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"What was it?"

Ray looked down at Patrick. "What was what?"

"That thing that you wanted to tell me. Before you showed up at Lindsey's."



"It's nothing."

Patrick rolled his eyes. "It seemed like something when you needed me to come over here."

Ray rolled his eyes mockingly. "It isn't."

Besides, I can't tell you anything after the drama at Lucky's. Mikey would kill me.

"Come on, Ray," Patrick said, "I'm your best friend. We tell each other everything."

Ray sighed. "Fine, but you have to keep quiet."


Ray quietly made his way out of his house, then walked through the fence separating the towns. He headed down the street, then down the narrow alley between Lucky's and the next building over. Mikey was already there.

"What did you-"

Mikey shushed Ray, placing a finger over his lips. Mikey took his hand, leading him out of the alley and back down the direction Ray had come from.

"Where are we going?" Ray whispered.

"I told you, you'll see."

Mikey led Ray down the old and cracking street. Ray realized how small Desolation Row was, and he put it into proportion with how large Inland Pike was.

They hit the edge of the island, down by where the boats were docked. The moon was reflecting off of the water, placing lit ripples on the sides of the barley-floating boats.

"Mikey, it's so b-"

"Shh..." Mikey whispered. "We aren't there yet."

He continued to lead Ray past the docks, to the very tip of the island. There was an old gazebo there. The paint was chipping off of it, but that didn't make it any less nice.

"This is where we're going."

They went into the gazebo, where Mikey sat down in the center of the floor. Ray sat down in front of him.

"So why did you want me here?" Ray asked.

"I wanted to talk to you about this afternoon."

"Oh, that. What about it?"

"I want you to know something. You and I? We're friends. But I can't put you above my boys."

Ray paused. "I-What?"

"I know I pissed you off, Ray, and I'm sorry. But like I said, I'm in a gang. And my boys and I... We care about each other, y'know? We look out for each other."

"I know. So what did Tyler do to you?"

"What? Who's Tyler?"

"He's my friend. And you sliced his stomach open while he was trying to sleep."

Mikey leaned forward, putting his hands on Ray's shoulders. "Ray, you gotta believe me, that wasn't us. We don't do that shit. That's fucked up."

"Then who was it?"

Mikey sighed. "I think I know. It sounds like the other guys. Well, some of the other guys. There are more gangs around here, but it's a lot like war. Me and my boys, we got our allies, and we got our rivals. Our personal rivals are all in one gang. And they do shit like that all the time. They're real fucked up."

"Who are they?"

"We don't really have names here. We know who fits where. And who fits nowhere. But lucky us, we're friends with biggest gang in Desolation Row. Twenty-seven guys beside us five."

"How many allies do you have? Like, total."

"Well, there are eight gangs in town. Somehow. We've got twenty-seven from the biggest, sixteen from another, nine from two which makes eighteen, and us five. So..."

"Sixty-six guys."

Mikey shook his head. "No, not guys. "One of the groups of nine is all girl, and the one with sixteen has eight girls."

"Woah," Ray breathed. "That's a lot."

"Of what?"

"Badass girls."

Mikey grinned, rubbing Ray's shoulder. "Hey, you swore!"

They laughed, and Mikey moved so that he could rest his head on Ray's shoulder. "Hey Ray?" he asked softly.


"What happened? That made you guys come over here."

"Rat infestation."

Mikey sat up. "Really?" he asked. "Just that? I hate to break it to you buddy, but we got more rats than what caused you to shut down."

Ray shrugged. "We just aren't used to it. Preppy assholes, isn't that what you guys think of us?"

"Well, it's how I used to see you. But then I met you, and I guess you aren't that bad." Mikey paused. "Can you work a switchblade?"

Ray shook his head. "Why would I need to?"

Mikey shrugged. "I'm just wondering. I don't want you gettin' hurt around here."

"I don't stick around here long enough to start anything with anyone."

"Well... You'll be with me, so-"

"Stop." Ray held his hand up. "No, I won't."

"What? You're with me right now, aren't you? Now, and every day after school, and-"

"But I can't even look at you in school. I have to pretend we don't talk. I have to pretend that you don't know me, and that we aren't friends. Why, Mikey? There isn't much difference between all of us, so why can't we be friends? Why can't we just put it out there?"

Except for the bugs outside, it was silent. Then, Mikey leaned forward and pressed his lips to Ray's. He didn't pull away. Instead, he slipped his arms around Mikey, holding him closer.

When they pulled apart, Mikey pushed Ray's hair back gently. "That's why we can't tell them," he whispered. "I'm supposed to date within my gang. I was supposed to be with Pete, but..."

Ray kissed him again. "It's okay," he said. "Now I understand."

"Gee would kill anyone outside of Pete, basically. We'd be better off as friends."

There was a moment of quiet, but Mikey kissed Ray for a third time. "But I don't wanna be friends."

"Me either."

Mikey gently smoothed Ray's hair down rhythmically. "Come to my house. Right now. No one's awake, and we can be warmer. Not a lot, but we can be."

Ray shook his head. "No."

"But it's cold out here!"

"I know. It's late though, Mikey, I need sleep."

"You could sleep with me."

Ray sighed. He leaned forward to kiss Mikey again. "I'm gonna go home, Mikes. I'll see you tomorrow at school, okay?"

Mikey nodded. "Night, Ray. See you tomorrow."

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