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Mikey was sitting in his boxes like usual when Ray walked in.

"Where were you?" Mikey asked. "I was getting worried that someone snatched you."

"No one's going to snatch me," Ray said. "I was getting you this."

Ray held out a blanket. It wasn't like the blankets Mikey was used to, though. It was like a movie blanket. It was big and fluffy, and it even looked warm.

"What?" Mikey reached out and took the blanket. "Oh, Ray, that's so sweet of you. Thank you."

"You're welcome, Mikes."

Mikey put the blanket over his lap, lifting one side to invite Ray, just like usual.

They sat while Ray worked on the project for a few hours.

"When's it gonna be done?" Mikey asked.


"W-When do you have to go back? To IPH?"

"They haven't given us the announcement yet."

Mikey's head drooped onto Ray's shoulder. "I don't want you to go."

Ray slid his arm around Mikey. "I know, Mikes. I don't wanna go. But I'll always be right on the other side of the fence."

"Can I come visit you, then?"

"Sure, anytime you want to."

"How much will your parents hate me?"

"Just be nice and Mom will only be scared of you."

Mikey laughed and kissed him. "Will I be allowed to do that around her?"

"I don't think she'd like it."

"Well that's too bad."

Ray grinned. "What about you?" he asked. "Can I visit you and meet your parents?"

"You can meet my mom," Mikey said. "My sperm donor isn't around anymore. He never was. Me and Gerard are only half-brothers. His dad got married to some other woman, and we see him every now and again."

"Do you like him?"

Mikey shrugged. "He's okay. His wife is pretty."

"Trophy wife?"

"If you could get a trophy wife on Desolation Row, it'd be her."

Mikey stood up, taking Ray's hand. "Come with me. I wanna show you something."

He led Ray to a door on the other side of the top floor. There was a ladder there that went up to the roof.

"Jesus, it's cold up here, Mikey," Ray said.

"I know!" Mikey giggled, pulling Ray closer to him. "But it's quiet up here, r-"

He was cut off by whoops and cheers from the alley below them. They leaned over the edge of the roof to see what was going on. They saw the other guys standing down below, yelling at a passing girl. She looked about their age.

"Hey there, Cinderella!" Gerard called.

"Lookin' easy, as usual!" Frank yelled.

"Takes one to know one, fucktards!" the girl retaliated. She smiled, then stuck her hands in her back pockets as she continued walking down the street.

"Do you guys always talk like that to strangers?" Ray asked.

"What? Oh, she's not a stranger. Her name is Lindsey, but she dyed her hair blonde when we met her, so we call her Cinderella. She's part of the all-girl gang. We all like her just fine."

"Oh. Can we go back inside now?"

"I mean, Gee's not home, and my mom's probably working late tonight, so we could go back to my place..."

Ray sighed. "Mikey, I don't know," he said. "What if Gerard comes home? He'd kill me!"

"Oh come on, Ray! That can't be your excuse for everything!"

"What, not wanting to die?!"

Mikey rolled his eyes. He went down the ladder and back into the closet. He picked up the blanket and thrust it at Ray. "Take it. I'm going home."


"What do you mean no?"

"I'm not taking the blanket back. You keep it."

"Are you sure? Will you get your ass kicked for giving something this nice away?"

"Please," Ray scoffed. "It was, like, five bucks. Besides, we have too many blankets as it is. You just keep that, and don't worry about me."

"Are you sure? Because I don't have to take it..."

"I know you don't have to," Ray said. "I want you to, though. Won't you take it? I want you to be warm when I can't be there."

Mikey blushed. "Okay. Thank you."

Ray kissed him. "You're welcome."


Mikey was humming along to a song in his head when he heard the front door fly open.

"Mikey! Get me a wet washcloth!"

He dashed out of the kitchen, seeing Gerard walking in, supporting Lindsey on his hip. "What happened?!" he cried.

"It was those dirty fuckers, the-the ones with seven in their group. Our personal rivals," Lindsey explained, spitting blood on the old wooden floors. "They came after me, all seven against one."

"Don't worry, we'll get 'em back," Gerard confirmed. "I'm going to go get the first aid kit. It ain't much, but it'll work for now."

He left, running up the stairs while Mikey started cleaning Lindsey's cuts with the washcloth. She had cuts on her arms, face, legs, and the word 'whore' was carved into her stomach.

"All seven?" Mikey asked. "Shit. Where were your girls?"

"Fuckin' Hell... Alicia was nearby, but she couldn't get to me quick enough. She was with Kitty. If they'd've shown up, I wouldn't be so bad off."

"What'd you even do to piss 'em off so bad?"

Lindsey didn't say anything. She looked too tired.

Gerard came back down, the old box in his hands.

"Are you kiddin' me?" Mikey snapped, cuffing his brother in the head. "We need a new box. That old shit'll never work!"

Gerard glared at him. "How bad is it?"

He looked back at Lindsey, whose eyes were closed.

"Cindy?" Gee said. "You okay?"

She didn't respond.

"Shit, shit, fuck! She's passed out! Mikes, she needs a doctor. And not this fuck puppet of a doctor we have, a real doctor."

Mikey paused, then swore. "I have an idea."

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