A New Grey

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Rose Alice Grey has became my daughter. She has been moved into our home and we brought Felix her cat and set up her bed and Felix's bed and his litter box and all his toys. I bought a number of things for Rose to make her feel comfortable. It took some convincing to get her to let me adopt her. Christian and Anastasia had asked her and she refused to be adopted. Jeremy dying was hard on her and the rest of the family. He might have not had a positive attitude but he was loved. His grandparents were flown in to be at his funeral. They asked that he be taken back to his birth state of Virginia. So Christian made the arrangements and they asked that no one here come to the funeral because it would open things up to questions and they didn't need that.

Jeremy died of respiratory arrest after pulling his oxygen mask off his face. The nurse on duty was getting medicines ready for day shift when heard the death rattle. She checked the rooms and found Jeremy in his bathroom dead in his bathtub. He was in ice cold water to keep his body cold to preserve his organs for donation. Sadly he didn't know that with the cancer and cancer treatments he was not a viable candidate to donate.

I wanted to attend Jeremy's funeral but I was told that I wasn't welcome to. After they took his body I found his little journal and read his last page. He had gotten wind of his prognosis and it was bleak. The cancer he had was growing too rapidly to respond to any treatments they tried. He was living in excruciating pain. So he ended it when he knew he could. I hated violating his privacy but I read his journals. I was saddened by his words.

It was a sad day for all of us but we were also prevented from attending Jeremy's funeral. The one positive was that his family came to get his body to be buried in the family cemetery. Rose was upset but she has seen so many of her friends die. Her friends were dying patients. Sadly she was prepared for people dying around her at all times. Mia adopting Rose was a blessing and they made an exception for Mia because Rose was in remission. She didn't need to have treatments any longer. Plus she was ready to be adopted by Mia only.

Ava was happy for Rose but sad for Jeremy dying the way he did. It made Rose her cousin and she really liked that idea. Anastasia was heartbroken that Jeremy died the way he did. She was also upset no one was allowed to attend his funeral. I found out about his journals and wanted to write something about them. Anastasia told me that I might have a problem getting his grandparents permission to do it. I told her I would use others names and not his and use other places as well. She told me to talk to Carrick about all of it. She didn't want to give them to me because she wanted nothing to do with being involved in a legal battle with his grandparents. Apparently they are being sued already for wrongful death. She found out that these same grandparents knew about his cancer and left him in foster care anyway.

Kate was asking about writing a story about Jeremy but not using names or places in it. It will be based on his journals. Apparently they were left behind by the grandparents along with all his other possessions for Anastasia and Christian to do with as they wish. Kate produced the signed documents attesting to that fact before they took Jeremy back to Virginia. I tell her to proceed with caution and make she has it edited.

I would like to read his journals and see what they said. Kate picked them up after she spoke to Carrick. Kate thinks this will help in understanding what Jeremy went through. It will help the ones he left behind to know what he was going through. We might see them but we can't fully know what goes on the mind of a dying person who is horrible pain. Kate is pregnant with a son this time. She wants to name him Jeremy Elliott Grey. She is bored sitting around the house waiting for the baby to be born and this is busy work. I just hope that she is as good a writer as I know she can be.

Rose has finally settled in and Felix is still adjusting to his new home. He entertains Rose and Rose has been getting yearly checks after she went to one month and then six month checkups and so Farr she is free from cancer. Her dancing has gotten better and her strength is getting very good. I don't regret getting close to her and I would have adopted her even knowing she was dying. Christian got the best doctors and nursing staff to treat as many of the foster children with cancer as possible. Rose had a bad attitude at first just like Jeremy did and I just kept trying with her until she accepted my friendship. She attends private school now. Landon and Alyssa attend it as well and they see each other in passing.

I am finally well and doing what normal kids my age do. Landon and Alyssa are attending the same private school as I am. They have been her at least a year. We are now cousins and they look out for me. They made sure I kept up on my studies before I got here tutors were hired to teach us what we need to know.

I am glad we had tutors who believed that we need to be ahead of the others in our class. Things are going good and I am clean of cancer on my six months check up.

I love being cancer free and in school I did my one year cancer checkup right before and I still remission. I enjoyed being able to really attend school.

Giving birth to Theodore Raymond Grey was easier than I was told it would be. People tried to scare me and Kate really had a hard time giving birth. Christian asked her not to give me anymore details of Ava's birth. Theodore was welcomed by all our family members. Landon and Alyssa were assured that they are equal in our eyes to their newborn brother.

Landon and Alyssa both held and fed their baby brother and we took photos of all of with the complete family. It will go in our family photos that includes Jeremy and we had photos of all the pets as well. We photoshopped his photo into the family photo. Anastasia had asked that a halo be photoshopped over Jeremy's head in the photo.

Kate and I had Samuel Elliott two weeks later and Ava was happy about having a baby brother.

Eric and Derrick were started on Avery aggressive treatment plan and we were switching off and on visiting with them. The boys seemed to like it better when Harold visited. The adoption went through fairly fast. They responded quickly to the medicine and the treatments. It was like the faster they grew the more the cancer regressed until six months later they were almost cancer free.

The boys were quickly growing and the cancer responded to the treatments and soon they were nearly cancer free. Soon news of the treatments that both doctor Londons started attracted everyone's attention. Their patients were growing and they had a 72% success rates of their patients going into complete remission. At six months it was 69% still in remission and at the year mark it was 50% were in remission.

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