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The airport was busy as Monica, Angel, and the kids made their way to the departure gate. The morning had been filled with a mix of excitement and sadness as they prepared for their departure from Chicago. Angel was staying behind for a few more days to finish up details for the move, while Monica and the kids were heading back to Atlanta to start packing up their old home.

Monica and Angel walked closely together, their hands intertwined. The noise of the airport seemed distant as they tried to savor their last moments together before saying goodbye. They had already spent the morning checking out of their temporary home and running last-minute errands. Now, it was time to face the emotional farewell.

The kids were bustling around, their excitement about the new house clashing with their sadness at leaving Angel behind. Melo, in particular, was having a hard time. He had grown especially close to Angel during their time in Chicago, and the thought of parting was nearly unbearable for him.

They reached the departure gate, and Monica looked at Angel with a sad smile. "Are you sure you're going to be okay? I wish we didn't have to leave like this."

Angel gave Monica a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. It's just hard to say goodbye, even if it's just for a short while. I'll be with you as soon as I can."

Monica's eyes filled with tears. "I know. I just hate that we have to go through this every time. I wish we didn't have to be apart like this."

Angel reached out and took Monica's hand, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I know, baby. It's tough. But this is just one part of our story. We've been through so much together, and we'll get through this too."

They stood close, sharing a quiet moment. The hustle and bustle of the airport seemed to fade away as they focused on each other. Monica gently touched Angel's cheek, her fingers brushing away a tear.

"I love you so much," Monica said softly. "Thank you for being so understanding and patient. I know this isn't easy for you."

Angel's heart ached as she looked at Monica. She brushed her own tears away and leaned in, resting her forehead against Monica's. "I love you too. And I wouldn't want to be anywhere else but with you, no matter how hard it gets. We'll make this work."

Their foreheads touched, and they shared a slow, deep kiss. It was filled with all the love and longing they felt for each other. When they finally pulled apart, their eyes locked in a silent promise of their commitment and hope for the future.

"I'll call you as soon as I get home," Monica said, her voice trembling. "We'll start planning everything for the move right away."

Angel nodded, her eyes full of tears. "I'll be waiting for that call. And I'll be there to help as soon as I can."

Monica hugged Angel tightly, holding on as if trying to hold on to the moment forever. Angel wrapped her arms around Monica, feeling the warmth and comfort of their embrace. The hug seemed to stretch on, each moment filled with unspoken words and shared emotions.

As Monica finally pulled away, her eyes were red and her face pale. "I better go before the kids start wondering where I am."

Angel nodded, her heart heavy as she watched Monica turn to join the kids. Melo, his face streaked with tears, clung to Monica as if afraid she would disappear. Laiyah and Rodney tried to stay brave, but the sadness was evident on their faces.

Monica gathered the kids, giving them final hugs and reassurances. She turned back to Angel for one last look. "I love you, Angel. Safe travels."

Angel forced a smile, her voice breaking as she replied, "I love you too. We'll be together soon."

Monica and the kids slowly walked toward the security line, Melo's hand firmly holding Monica's. Angel watched them, feeling the ache of separation deep in her chest. As Monica and the kids disappeared into the crowd, Angel took a deep breath, trying to steady her emotions.

The airport felt quieter now. Angel turned and headed back to her car, the weight of the goodbye heavy on her shoulders. She knew that while the separation was hard, it was only temporary. Soon, they would all be together in their new home, ready to start a new chapter.

Angel took comfort in the thought of their future together. As she drove away from the airport, she allowed herself a moment to reflect on their journey. She was filled with hope and determination, knowing that their love would see them through this difficult time.

With a final glance at the city she was leaving behind, Angel focused on the tasks ahead, determined to make their new home a place where they could all create new memories and find happiness together.

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