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Mikey stayed at Ray's house and faked his happiness through dinner. Afterwards, he still had an hour to wait until he could go to the gazebo.

"Ray, do you think it's me?" Mikey whispered. Ray gently smoothed his hair back, kissing his forehead.

"I don't know, Mikes," he said softly. "Let's hope not."

Mikey sighed. "Listen, I know that over here, you can live on hope. You don't need to worry about where you'll get your next meal. But we can't do that back home. There's too much to think about, to order, to get in line."

"There can't be that much to worry about."

"Have you ever lived on Desolation Row? How about your family? Does anyone around here know what it's like?! No! Because if they did, they'd have pity on us. You would help us."

"I'm sorry. I didn't realize-"

"I know you didn't. Now just hold me until I have to leave."


"Promise me that you'll tell me what happens," Ray said.

Mikey nodded. "Of course. I'll come sneak in your window when it's done. If I don't, don't come after me. Something bad happened."

"I have to look for you-"

"Ray, I'll come back if it's safe, okay? I promise."

Ray swallowed and nodded. "Okay."

Mikey gave him a tight hug. "I love you."

"I love you, too."

Ray kissed him sweetly. "Come back to me."

"I will. In the end."

Before Ray could ask what he meant, Mikey had left.

Mikey walked down the streets of Desolation Row, staring at his feet. He could walk to the gazebo blindfolded at this point.

On the way there, he could see Bob walking in the distance. Mikey whistled to him. He looked up, then hustled over to Mikey.

"Hey," Bob said. He was shivering from the cold. Mikey had his teeth clenched so he wouldn't be loud.


"Did Gerard sneak out?"

Mikey nodded.

"You nervous?"

"No, of course not!" Mikey said. "It's not like I could lose my house, my family, and my safety with one word tonight."

Bob nodded. "Sorry."

Mikey sighed. "It's alright. Let's just get this over with."

Gerard was already standing in the gazebo. He was talking quietly with Frank. Mikey could see the candle sitting on the railing beside them. Gerard glanced around before kissing Frank quickly. Then, the two sat down to wait for the remaining three to appear.

Mikey looked over and saw Pete around a building. Pete looked over, but when he saw Mikey, he looked down and continued walking.

Mikey exchanged glances with Bob. Bob shrugged, and they made their way to the gazebo.

Frank stood on one end, then Pete, then Bob, and Mikey on the other end. "You know why you're here," Gerard said. "One of you won't be a brother to the rest of us in an hour's time, because you've betrayed us."

Gerard walked down to Frank. Mikey took a deep, shaky breath. He wasn't ready for his description. No one had gotten one since they joined the gang.

"Frank," Gerard started. "My boyfriend, who's stuck close to me for three and a half years now. It's rare that we aren't together. I have entrusted you with almost everything I have. And you are loyal. You are clean."

Frank sighed with relief, stepping forward behind Gerard. Gerard stepped over to Pete.

"Pete. Loyal, one of my most valuable assets in fights. You've been around for four years. Smart. Knows what you're doing, and wouldn't dare lose my trust. You are clean."

Pete stared at his feet while Gerard moved away from him.

"Bob. Stupid. Incredibly stupid. But loyal. Like a dog. Been around for a year and a half. Would never do anything to betray me because you know what would happen. You are clean."

Mikey felt himself freeze as his brother stepped over to him.

"Mikey. You know what you've done, but do the others? You may have been around the longest, but you betrayed us all. You're dating someone from Inland Pike. Maybe we could have forgiven you if you were dating someone out side of the gang, but Inland Pike?" Gerard shook his head. "Step forward."

Mikey did as he was told. Gerard held out his hand, and Frank gave him the candle. Mikey reached into his pocket and handed his brother his switchblade. Gerard took it and carved a circle in the candle. It was only the second one in seventeen years.

Gerard pulled the circle out of the candle and dropped it at Mikey's feet, stomping on it. Then he wiped the wax on his shirt. "Hand."

Mikey held out his right hand. Gerard grabbed it and carved an 'X' over his palm.

"You're done. If anyone sees you going to Inland Pike ever again, you and your little boyfriend will both regret it. You have fifteen minutes to get out of my house. Everyone go home."

The guys dispersed, but Gerard stayed with Mikey.

"Go home, Gee," Mikey said, his voice cracking. He pulled off his jacket, compressing his bleeding hand. "I know you don't want to see me. I know you're ashamed of me. I'm sorry, I just-"

"Shut up, Mikes. You're kin. I just can't treat you no different. You know that. I'm just... Why'd you do it? You knew what was gonna happen."

"I love him, Gee. I love him as much as you love Frank. He's so sweet and good to me, and he loves me so much, and-"


"I'm sorry."

"Me too."

Gerard gave his brother a quick hug.



"I gotta know: How'd you find out about it?"


"What?!" Mikey cried. "That bastard! How'd he know?!"

"That day he went to confess his undying love for you, he saw the guy hiding. And... heard you moaning, apparently."

Mikey blushed. "I'm really sorry, Gee. I just fell for him. It wasn't like I could help it."

"I know. But..."

Mikey sighed. "Hey, Gee? C-Can I at least

Gerard banged on the door so they could get inside their house. "Please go. You're making this harder than it already is."

Mikey went upstairs and grabbed some warm clothes, wrapping them in the blanket Ray had given him. He wanted to go to Ray's house, but he couldn't.

There was really only one place for him to go.

AN: Sorry for the delay! I didn't have wi-fi, so I couldn't update. XOXO -E

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