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A/N: a little author's note, the story ahead might not be the same as the movie, I changed it a little to match the story a little better. Thanks for understanding loves.


The days leading up to the Ultron incident were tense, the air thick with anticipation and unspoken words. The team was gearing up for a mission in Sokovia, and everyone felt the weight of the impending threat. You had buried yourself in preparations, using the focus on the mission to keep your mind off the turmoil in your heart. But even the most intense training sessions couldn't completely distract you from the growing tension between you and Steve.

Steve had been watching you more closely, his protective instincts seemingly heightened by the looming danger. He wasn't overt, but you could feel his eyes on you, could sense his concern in the way he lingered nearby, never far from your side. It made your heart race and your thoughts spiral, torn between your professional responsibilities and the emotions you were trying so hard to keep in check.

As the mission approached, Steve's protectiveness began to take on a more possessive edge. He wasn't just worried about your safety; he was hovering, always making sure you were within his sight. It was both comforting and suffocating, and you found yourself struggling to maintain the distance you had tried so hard to establish.

The night before the mission, the team gathered for a final briefing. Tony was in full swing, laying out the details with his usual flair, but your mind kept drifting to Steve. He stood at the front of the room, his focus on the screen, but you could feel the unspoken tension between you like a live wire.

After the meeting, as the team dispersed to make their final preparations, Steve caught up to you. His expression was serious, a mix of concern and something else you couldn't quite place.

"Y/N, can we talk for a minute?" His voice was low, meant only for your ears.

You hesitated, glancing around to make sure no one was watching before nodding. "Sure."

He led you to a quiet corner of Clint's house, away from the others. The silence between you was heavy, filled with the weight of everything left unsaid.

"I know you're more than capable," Steve began, his tone steady but laced with that underlying protectiveness. "But I need you to promise me you'll be careful out there. This mission... it's different."

You met his gaze, the intensity of his concern hitting you like a tidal wave. "I know, Steve. I'll be careful. We all will."

He shook his head, taking a step closer, his presence overwhelming in the confined space. "It's not just about the mission. It's about you. I can't... I don't want to lose you out there."

The words hung between you, heavy with implications neither of you were ready to face. You wanted to reassure him, to tell him that you'd be fine, but the words caught in your throat. Instead, you found yourself reaching out, your hand brushing against his.

"I'll be careful," you repeated, softer this time, your voice almost a whisper.

Steve's hand closed around yours, his grip firm and grounding. "Promise me," he insisted, his voice rough with emotion.

You nodded, the connection between you deepening in that moment. "I promise."

The moment was broken by the sound of Clint's voice calling out from down the hall, reminding everyone to get some rest before the mission. Steve let go of your hand, but the tension remained, lingering in the space between you.

The next day, the mission in Sokovia unfolded with a level of chaos and destruction none of you had anticipated. Ultron's forces were relentless, and the city was in ruins. As you fought alongside the team, your thoughts kept drifting back to Steve, to the way he had looked at you, to the promise you had made.

There were moments in the battle when you caught sight of him, his shield flashing in the sun as he fought with the kind of fierce determination you had always admired. But now, there was something more—a sense of desperation, of fear for your safety that you hadn't seen before.

When the battle reached its peak, and the city began to lift into the sky, Steve's protectiveness became even more pronounced. He was always nearby, always checking on you, making sure you were safe. And every time you met his gaze, you could see the conflict in his eyes, the struggle between his duty as a leader and the emotions he couldn't quite understand.

As the battle reached its climax, and the team fought to bring the city down safely, you found yourself side by side with Steve. The intensity of the fight pushed everything else to the background, but there was a moment—brief but undeniable—when Steve looked at you, and you saw the fear in his eyes.

"Y/N," he shouted over the roar of the battle, "stay with me!"

You nodded, the weight of his words sinking deep into your heart. You weren't just fighting for the mission anymore; you were fighting for each other.

When the battle was finally over, and the city was back on the ground, there was a moment of calm as the team regrouped. You were exhausted, your body aching from the fight, but your thoughts were focused entirely on Steve. He had kept his distance during the debrief, but you could feel the tension between you, the unspoken words and unresolved emotions that had been simmering beneath the surface.

That night, as the team settled in at Clint's house, you found yourself unable to sleep. The events of the day played over and over in your mind, and you couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between you and Steve.

Finally, unable to stand the uncertainty any longer, you made your way downstairs, hoping to find some peace in the quiet of the night. Instead, you found Steve, sitting alone on the porch, staring out into the darkness.

"Couldn't sleep either?" you asked softly, stepping outside to join him.

He looked up, his expression unreadable in the dim light. "No. Too much on my mind."

You sat down beside him, the silence between you comfortable but charged with everything left unsaid.

"Steve," you began, your voice hesitant, "about today..."

He shook his head, cutting you off. "You don't have to say anything. I just... I don't know what I was thinking. I couldn't focus, couldn't think straight whenever I couldn't see you. It was like..." He trailed off, clearly frustrated with himself.

You could see the confusion in his eyes, the way he was struggling to make sense of the emotions he didn't fully understand. "It's okay," you offered gently, "we were all on edge."

Steve nodded, but the frustration didn't leave his face. "It's more than that, Y/N. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm supposed to be leading this team, keeping everyone safe, but all I could think about was you."

His admission hung in the air, not quite a confession, but more of a raw, honest reflection of the confusion he was feeling. You didn't know how to respond, your own emotions a tangled mess of fear, affection, and the growing realization that whatever was between you wasn't going away.

Before you could find the words, the sound of a door creaking open interrupted the moment. You both turned to see Clint standing in the doorway, an amused look on his face.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we've got an early start tomorrow," he said with a smirk. "Might want to get some rest."

Steve dropped his head, clearly flustered by the interruption, and you both stood up to head back inside. The moment had passed, but the tension between you had only deepened, leaving both of you more confused than ever.

As you made your way back inside, the slow burn of your feelings remained unresolved, simmering beneath the surface. Whatever was happening between you and Steve was far from clear, but it was becoming harder to ignore.


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