From zero. To Hero. (pt.2)

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"Thank you... ma'am"

Aubrey and Basil said in unison, both exchanging worried looks over what they heard in the car. Has this always been like this? Well, Kel stayed at Sunny's pretty often...But was it because of how close they are or was it that his own parents kept forgetting about him? Aubrey got lost in thought, feeling sorry for Kel, perhaps the first time in her life.

"Can I talk with you after dinner, mom?"

"Of course, honey. I'm there for you."

We walked into the house.

"You guys Want some bacon & eggs? Sure, it's not breakfast but it'll still be fast! And we'll get plenty of time after that."

I winked, but in a serious way. Aubrey and Basil surely know what's going on.

"Count me in!"

"Yeah, me too."

I sighed in my mind with relief. Sure, I knew that Kel has always been the least favourite for some reason, but not caring about him nearly dying is truly bizzare. I can't believe that I haven't dug into that sooner.

After the chain of thought and one cooking session, we dug in. My mom was upstairs in a closed room, soothing awoken Sally.

"Hero. Does your mother even care about Kel."

"Well... Not really. And yes, it's been like this since I remember."

"Augh, I feel so stupid for teasing him all these years."

"Don't think much of it Aubrey, he always seemed to accept this and move on. Besides, your "fights" were playful and friendly, I've seen all of those."

"Don't be too shallow-minded, Hero. You were always the opposite of Kel. Now hear this. A year ago, I was abandoned by my father, when I had only Kim, who I didn't want to trouble. My mom started drinking even more than before. You all drifted apart.

This is when I wanted to change, not to be like my mother. So I dyed my hair pink and became a part of hooligans, which Kim had friends in. I coped with all of my suffering by hitting whatever I could find with my bat. I hit many boulders till I was absolutely tired. But it still wasn't enough. Nothing could be enough to express my feelings.

But Kel only got into sports and he's been probably suffering more than me ever since the beginning. Did he even recognise your parents toxic behavior? Who knows what was truly hidden behind this smile."

"I've never really gave a thought about that... How could I ignore this for all those years. I can't believe..."

"No time for overthinking, Hero. Listen, I'm angry too, but the past will stay the past and you can't change it. But you can still change the future."

My mother came out of the room. Looks like Sally is asleep.

"Mom, I'm done with dinner, now could we talk?"

"Every time, honey."

"So... What I wanted to say in the car was that when were you going to visit Kel. You know he nearly died. You should know that he needs not only medical attention, but also mental support, even if he was asleep at the time."

"I wasn't going to visit him anyway. Do I really need to explain myself?"

"Yes mom, he's my dear brother, and everyones friend. I've never asked to be favouritised, all I wanted was a peaceful life with all of my friends including Kel."

"If you really want, honey... Remember this might hurt."

"You don't know my suffering from these days, mom. I really need to help my brother."

I won't let you. (Suntan) (Original Starfall AU)Where stories live. Discover now