School for the gifted

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After a brutal encounter with The white haired man in the snowy wilderness of Alberta, Canada, Wolverine and Rogue are rescued by Cyclops and. They brought them to the X-Mansion, a sprawling, high-tech facility that serves as both a school for young mutants and the headquarters of the X-Men

Storm and Cyclops had brought Logan down to see Dr. Jean Grey, while Rogue had gone to see Professor X

Logan wakes up disoriented in a sterile, futuristic looking infirmary within the X-Mansion. The room is bright, with a mix of white walls and metallic surfaces, emphasizing the advanced technology of the facility

As he regains consciousness, he felt something sharp poke his arm, Logan's animal instincts kick in, and he lashes out, confused but ready to defend himself. He puts her in a headlock and after a few seconds he runs out of the medical bay

A no shirt logan wonders around the underground area after leaving Dr. Jean grey's office

A man whispers: "wheres he going?"

Logan looks around confused seeing that theres no one in sight

He finds himself standing in the locker room area, noticing a few all black skin tight uniforms

He finds a cabinet holding gray jackets. He yanked one off but there's a moment of hesitation, before he decided to put it on

He starts to wonder again but this time hes wearing something covering his (sexy) upper body

A mans voice: "Where are you going?"

He looks around a bit panicked and hides himself behind a wall, peeking over the corner before the elevator behind him opened

A man whispering: "Over here"

He hesitated for a second before quickly going into the elevator. the ride is quiet, the only sound being the soft hum of the elevator descending. Logan's expression is a mix of suspicion and curiosity he's trying to figure out where he is and what these people want from him. When the elevator arrives at the upper floor, and the door opens

He slowly gets out of the elevator, peeking around the corner to make sure no one is there. He slowly walks through the hallway, his eyes scanning everything with a mixture of suspicion and curiosity

A mans voice: "where are you going?"
the man the. suddenly whispers "this way"  then switching back to his normal voice "He's over there"

Panicked, logan started running over to a corner where he could hide

Boy1: Let's go!
Boy2: What's your hurry?

He tries to open a door but it appears to be locked, he quickly sprints over to a thick wooden beam to hide, as kids began to run down the staircase

When the kids were out of sight he started to move away from the beam, a door suddenly clicks open and Logan sprinted over to the door opening it and hiding, he turns his head around to see a man behind a desk with a room full of students

The man is seated in his wheelchair, positioned in the center of a spacious, high-tech room. The room is filled with monitors, screens, and equipment

"Good morning, Logan" the man greeted before continuing speaking to the teenagers "so i'd like your definitions of weak and strong anthropic principles on my desk on Wednesday all right? That'll be all." he finished and the teens started exiting the classroom

He watched some girl named kitty walk through the door like it was nothing

"physics" the man said holding up a book about physics showing him before putting it back down on his desk "im Charles Xavier. Would you like some breakfast?" Charles kindly asked to which Logan ignored

Logan narrows his eyes, his instincts still screaming at him to be cautious "where am i?" logan asked

"Westchester, New York." he leaves his desk and rolls out in his wheelchair, rolling to Logans direction "You were attacked. My people brought you here for medical attention."

"I don't need medical attention." Logan spits back

"Yes of course..." Charles said in a quieter tone

Logan looks around before asking "Wheres y/n and the girl"

"Rogue? She's here. She's fine, And my people are out there searching for y/n" Charles calmly answered

Logan doesn't trust this Charles guy and is a bit suspicious "Really?"  he raises his one of his eyebrows

The door opens revealing a gorgeous white long haired woman, and a man wearing glasses with red lenses on them, carrying an unconscious y/n on his shoulder

"Ah, Logan. i'd like you to meet Oror Monro, also called storm. This is Scott Summers, also called Cyclops. They saved your life" Charles introduces

"Hello" Storm greeted Logan with a small but warm smile. And cyclops extends his hand towards Logan, offering a handshake to which logan declined

"Scott bring y/n to Jean first then come back" Charles ordered

Scott then exited the room and went down to go to the medical bay. "I believe you've already met Dr. Jean Grey" charles smiled

"You're in my school for the gifted. For mutants. You'll be safe here from magneto" Charles remains calm, his voice soft but firm, conveying sincerity

"Whats a magneto?" Logan asks

"A very powerful mutant" Charles voice suddenly becomes a but more serious "Who believes that a war is brewing between mutants and the rest of humanity. i've been following his activities for some time, The man who attacked you is an associate of his called Sabretooth."

Logan realizes that the white log haired creature is called sabretooth "Sabretooth?" Logan said with a slight smirk

Logan then turned to oror "Storm." He clicks his tongue "What do they call you? Wheels" Logan said in a taunting manner, making fun of charles. If you were there you would definitely burst out laughing, thank god you weren't

"This is the stupidest thing i've ever heard." Logan said before turning his back and before he walked out Charles started to speak again

"Logan, its been almost 15 years, hasn't it? living from day to day, moving from place to place with no memory of who or what you are." Charles said

"shut up" Logan, getting angry, turned around and said

"Give me a chance. I may able to help you find some answers" Charles promised

"How do you know?" Logan whispered loudly

Logan then heard Charles voice in his head "You're not the only one with gifts" he started hearing the voices from before. This freaked him out a little, but he started to rethink about leaving

"What is this place?" Logan asked with a slight smirk



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