7~ The Morning After

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Quackity's POV:

Quackity awoke a warm feeling on his back and around his torso. It felt nice and made him not want to get out of bed. He reached for his phone, which happened to be on the nightstand, and opened the camera app.

He saw Wilbur, with messed up fluffy brown hair, with his face buried in his neck. Quackity blushed while chuckling and took a picture.

He scrolled on his phone for a bit until Wilbur started to stir.

"Good morning sleepyhead."

Wilbur groaned and moved a bit. Quackity put down his phone and turned around to face Wilbur.

Wilbur blushed and looked towards Quackity's lips. Quackity took this as a sign and leaned in. Their lips connected in the middle and they both smiled into the kiss. When they separated they stared into each other's eyes and smiled. They just relaxed into each other's warmth until Quackity spoke.

"I'm getting up," Wilbur started to groan and move away, getting up as well. The two didn't change out of their clothes before falling asleep, so they were in old clothes.

Quackity was able to change, but he didn't have anything for Wilbur, which meant that he would probably have to leave soon. He would also have to get back to his kids, since Niki probably has other things to do.

After he got into some comfortable clothes, hoodie and sweatpants, he walked into the kitchen where Wilbur was. He was looking around for food and not finding much at all.

He gave Quackity a concerning look, "Quackity, where's all your food?"

Quackity opened the fridge and raised both his hands to gesture towards a bunch of microwavable meals. Wilbur just looked baffled.

"Quackity you can't eat microwavable meals for every meal, that's unhealthy..."

"It's fine, I can't really cook and it's not like I can afford anything else anyways. Plus it's not EVERY meal, I get takeout sometimes." Wilbur got even more concerned at Quackity's nonchalance.

"Okay, so I definitely need to get you to eat healthier. We can start by getting you groceries and I can teach you to cook!"

"Wilbur I'm fine..." he walked towards Wilbur and hugged his waist. He felt Wilbur melt a bit and place his hands on his. He was fine. Not great, but good enough to survive on his own.

"Okay.. but if you need help can you promise to talk to me?"

"Fine." Quackity responded colder than he meant. Wilbur turned around and held Quackity's hands.

"Quackity, I mean it. I care for you a lot, that's why I asked you on the date. I don't like how you're not caring for yourself."

"Wilbur, trust me. I've survived this long doing me, I can survive longer."

"Do you want to?" Quackity actually thought for a bit. I mean he COULD, but he never actually considered if he wanted to. The thought of another possibility didn't occur to him, but the more he thought about it, the more he wanted it.

"I don't think I do.." Quackity admitted.

Wilbur thought for a minute before speaking, "Quackity, the whole reason I asked you on this date was because I cared for you and want you to be happy and healthy. I love you and want to spend my life with you, no matter your condition. This might seem a little quick, but will you be my boyfriend?"

Quackity blushed a deep red and smiled as Wilbur spoke. "Yes, of course, Wilbur!" Quackity stood on his tiptoes and gave Wilbur a kiss on his cheek. Wilbur bent down and pressed his lips to Quackity's. Quackity put his arms around his neck as they both smiled into the kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but to them it lasted minutes, maybe even hours. It felt right, they felt right.

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