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27th december, 2016

it was 1am and i was counting down the minutes until my shift was over. i had moved to london from my home in manchester after finishing sixth form. i'll remember the horrified look on my parents faces when i broke the news, about not attending university, forever. they didn't understand why i wanted to move to the other side of the country and start a brand new life.

my true passion was photography. there's nothing i love more than capturing moments that you can cherish forever. saving the best points in your life in a small picture that you can look at forever.

but for now, i still needed an extra job to keep up with the insane rent that london comes with. luckily, my photography was doing fairly well and i could quit this job if it carried on the way it has been.

"are you supposed to be drinking as a barmaid?" a blue-eyed boy perched at the bar gave a teethy grin, his arm resting on the counter to keep him upright.

"probably not," i laughed, putting my drink down, "did you need anything?"

"just a water would be great. closing soon, isn't it?"

"yeah, half an hour to go." i let out an elongated sigh, spinning around to grab a bottle of water from the fridge.

the club was mostly empty now. the boys friends were left chatting up some girls in their booth and there were a few groups scattered on the dance floor. i cringed at the state of the floor and thanked the gods above that i wasn't the cleaner.

"i'm harry by the way," he put out his hand awkwardly, feeling his friends eyes burn in to him.

"evie." i giggle, taking his hand.

"you've got a strong accent. manchester?"

"yeah," i laughed, "everyone says that. i just moved 3 months ago, working in this place to try top up my money."

"what else do you do?" harry genuinely looked interested as he chucked his empty bottle into the bin after downing it.

"i'm a photographer. mostly doing weddings at the minute."

"oh! we need one of those!" he exclaimed, putting a finger in the air.

"we? as in.." i questioned, pointing at the feral boys who were now embarrassing themselves in front of the girls they were talking to as they were shouting at each other about football.

"oh nelly, no, not them. they're just my flatmates but i'm a part of a youtube group. we've started to make our videos a bit more erm, professional, i guess. it's still so surreal but they want someone to take photos of us while we film so we can use them to promote the videos"

"that's so cool!" i exclaimed, "well, i'd be happy to work with you."

10th november, 2018

harry and i had been best friends ever since that night at the bar. we spoke until closing, before eventually waiting for taxis with each other. i even clicked immediately with his flatmate and best friend, cal.

i was still in my flat at the stratford halo tower, which i eventually learnt was the same building ethan and tobi lived in.

i had been working for the boys since the beginning of the year and was enjoying it more and more everyday. i went to every shoot and holiday with them, snapping pictures of the funniest and most wholesome moments between the group. i had been so scared to quit my job at the bar as i didn't know if my photography would fall through, but my career is thriving more than ever before.

me, harry, cal, ethan, chris, chip, gee, will and mia had become quite a tight group and regularly went out drinking with one another. it was almost every weekend and we had the best time every time.

"boggo!" i cheered as i entered his flat, jumping on his back.

"yes eve" he grinned as he flung back on the sofa, crushing me as we plummeted down.

"it's your birthday in two weeks, what's happening?" i smile as i fling my legs over his lap.

"you're so last minute it's unbelievable," he chuckles, "zerka planned a party and the invite has been sent to your email."

"who the fuck checks emails?"

"maybe you should,"

"ooh! i have been invited to join harry's birthday bash at the akademia bar and nightclub in bromley. bromley? random. this will be held on the 24th november."

"it's in bromley," he informs as he snatches my phone, "because that's where we all had our first night out when we were in the original sidemen house. arguably the best night of my life" i watch him as he rsvp's me as 'attending'.

"incorrect! the best night of your life was the 27th of december 2016" i giggle.

"eve! do you not have a home?" freezy bellows as he runs down the stairs to join us on the sofa, "you spend so much on rent just to sit your lazy ass on my sofa every day"

i basically live here with them as me and harry can't stand to spend more than a few days away from each other. seeing as we work together, our friendship just grew stronger and now we are the best of friends.

cal complains but he even asks me to come round when harry isn't here for company. we would never say it, but cal and i are best friends too.

"oh yes cal, i do. but nothing beats this humble abode." i smile as i sit up with my knees to my chest, my tracksuit way too big but the comfiest thing i own.

"excuse you, humble? this is a lavish shag pad"

"you're actually grim," i laugh as i grab my phone from harry and begin to scroll through twitter as they waffle about the football.

"hellooo," harry nudges me after i had been drowning them out, "nandos, eve?"

"i'd never say no," i smile.

me and harry then go to pick our nandos up as for some reason the delivery option wasn't available. we belt out oasis and arctic monkeys the whole car journey until we get home and binge watch gavin and stacey for the 100th time.

"how many?" cal randomly blurted out as we go on our 4th episode.

"huh?" me and harry mutter in unison as we turn to look at him.

"how many would it take you to get with stacey, bog?" he smiles at his version of creating entertainment.

"mate," he lets out a loud laugh, "she's an absolute pain in the arse, i don't even know."

"i think about 3" cal contemplates, tilting his head to the side.

"i think i'd be closer to 30" harry laughs, chucking his last chip in his mouth.

"eve, how many for you to get it on with gav?" he laughs at the disgusted face i've been pulling at both boys.

"too boring for me" i shake my head as i set up a pillow on harrys leg and lie my head down, beginning to get tired.

"you like a party animal, yeah?" he grins and i hear harry slap his face jokingly.

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