Chapter 12: Protect your smile

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Rajveer's POV

As she clung to me in a panic, I felt my body and mind freeze. Her arms wrapped around me tightly, her trembling seeping into my skin, and in that instant, everything else ceased to exist. Her voice, shaky and filled with a raw, unfiltered fear, reached out to me. "I don’t want to go back there," she whispered, her words barely audible but cutting through the silence like a knife. "Please, take me away."

Those words shattered whatever composure I had left. Without hesitation, I pulled her closer, enveloping her in my arms. She was trembling uncontrollably, like a leaf caught in a violent storm. I could feel the fear coursing through her, and my heart ached in response. What on earth had happened in that house to reduce her to this state? The thought of it made my blood boil. The very idea that someone could make her feel this way filled me with anger so intense it was almost blinding.

She didn’t deserve this. Not the fear, not the tears. Her eyes, those beautiful eyes, should be shining with joy, not clouded with terror. I remembered the way she looked when she smiled—truly smiled. The kind of smile that reached her eyes, causing them to crinkle with happiness. She was the epitome of beauty when she was happy, and I wanted nothing more than to see that smile again, to be the reason behind it. I found myself wishing for a future where that smile would be a constant, where we would grow old together, sharing that joy. But the words to explain why it mattered so much to me were lost somewhere in the jumble of emotions swirling in my chest.

I tried to comfort her, my words soft, my touch gentle, but then I realized something was wrong. Her body had gone limp in my arms, and when I looked down, my heart nearly stopped. She had fainted. Panic gripped me, a cold, hard fist around my heart. I quickly laid her back into the seat, my fingers brushing over the tear stains on her cheeks. A surge of anger washed over me, more intense than before. Someone had caused this. Someone had reduced her to this state, and I was going to find out who.

Without thinking twice, I started the car and drove towards her house, my knuckles turning white with the grip I had on the steering wheel. My heart pounded in my ears, a steady rhythm that matched the fury building inside me. I was there in minutes, the car screeching to a halt outside her house. I unbuckled my seatbelt, ready to storm in and confront whoever was responsible for this. But as I reached for the door handle, I stopped. My eyes shifted to her, lying unconscious in the passenger seat, her face still marred by traces of tears.

Gently, I caressed her forehead, my voice barely a whisper. "Don't be scared, wifey," I murmured. "I'll just be back in a few minutes." I sighed, a deep, shaky breath, then stepped out of the car.

Each step towards the door felt heavy, my entire body tense with rage. My face was set in a hard mask, eyes narrowed with the kind of anger that made people wary. But as I got closer, something made me stop. It was like an invisible force pulling me back, halting my steps before I could go any further. I peered through the window, and the scene inside made my blood run cold.

The senior members of the Sehgal family were sitting quietly in one corner, looking every bit the respectable elders they pretended to be. But in the living room, the real show was happening. Their son and daughter-in-law were lounging together on the couch, plates of food in their laps, eyes glued to the TV. They were having dinner and enjoying a movie night, completely unbothered. There was no sign that they were expecting us, no sign of concern or worry. They were just... happy, living in their own little world as if nothing else mattered.

A frown creased my brow as realization dawned on me. This wasn't the first time I had doubts about them, ever since they first came to fix the alliance. Something had always felt off, and now, seeing this, my suspicions were confirmed. They didn’t care about her. Not in the slightest. They were content to live their lives while she suffered. The very sight of them made me sick.

A dark smile twisted my lips as an idea took root in my mind. "So, the Sehgal family likes movies, huh?" I muttered to myself. "Well, let’s add some drama to their lives and turn it into a nightmare."

With that, I turned on my heel and walked back to the car, my plan already taking shape. This wasn’t over. Not by a long shot.

Returning to my car, my mind was busy plotting revenge, each detail more devious than the last. But as soon as I glanced at her, everything shifted. Her face, bathed in the soft yellowish glow from the car's interior light, had a calming effect on me. My anger dissipated almost instantly, replaced by a gentle warmth. I couldn't help but stare, captivated by her peaceful expression.

"There's something about you, wifey," I mumbled, my voice barely audible in the quiet car. "I can't help but feel this need to protect your smile. When did you become so important to me?"

I carefully put on my seatbelt, my eyes flickering back to the house for a moment. I needed to get us out of here before they noticed and started their charade. But where could I take her? Going home was out of the question. My parents would bombard us with questions, and I know she isn't ready for that. Besides, I don't want them to worry unnecessarily.

As I look over at her sleeping form, I realized I need help. Someone who could keep a secret and has the right solution. I fish out my phone and dial Manoj's number, my most trusted confidant. If anyone could find a solution, it was him.

"Hello, Sir! Do you need any help? Should I come to pick you up?" His concern was immediate, his voice filled with the kind of loyalty that made me grateful he was on my side.

"Hello, Manoj. No, I don't need you to pick me up. I'm fine," I reply with a small smile. The last thing I wanted was to drag him out here.

"Then, do you need any other help, sir?" He was prompt, ever attentive. I couldn't help but shake my head in amusement; Manoj always seems to know when I am in need of assistance.

"Yes," I admitted. "Can you suggest some place where I can take her? I can't go home right now and make everyone worried." I hesitated, not wanting to go into the details over the phone. "So, we need somewhere to stay for the night."

There was a pause, and I could almost hear Manoj's brain working through the possibilities. "But didn't you go to the Sehgal's house? Is everything okay? Actually, wait, I'm coming!" His voice was a mixture of worry and urgency.

"Manoj... I'm good. Everything is fine, we just aren't going there. I'll explain later. Right now, I just need a place to go." My tone was calm but firm, making it clear that I wasn't in the mood for further questions.

"Um... okay. Sorry, sir!" he apologizes quickly, sensing my irritation. "How about the old palace? No one goes there, and it's far enough from our usual area. You can relax and spend some time there with ma'am."

The mention of the palace made me smile. It was secluded, a perfect hideaway. "That’s a good idea," I admitted. When Manoj’s addition of "spending time with ma'am" clicks my head and I go numb. A blush unexpectedly coating my cheeks, and he giggles, knowing my flabbergasted state.

"Manoj!!" I mock-scolded, feeling my cheeks warm. His laugh on the other end made me roll my eyes, a smile tugging at my lips despite myself wanting to be stern and cold.

"Okay, bye!" I mumbled hurriedly, cutting the call before he could tease me further. Shaking my head with a small chuckle, I set the phone down and started the engine.

"Old palace, so many memories floods through my brain, thinking of it" I mutter, glancing at her one last time before pulling away from the curb. This was the right choice, a safe place away from prying eyes and troubling thoughts. But just as I move a bit forward, taking the short cut road I find her stir up in sleep, with all the jerking due to the bad condition of the road. And I instantly stopped, parking my car at the side of the road.

"I'll wait until you are fully awake, wifey. Till then I don't mind staring at this beautiful face of yours", I mumble, with a soft blush as my eyes with pure adoration fixes on her.

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