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harry's pov

i walked over to the bar, perching myself next to ethan and cal before ordering a pint.

"class night so far, boggo" ethan remarked, sipping his drink.

"yeah, mate," i replied before downing my whole drink.

"steady on," cal burst out laughing from the other side of me, "where's evie?"

"fuck knows. don't really care mate"

"what?" ethan piped up.

"yeah, go find her ethan. tell her i'm a cunt and she should go out with you"

"what are you on about? harry, what have you said to her?" cal interrupted, desperately trying to defuse what would be a heated conversation between cal and i.

i know what i said was bad. i knew she would take it to heart and that's part of why i said it. i don't know why but id never felt jealousy as strong as when i saw evie and ethan at the bar together.

i liked having evie to myself. we were constantly together and i felt i was at my happiest when i was with her. i'd never met a girl like her before. sometimes, it felt like i was talking to someone id known for my whole life. the conversations were constantly flowing and i'd much rather spend time with her than any of the boys.

but, when i noticed her laugh at the bar at something ethan had said. something made me want to go and punch him. she was my best friend, not his. wether he was intending to or not, it felt like he was taking her away from me. and i dont know what i'd do without her.

"bog?" cal nudged my shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"i erm- i just said she was flirting with everyone,"

"no you didn't. she wouldn't react like that, what did you say?" cal prodded as ethan got up and walked off.

"i said i didn't get her the job just for her to get with my mates," i admitted, looking at cals disappointed expression, "i don't know why i said it, bro. seeing her with ethan just then, it made me.."

"harry, go and tell her."

"what?" i gulped.

"go and tell her how you feel. don't act dumb, bro. you like her and I've known it since you went up to her at the bar. you fancied her and made her your best friend," he laughed, "and i know she likes you too. you are both just too scared to admit it. i can't be arsed to see you two pretending you aren't in love all day around my flat"

and at that, i got up and made my way to the door. walking faster than normal, i didn't want to give myself an extra second to doubt myself or go back in and just message her in the morning.

but just as i was about to open the door, i saw her sat on the floor outside. i realised how strong our friendship was and started to replay everything cal just said. evie has never said or done anything romantic towards me and i couldn't afford to lose her as a friend when she realises i like her. i'd rather have her in a friend way than not have her at all.

end of harry's pov

"do you not want money? why are they all fucking declining" i shouted in frustration, staring at the 4th uber that has declined in the past 10 minuted i'd been outside. i was now freezing, and the anger had taken over the sadness. all i wanted to do was crawl in to bed and it was seeming like walking home was a quicker option.

the sound of the door opening made my head turn, praying to see anyone but harry. but the bright blue eyes staring back at me told me that my wishes hadn't been answers and the awkward conversation i was desperate to save for another day was going to happen now.

"uh- thanks for the card," he muttered, taking a seat next to me.

i didn't think about it at the time, but i wrote so many nice things in there that i didn't want him to read right now.

"its fine." i replied coldly, trying to fight the tears that desperately wanted to run down my cheeks.

"i'm sorry, eves. i didn't mean to upset you, you know how i get."

"yeah, but why should i have to deal with it? all i've done today is try and make your day somewhat enjoyable and you said the only thing you could possibly say that would genuinely get to me" i choked out, my voice breaking as i clearly began shivering.

"evie, please," harry whispered, taking his hoodie off and handing it to me, "i appreciation you so much, if i could take it back i would."

i shouldn't take his hoodie, but my freezing body was in no state to decline it.

before i could reply, my uber pulled up.

"look, harry, i'll just talk to you tomorrow." i huffed, climbing in to the uber.

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