Rose, Mistery, Thoughts

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Rose, mistery and thougts
You are on the stage, barely
covered by the clothes.
Don't let them hear your words, let them see your body. Do you want this?

The director would also be at fault if they fired you just because you don't show your body. Those famous Hungarian women..
Why why why?

i'm not a musician, I am a poet
I hate the Devil
But I love the son of Morning
If Taylor Swift is an open book, then I am a closed one, with a lock
And only the right person gets the key. If I am not a poet, I am a philosopher. But one of the two.

Te őrült vagy, nem is egy, kettő
Mert nem tudod kiejteni a nevét, (russian) Vinci a festő

I think, I don't like Lucifer, I just like the way I imagine it. I don't know what it's really like. But if my imagination were a broken, affectionate angel. Maybe he is the opposite

King of the ocean
Cold eyes in the blue
I am not wanna be famous. I wanna be a legend

I am beautiful. But do you like me messy too? I don't know what men feel
I will introduce myself beautifully, then he will love me, no matter how I look.

Szépen kell megszeretned
Majd jobb emberré teszlek
Aztán majd megkereslek
Csúnyán is megszerethetsz

I am happy to be Lutheran. And on Netflix, I can imagine that he is good. But I will not be famous because I will not sell him my soul.

You see both of my eyes. I am not like that. Not for sale.
Whoever seeks will find
I need a guy who doesn't look at other women. Even if I'm not with him

The king is lied
The queen is cried
I'm not the devil anymore

Kosztolányi drogozott de volt oka
Nem csak azért tette, hogy menő legyen
Megérett a pusztuládra a generáció
Nem értik a művészlelkeket
Én nem arra születtem, hogy  háziasszony legyek
Attól ,hogy valaki rajzol és művészi
Nem kedves
Láttam, ismertem
Egyik nap még egy segítőkesz lány
A másik nap mar bent volt a többiekkel (tudod, a klubban, ez nem olyan klub ahol népszerű akarsz lenni, csak azt akarod, hogy a fiúk ne piszkáljanak)
És hidd el, tudom hogy nem állt az utcasarkon
De a fiúk egyetértettek velem, hogy olyan lány
Bár sosem mondtam nekik, ők mondták róla

Így nem jelent sokat talán
De én ezt 9 éves korom óta megfogalmazom
Egy kis faluból egy kis országból
Egy nagy világból
Az ufók tudják Shakespeare-t?
Ismerik a vallást?

Kocsmákba járt és ivott
De mindig volt pénze csokoládéra az unokájának
(Hey, Samba)
Tőle örököltem az akaratosságom, a főnökösködést és az okosságom
Bïszke vagyok erre

Mindig fényképezek
Így is megélem a pillanatot
Szerintem ezzel nincs gond de azzal igen ha a s*ggedet kiteszed a tiktokra ahogy rázod

You think I am a bad man?
They are more likely to catch a girl in a cut-off shirt.
It's okay if you wear it, if you're an adult. But what do you want as a teenage girl?
Why aren't you studying instead of going to parties, having sex, and doing drugs? Not because you're sad, but to be cool for your friends. They are not real friends.
So do you think, do you ghink
I am a bad man?
I am a feminist and I empathize with the raped
But don't be surprised if they talk back when half of your *ss is out of your pants. You're full of makeup. The lipstick shows more than your mouth.

I was seven
A young girl
My mom said
I don't say her
Kísért azóta is
You're the best

Know that you are not needed if you are not interested in history and old values. Ancient objects are not important to you? Then you are not mine
It attracts what I

Forgive me God,
I didn't do it for that reason, not this time, not like that at all. I didn't say it because I'm proud. Just to protect them and lead them on the right path.
I said I will be stronger and I will not turn away anymore. And I was right.

The roosters are crowing. But here I am and God. I am here now. We are good again. The roosters can crow
God is the boss
I'm not perfect, but I have a lot of love, I don't go to church, I don't pray. But I have a lot of love. Believe me, I am stronger now. I don't give in to the other power. Even if it seems so, because I listen to dark music. And I sing the songs backwards. Even if I dress up as Dawnstar. I'm not going back to it. I only do it because I'm a musical person.

Some potatoes taste like McDonald's. But not all of them. We eat all of them to see which one is good. Which one isspecial
She said friendship is a fairy tale. And the only important thing can be family. So I live in my fantasy as I want. He always tells me: the problem is never as big as you imagine. My mother and I behave like friends or siblings. Look so nervous but read my book. You are fake you are true. I am the artist's muse.
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I hate retro but I love vintage.

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