5~ First Week Complete

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Recounting events in Quackity's POV:

A week or two had passed and Quackity and Wilbur only got closer. They would hang out in each other's rooms during lunch and talk about their interests. One day Quackity had asked what instruments he played and Wilbur answered with the guitar. Quackity had asked Wilbur to play for him and he watched Wilbur play in awe. He loved hearing him play and thought it made him even cuter.

It was Friday now and Quackity had a hard time not thinking about Wilbur. Everytime Quackity saw him he blushed hysterically and he was pretty sure a couple of students noticed and snickered when it happened. He was pretty sure rumors were circulating or starting to because of the side eyes he got when the two were seen together. Quackity didn't mind it though, since he had started to develop feelings.

Present Time:

Quackity was teaching his final class of the day when the bell rang. He bid the students ado and put his stuff into his bag. He was about to leave when Wilbur walked in.

"Heyy Q! Wanna walk out together?" Wilbur asked. He seemed cheerier and excited.

"Yeah sure, just to the parking lot?" Quackity asked.

"Yep!" The two walked to the park lot together and talked about some basic topics. When Quackity reached his car he got in and started it up. Wilbur bent down to talk to him. "Soo I've been meaning to ask you something.." Wilbur seemed to get a bit redder and more nervous.

"Yeah? What is it?" Quackity turned on the AC and it blew some of his hair back.

"I just really like hanging out with you and I was wondering if you were perhaps free to... I don't know... have dinner one day? It's fine if you don't want to-" Wilbur started to ramble a bit before Quackity interrupted, chuckling.

"Wilbur I would love to. How about tomorrow? At 6:30?" Quackity suggested. He could tell Wilbur was in awe because he was just staring until he blinked it away.

"Yeah yeah that works! I can pick you up if you want?" Wilbur suggested. Quackity agreed and texted him the apartment complex and room number. Quackity decided to rent an apartment instead of a house because it was just him and he didn't make a lot. It was also less expensive and a good starter.

"I'll see you tomorrow then!"

"Yeah!" Wilbur backed away from the car and went to his as Quackity drove off. He drove out of the parking lot and a couple of minutes passed before he pulled into a gas station. He let out all his excitement and was smiling uncontrollably. He got a date! Quackity can finally find happiness with someone special! He was very excited about the date and couldn't wait.

After calming down he drove "home" and unlocked his apartment. He had moved to America a couple of months ago and still wasn't unpacked. He had taken out some stuff from the boxes, like clothes and utensils, but most of it was still packed away. He didn't mind it though, because he didn't expect to stay long. And depending on how well the date went, he might be moving soon.

Quackity went through the rest of his day watching TV and eating a random microwavable meal. When he was finished he threw away the plastic container and went into his bedroom. He got ready for bed and laid down in his bed. He scrolled on his phone for another 2 hours before finally falling asleep. A perfect conclusion to a perfect day in his book.

Time Skip/Wilbur's POV:

Wilbur walked to his car and was smiling uncontrollably. Quackity said yes. Quackity said YES! He was super excited for tomorrow and couldn't wait. He got into his car and mapped Quackity's address. Quackity lived in an apartment complex about 20 minutes away from where Wilbur lived. It shouldn't be much of a hassle to pick him up.

Wilbur calmed down and started the drive home. He would have to ask Niki to watch the kids tomorrow.

He parked his car on the curb and walked inside. Like usual, both Fundy and Tallulah ran up to him and greeted him. Wilbur said hi to both of them and went to find Niki as the kids sat on the couch and continued to watch TV. She ended up being in the laundry room putting in a load. The washer and dryer were pressed against the wall with a shelves above and next to the machines. At the very end of the room was a table and two chairs. Wilbur would sometimes sit and listen to music or write lyrics while waiting for laundry. It was a calm place where he could escape from the world for a bit. 

"Hey Niki, I'm back."

"Oh hey, I just put in a load into the washer and dryer, so it'll be done soon." Niki smiled and set down the laundry basket she was holding. 

"Thank you so much, also are you available to watch the kids tomorrow?"

"Probably, why?"

"I've got a date!" Wilbur smiled as Niki smirked.

"OoOoOo~ spill~" The two walked to the table and sat down. Wilbur started to talk about Quackity from the day they met to now. When he first saw those dark brown eyes staring at him through the glass he felt a connection. Even recounting their first encounter made him blush a faint pink hue. Quackity was the first person since Sally's death that made him feel that way. It was refreshing and addicting. He continued to talk about their other encounters in a heavenly way. 

The more he recounted, the deeper in love he fell. Wilbur loved him, he loved his jet-black hair, he loved his dark brown eyes, he loved the placement of his moles on his cheeks, he loved his style, he loved his personality, he loved the red tint that would paint his cheeks when he spoke, he loved him. 

When he finished recalling the events, Niki's smirk grew wider. "Sounds like you love him."

"I mean we just met 2 weeks ago-" Wilbur started

"Wilbur, if you love someone it doesn't matter how long you've known them. At the end of the day, what matters is that you both feel the same connection."

Wilbur smiled at Niki's advice and the two talked about other topics until the dryer beeped. Wilbur unloaded the machine and Niki bid him adu until tomorrow. He then walked into his bedroom and removed his clothes from the basket and moved upstairs to unload the rest. When he finished he walked back downstairs to the living room and sat on the couch with the kids. They relaxed until dinner, where Wilbur made tacos and they all ate in peace. They then continued to watch TV until bedtime.  

It was always the same process, put Tallulah to bed easily and struggle to put Fundy to bed. Wilbur was always more tired after he finally calmed Fundy, which made it hard to stay up longer. It would probably be easier with another person, but he wouldn't know. He walked into his bedroom and collapsed onto his bed, exhausted. He could barely change into pajamas before he fell fast asleep on his bed. He drifted into a deep sleep after a great day.

Words: 1212

💞 Next is the date 💕

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