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Ray stepped out of the classroom. Mikey had already left, running out of the room with his group the second before the bell rang. They were always the first ones out.

He walked out like he intended to leave, just like rest of the IPH kids. When most of the kids he knew had cleared, he started to turn around. He glanced at the map of the school that Mikey had given him. 

He quickly found a back exit. A few feet away, Mikey was standing with a cigarette between his fingers.

"You smoke?" Ray asked.


"Then why are you holding a cigarette?"

"It's for Gee."

"Gee? Who's that?"

"Gerard. Look, are you coming with me or not?"

Ray nodded as they started walking. Mikey led him down some streets until they hit the downtown area.


He stopped walking, looking around for Mikey. The boy was standing in the doorway of a shop. "We're here," he said.

Ray followed Mikey into the shop, where Mikey placed the cigarette on the counter, and then upstairs. They walked into a small room off to the side, where Mikey locked the door. "No one's gonna see me with you in here," he said. "And if they do, I fucked you and left you."

Ray grinned. "Alright."

"So where the Hell are we supposed to start?" Mikey asked.

"Like Mr. McCracken said, we have to pick a culture. So which culture do you think we should study?"

"Fuck, I dunno. What kinda cultures are out there?"

"Well I was thinking that rather than doing something on a country's culture, we could do something on the differences of the cultures of Inland Pike and D-" Ray stopped, blushing slightly. "Um, Redwood City."

"Well if ya knew what ya wanted to do, why'd ya ask me?"

"I don't know. Manners."

Mikey smirked. "Yeah, 'cause those are so important around here. And look, I don't care if ya call the place Desolation Row. It is. Just don't do it around anyone else unless they tell ya it's okay."

Ray nodded. "I think I can do that."

"Do you need me right now, Toro?"

"How'd you know my last name?"

"I'm psychic. Now answer me."

"Not for the project, but company is nice."

Mikey sat down, pushing aside random objects so he could lay down. "So when will you need me?"

"Soon. I'll need you to give me insight on culture around here."

"It isn't that complicated. The whole town's like a damn mafia. Look at it that way."

Ray opened his mouth to speak, but he was interrupted by someone outside yelling for Mikey. They knocked on the door.

"Mikes!" they called. "You in there? Gee needs you!"

"Tell the stench trench I'm fuckin' nappin'! He can wait!"

"He just needs something outta there."

"What is it? I'll get it to ya."

"What, ya jackin' off to McCracken? Why can't I come in there?"

Mikey rolled his eyes, making Ray grin. "Because I'm jackin' off to your image in my head, Weekes."

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