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AN: Smut warning because I'm lame and this is the little bit of Rikey smut there is out there.

"Ray, am I ever going to get to go to your house?"

Ray shrugged. "Maybe this weekend..."

"Wait, what?" Mikey sat up and looked at him. "This weekend?!"

Ray laughed. "My mom is taking my brothers out to some counselling thing the next state over on Saturday, and they have to stay overnight there."

"If there is a higher being, I wanna thank them right now," Mikey said, leaning forward to kiss him.

Ray laughed again. "You could sneak in my window Friday night..."

"Don't tempt me."

"I'm serious!"

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Your mom would see some strange boy in your bed."

"Nah, she'd leave a note and take my brothers. They'd wake me up, she knows that."

"Well then be expecting me."


Ray jumped at the knock on his window. He unlocked it so that Mikey could climb inside.

"Hey, baby," Mikey said quietly. He flopped down on Ray's bed, giving an 'mm' of warm satisfaction.

"Uh, make yourself at home?" Ray laid down beside him. "Hope you're comfortable."

"I'd be better with you."

Ray grinned, sliding his arms around Mikey. Mikey buried his head in Ray's chest, grabbing fistfuls of his shirt and breathing him in. Mikey liked having the more intense smell of Ray near him. He had the blanket, but the smell was only faint.

"I like being with you," Mikey said.

"I like being with you, too."

"No, like I really like it. And that's saying a lot. I don't really like being with people. I like people, but not being around them."

Ray smiled, kissing Mikey's head. "Well, thank you."

After a minute, Ray said, "Is your mom going to freak out that you aren't around?"


"What about Gerard?"


"Did you tell them you were leaving?"

"Yeah. I said I went on a little personal vacation. And that's alright with them."

Ray nodded. He kissed the top of Mikey's head, then moved to kiss his ear.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you, too."


-The Next Night-

"I can't believe you ate half my fucking fridge."

Mikey giggled. "I can't believe you have such good food."

Ray rolled his eyes. "I'm turning out the light. Goodnight, Mikey."

"Goodnight, my love."

They laid there in the dark for a few minutes before Mikey rolled onto his side, propping his cheek up on his hand.

"Ray? You're still up, right?"


"Good. Because I want to talk to you about something."

Ray sat up. "What's up?"

"Well, I've been thinking. And, y'know, we love each other, right? Well... I want to prove my loyalty to you. If you don't want to, that's okay. I just want you to know. Because I love you. And I'm loyal to you."

Ray blushed. "Y-Yeah," he said. "Okay."

Mikey gently kissed him, not wanting to be too intense. It was only his first time, and he assumed it was Ray's, too.

Ray slid Mikey's shirt over his head, and Mikey did the same. They were both nervous, even in the dark.

They slid out of their pants, left only in their boxers. Mikey awkwardly pulled Ray over on top of him. The two felt their kisses growing more and more intense and passionate.

Soon, even their boxers had disappeared. Neither of them really knew what to do. Mikey took a chance, rolling Ray onto his back and making his way down to Ray's crotch.

Mikey tried to remember what Gerard had told him. He placed his mouth softly over the top of Ray's member, tongue over his bottom teeth and paying careful attention to his top teeth, then pushed his head down as far as he could manage. Then he repeated the motion. The way Ray was starting to moan told Mikey he was doing something right.

Mikey pulled away to lick up the underside. Ray reached out and grabbed the bed-sheets, letting out a shaky moan.

Mikey started sucking again, then stopped. He didn't want this to just be a blowjob, he wanted more than that.

He crawled back up to Ray, placing sloppy kisses on his cheek and neck, determined to mark Ray as his.

Mikey sucked at Ray's neck, then bit down lightly where his neck met his shoulder. Ray took a deep, shaky breath, placing a hand on the small of Mikey's back.

Mikey picked his head up, his breath warming Ray's ear. "It's starting to hurt," he whispered, then giggled slightly.

Ray left Mikey on his stomach, adjusting himself so that he was looking down on Mikey. Mikey reached out and grabbed his hand. The other hand was... occupied.

Ray felt his heart pounding in his chest. "I-I don't have any-"

"Oh my God, Ray," Mikey whined. "I don't care, fucking use your own goddamn saliva if you have to! Just do it!"

Ray did as he was told, sliding one finger inside of his boyfriend. Mikey let out a moan, grinding against the bed-sheets. He rushed Ray to put in a second finger.

Ray was trying to be as gentle as possible. He kept two fingers in for a bit, scissoring them around to ready Mikey for a third finger.

After the third finger was in, Mikey was almost angry. "I swear to God, Ray-" He stopped, feeling his boyfriend position himself at Mikey's entrance. "Thank you."

Ray pushed in slowly. Mikey moaned loudly in pure pleasure.

He pulled out slowly, then repeated the motions. He leaned down to kiss Mikey's back and neck a few times. Then he sped up a little, but not too much.

Ray was determined to make Mikey feel amazing. He moved around a little bit at a time, trying to find-

"Fu-UCK! Fuck, Ray, right there! Oh my God..."

Got it.

Ray tried not to move around much more, but as he got closer, he couldn't help himself. He hadn't noticed, but when Ray had hit his spot, Mikey had started stroking himself.

Ray tried to hold out, and he managed to wait until Mikey came on his chest to release inside him.

Ray pulled himself out of Mikey, then laid down beside him.

"I think I need a shower, babe," Mikey said, running a finger up Ray's chest. "You do, too, don't you?"

Ray rolled his eyes. "You are so needy, Mikey Way."

Mikey shrugged. "Come on, baby! I don't wanna shower by myself. At least not when you're right next-door..."

Mikey got up, wiping his chest off, then started towards the bathroom. Ray followed him, smiling to himself.

Mikey got the water running, and it was quickly a nice temperature. He grabbed Ray's hand before jumping in.

"I love you so much," Mikey said. He cupped Ray's face and kissed him gently.

"I love you too, Mikey."

AN: There you go, you guys. Rikey smut to make your dreams come true. Ray tops.

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