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Hello everyone! This first part is just going to be listing the teachers and some of the students. I'm only listing the dsmp members that are teachers/students, but there are more that I may mention later.

Wilbur= Music

Quackity= Spanish

Sam= Principal

Puffy= Councilor

Techno= English

Bad= Math

Dream= Coding

Sapnap= PE

George= Science

Ponk= History

Skeppy= Art
Students: Tommy, Tubbo, Ranboo, Purpled, Hannah, etc
Usual positions during lunch:
Dream, George, Sapnap, Bad & Skeppy = lounge

Puffy, Sam & sometimes Ponk = lunch duty

Wilbur, Quackity & Techno will either be in the lounge or their classrooms
Wilbur and Techno are twins, Tommy is the younger brother. Phil is the dad and Kristen's the mom.
With that out of the way I would also like to say that this is probably mostly going to be fluff. If there are things that need trigger warnings later, then they will be at the top of the chapter so you can skip. Hope you guys enjoy <3
Words: 168

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