1~ New Job

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Quackity's POV:

Quackity pulled up outside the school at 6:30 in his old Honda Civic. It was the first day of school and Quackity's new job. He was excited to see how the day would go. He also was excited to meet his new co-workers, and maybe meet new friends in the process.

Quackity walked to the trunk of his car and lifted it up. In the trunk were a couple of boxes full of books, decor, and some other stuff for his classroom. He was going to have to take more than one trip, but he wanted to find his classroom before trying to bring in the heavier boxes.

He walked towards the front door and used his new badge to enter. Once he entered the school, Sam was waiting for him.

"Good morning Quackity!"

"Morning Sam, how are you?" Quackity readjusted the box on his knee while talking.

"Good and yourself?"

"Good as well, just need to find my classroom."

"Oh, I can take you there! It's relatively nearby."

"That would be great, thanks."

The two walked toward the Spanish classroom which was the first door in the hallway near the entrance. Quackity made a note that there were more classrooms if he turned left instead of going straight, but they looked more theatrical or musical than any of the other subjects.

Sam unlocked the door and Quackity walked inside with the box. He then placed it on the desk and looked at what he was working with. It was a pretty average classroom, that could probably hold a max of 30 people. There weren't any windows and it was pretty blank, but Quackity could work with it. He just needed to unload everything.

"Okay here's the room key and I'd suggest walking the halls to meet some of the teachers." Sam said while handing him a little silver key with a blue lanyard. Quackity thanked him and he left. Quackity unpacked the first box which was mostly some lights, posters for Spanish, and some stuff for his desk.

After he finished unpacking he walked outside and passed that same hallway. After a little debate he walked down it and peered through the first door. The classroom was filled with instruments with a couple chairs. In the back right of the room was a tall man with brown curly hair and deep brown eyes sitting at a desk. Quackity flushed at the sight of him.

The man eventually looked up from his desk and saw Quackity staring. Quackity gave a small wave and the man started to walk over.

'HOLY FUCKING SHIT HE'S WALKING OVER HOLY SHIT HOLY SHIT HOLY-' Quackity thought as the man walked over and opened the door. He was definitely tall and really handsome.

"Hi are you new here?" Wilbur questioned, breaking Quackity away from his daydreaming.

"Oh yeah, I just started teaching down the hall." Quackity pointed somewhat close to his room.

"Oh! You have the classroom that shares a wall with mine!" The guy sounded a little excited, "I'm Wilbur, the students call me Mr Soot though."

"I'm Alex, but I prefer to be called Quackity. The kids will probably call me Mr Q or something." Quackity shrugged.

"That's a unique name." Wilbur commented.

"Yeah." Quackity smiled up at Wilbur.

"So are you still setting up your classroom or did you already get that covered?" Wilbur slightly leaned against the doorway and crossed his arms. Quackity blushed a little more and continued the conversation.

"Um... I have like 2 boxes left in my car." Quackity responded.

"Oh! Do you want help? I've got nothing left to do at the moment." Wilbur stopped leaning on the doorway and stood up.

"Yes please, but I have to warn you that some of the boxes are heavy because they're just books." Quackity spoke as they walked down the hallway and out the entrance.

"What do you teach by the way?" They walked into the parking lot.

"Spanish, I'm actually from Mexico so I'm fluent in English and Spanish," Quacktiy responded as he unlocked his car and opened his trunk.

"That's nice, have you taught a class before?" Wilbur asked before grabbing a box.

"I taught English for about 3 years in Mexico, but I haven't taught Spanish before." Quackity took the final box before closing the trunk. The two walked back while conversing. Once they reached the classroom Quackity placed the box on the ground and used his key to unlock the door again. They both walked in and placed the boxes stacked on a desk. The tower they created was slightly taller than Quackity. Wilbur stifled a laugh.

"Are you seriously laughing at me?" Quackity smirked up at Wilbur. Quackity then grabbed a chair and stood on top of it to uncover the lid. He grabbed some books and jumped down before placing them on the shelf. He did this a couple more times with the help of Wilbur and after a minute they finished unpacking most of the first box (there were still some pens and pencils). Quackity climbed up on the chair for a final time to grab the box. As he was stepping down he misplaced his foot slightly and fell forward. He let go of the box slightly and it slipped out of his hands and onto the floor. The pens and pencils flung out, but Quackity didn't fall with them. Instead, he was met with a soft cushion and arms wrapped around him. He felt protected in the moment and still slightly dazed. He looked up and saw a panicked Wilbur staring back at him.

"Oh my god Quackity, are you okay? Are you hurt?" Wilbur raised Quackity's chin and inspected his face for any injuries. Quackity grasped his arms and blushed profusely. He looked down at Wilbur's lips and parted his. Wilbur seemed to notice this because his face quickly matched the same hue as Quackity.

He quickly backed up from Quackity and proceeded to whisper 'sorry' over and over again while pacing.

"Wilbur, it's fine," Quackity stopped Wilbur in his tracks, "If anything I should be saying sorry for falling on you.."

"No no no... it wasn't your fault at all! I should have gotten the box for you..." Wilbur began to ramble again until Quackity hugged him.

"Wilbur I'm fine, now can we drop this? It's just stressing both of us out and I still need to unpack the other box!" Quackity removed himself from Wilbur and went back to the box. He was facing away from Wilbur now and freaking out. He couldn't believe he just hugged him. He was blushing a lot and just trying to calm himself.

"Okay Quackity, I'm going to go to my classroom to finish up some stuff. If you have a free period, you should head over." Wilbur walked towards the door and left. Quackity let out a big breath he didn't realize he was holding. He couldn't believe he hugged Wilbur. They were close to KISSING earlier. He didn't realize someone that cute would be working right down the hall from him.

Quackity opened the lid to the box and finished unpacking for the school day.

Words: 1171

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm currently writing this instead of my other story Toxic because I just got a lot of motivation for a fluffy story <3

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