Chapter 23

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*Your POV*

After watching the boys fight away the invasion, it kinda reinforced how I felt about them in the past. I cared for all of them individually. I always knew inside Liam's feral wolf mind that there is feelings. Behind Harry's demon eyes, he could cry tears and feel some kind of emotion he doesn't like to admit to. And Michael's dark angelic heart had some good in him. The thing about me is that I give everyone the benefit of the doubt.

That was what I did for Kyle. He was sweet and all by as time passed he kinda scares me. He's become distant and it's starting to be evident that he probably doesn't love me as much anymore. And I'm honestly coming to the conclusion that the boys never stopped loving me, even after the world went back to once it was. we thought. Then I remembered that Harry, Michael, and Ashton have to ability to tell how someone is feeling emotionally. I hope they didn't pick that up from me because I don't want them to fight for me again.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Kyle ran into the living room. "I'm going out tonight. I'll see you in a few hours, okay?"

"Sure have fun." I replied softly. Kyle and I are together but we're not exactly happy.

As Kyle headed towards the door, I heard something beeping. I don't remember him installing a security system in the house. Or is it?

"And remember the rule, right?" He peeks from around the corner.

"Um....what rule?"

"The basement is being repaired don't go down there just yet."

"Since when?" My eyebrow furrowed.

"'ve moved in...yeah! Since you've moved in with me." Kyle nods, looking almost nervous.

"I won't go down there. I'll leave the monsters in the basement."

"Or the werewolves." Kyle joked.


"Oh nothing. Later!" He jets off out the door.

I don't know if he is still traumatized from what had happened earlier today. He might be. Knowing how he is.

As I'm flipping through channels, I've stumbled across a documentary about sea life and mermaids. I instantly thought of Niall. He was one of the sweetest guys. It's hard for me to get over how he defended himself against Ashton and Luke. An angel and a demigod. Both very tough in there own right. I'm starting to miss him even more.

Hoping that I could get Niall of my mind, I flipped the channel to a magicians competition. Then Louis came across my mind. I assumed that he was just a normal person then I found out he could shoot lightning and levitate. I honestly miss him too. His sense of humor is what I liked about him.

I decided to turn the channel again then there was a horror movie involving ghost. Obviously I thought about Calum. The way he entered my life was very unexpected. Turned me on a bit but it could've been better. The ghostly boy was a quiet one but he was easy to get along with. I've decided that I've had enough tv for now because I'm kept getting reminded of the boys.

My stomach growled and I knew it was time for me to eat. Ever since the guys came, I haven't thought about anything else. All I ever thought about was them.

I got up and checked through the cabinet without looking, I grabbed something that didn't feel like rough. I pulled in out the cabinet and it looked like some kind of horn. I expected it and it had a piece of tape and "Demon Horn" written on it. What is this doing here? I put it back where I found it, pretending like I never came across it. Maybe he found it after every creature went back to where they came. I just brushed it off and opened the drawer for a big spoon but instead I see a something glowing under the spoons. I took the spoons out the drawer and there were fairy wings in a plastic bag that are still glowing. They glowed blue and then they stopped glowing. First a demon horn, then fairy wings. But where did he get these from? I know for a fact it couldn't have been one of Harry's horns.

I don't want to assume anything but I think Kyle is on to something. Maybe he's looking for supernatural artifacts from that event.

By the time I made dinner and Kyle wasn't home yet. Surprisingly enough I get a text from him.

'Gone hunting. Be home soon'

Hunting? Sounds a bit odd considering how late it is. I guess that's just Kyle being Kyle. I've accepted him for the way he is. Just like the way I've accepted the guys for how they were.

Im honestly starting to miss the boys even more because I've gotten more from them than I ever have from the other guys.

I don't think I can stay with Kyle anymore. I want the guys back.

He Belongs To Me: 1D and 5SOS (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now