plan the whole time. I wouldn't have joined them and I would've come up with my own plan to get (Y/N) but in a more passive way.

He was very nice the first time we met. So I'll be just as nice to him. A wolf will always protect what is theirs. (Y/N) isn't exactly mine yet but I'll always have his back like he is mine.

Zayn and Harry might think every one is scared of him. Let's be honest, Louis, Michael, and Calum wouldn't have fought us if they weren't scared of us. We almost ripped each other apart in that short amount of time.

I walked the small distance back to camp after our brawl. We are obviously the topic of conversation between the rest of the guys. And surprisingly (Y/N) isn't here.

"Oh (Y/N)!!" Harry called and I could hear him miles back in the forest because my senses are enhanced due to being a werewolf.

"Come here we wanna talk to you!" Zayn adds.

"Coming!!" He's in the forest too.

"OH FUCK NO!!!" I yelled turning into a werewolf running back into the forest as quickly as I could.

I'm dodging trees, jumping over rocks and bushes to get to him before the worst happens to him.

By the time I get there, Zayn and (Y/N) have already made complete eye contact. The boy is already dazed.

I barked and growled sprinting towards Zayn as fast as I could.

"From now on, you do what we say because you love us so-- AH!!!"

I took the opportunity to attack Zayn taking him down to the ground. (Y/N) is still dazed standing there after being hypnotized.

"(Y/N)!" Louis appeared from a distance. Harry looked over at him angrily.

"You!!" Harry flew to Louis. Quickly thinking Louis teleports away from Harry and in front of (Y/N).

"Hold still!" Louis quickly said holding his hand in front of his face as it created a red aura coming from (Y/N)'s face.

Harry knows that he's Louis is trying to help (Y/N). He flew towards Louis and before he could get any closer, a hand reached out the ground, grabbing Harrys ankle causing him to trip.

"Who the fuck is this?!" He yelled.

Suddenly Calum phased from out of the ground restraing Harry from getting closer to Louis, "Hurry Louis!!"

"Almost done!" Louis assured trying to get the mind control to wear off. Ironically Calum and Louis are here and Michael is no where to be found.

I'll do my part by biting at Zayn to keep him away from (Y/N).

"He's back to normal." Louis said.

"Fuck!" Zayn yelled then I let him run away. Harry teleported away from Calum shortly after. Their plan failed like I hoped it would.

"What happened?" (Y/N) asked holding his head. He's slightly dazed.

"Zayn put you in mind control and I snapped you out of it." Louis answered.

"Where is Michael?" Calum asked looking all over the place.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" I approached him completely ignoring that he's standing next to Louis.

"I'm fine, thanks."

"Aren't Zayn and Harry your friends?" Louis asked me curiously.

"Not anymore. I didn't know that they planned on using mind control against (Y/N) until after our fight."

Calum walked over to Louis and I, "Not gonna lie to you, Liam. But I've always knew you were the nicer one of out your team."


"Yeah. It really surprised me that you weren't in on their plan."

"I don't wanna hurt, (Y/N). So I didn't want any part of it." When I said that, (Y/N) blushed at tad bit. "Are you two gonna take him back to camp?

"Nah, you saved him. We'll let you take care of him." Calum offered.

"Yeah. You won this round." Louis agreed.

"How about you all can walk me back to camp?" (Y/N) suggested.

"Sounds fair." Louis shrugged. Calum and I agreed as well. We all walked him back to camp to make sure he was safe.

It's funny how we were able to laugh and joke with each other after our huge fight on the back. I'd much rather surround myself with good people. Even though we are all fighting over the same guy, I wouldn't mind the friendly competition that I've just made with Calum and Louis.

In the end, I hope (Y/N) will be mine. I showed him how much I care for him by going against Zayn and Harry in their plot to use mind control on him. I have strongs feelings for him and hopefully he will feel the same about me.

He Belongs To Me: 1D and 5SOS (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now