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-Two Days Later-

Mikey slid his hands up Ray's chest to cup his face. Ray pushed his hands up Mikey's shirt, holding him close.

"Oh, R-" Mikey's moan was cut off by someone knocking at the closet door.

"Shit," Mikey whispered. He pushed up against Ray's shoulders.

"What?" Mikey snapped.

"Mikey? I-It's Pete."

Mikey swore under his breath again. He climbed off of Ray, fixed his hair, and forced Ray behind some boxes. Mikey threw a blanket over him before opening the closet door.

"What's up, nut butter?" Mikey asked playfully. He noticed how nervous Pete looked.

"Somethin' wrong, Pete?"

Pete shook his head. "No, I'm okay," he said. "I just... I came to talk to you."

"Okay." Mikey sat down on the boxes Ray was hidden behind. "Go ahead."

"Well, you know how we're supposed to be together because of the gang rules..."


"And Gerard and Frank and Bob were trying to set us up..."

"Uh huh..."

"Well, um..."

Mikey put his hand on Pete's shoulder. "Spit it out, Pete."

"I fell for you for real. Like, not just the fact that I'm supposed to. I really, truly like you, Mikes."

Mikey gave Pete a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I'm not attracted to you, not like that. I didn't want to say anything because of my brother. It isn't like you're not attractive or anything. You're great. But I don't like you."

Pete's face fell. "Oh."

"I'm sorry, Petey."

Pete stood up. "It's okay."

"Hey. We're still blood brothers, remember? And that's not gonna change."

Pete nodded. Mikey gave him a little kiss on the cheek. "See you later, okay?"

Pete nodded again, smiling. "Okay."

Mikey closed him out of the closet.


"Hey guys!" Gerard whistled, getting the gang's attention. They turned to him, ready to listen.

"We are meeting today, under the home bleachers. During lunch. No exceptions."

The guys nodded. Mikey stood up, but Pete grabbed his sleeve. "Where the Hell do you think you're going?" he asked.

"Um, to the pisser?"

Bob gave him a look. "You know that on days when we meet, we don't leave the company of the group."

Mikey rolled his eyes. "Shut up, Bob, before I piss in your mouth. Eat shit."

"He's right, cunt," Frank said, scowling at him.

"Why don't you suck a fat baby's dick?!"

"Fuck you! Go eat hair pie, Way!"

Mikey glared at Frank, who looked ready to fight. Gerard kissed his boyfriend's head.

"I declare an exception," Gee said. "Mikey, go piss."

"What?!" Pete and Frank cried incredulously.

"Shut up. You all get one exception now. Just one."

"What, because he's kin?" Bob snapped. "We're blood brothers, remember?"

"Shut up, clitty litter. I can take that away from you in less than a second and you know that."

Mikey gave his brother a curious look. The other guys grumbled, but they didn't have the nerve to say anything else.

Mikey's hip bumped Ray, harder than usual. He was hoping to alert Ray, telling him to follow.

Thank God Ray knew when something was wrong.

They quickly made their way to the bathroom, where they checked the stalls to make sure no one was there.

"What's the deal, Mikes?" Ray asked softly. "I know something's up."

"Gee wants to meet with the gang behind the bleachers today at lunch. So eat in the cafeteria today, okay?"

Ray nodded. "Did he say why he wanted to meet?"

"No, and I am terrified."

Ray laughed, kissing him. "You'll be okay. I promise."

"Let's hope so."


Mikey walked around back, Pete on one side and Bob on the other. When they went behind the bleachers, Gerard and Frank were already there.

"One of you is hiding something," Gerard said once everyone had settled. "And you know who you are. And by midnight tonight, that one of you will no longer be one of us."

Pete, Bob, and Mikey exchanged glances. Bob opened his mouth, but Frank held a hand up to stop him.

"You will all meet me tonight at eight o'clock in the gazebo at the nose of the town. And I will have the candle with me. Don't follow me."

Gerard turned and walked off. As soon as he was out of earshot, the three ambushed Frank.

"Do you know what's going on?" Mikey asked.

"Who is it?"

"What's the secret?"

"Will all of you shut the fuck up?" Frank snapped. "I don't know anything more than you do. For all I know, he's gonna dump my ass tonight. Got me?"

They nodded.

"I guess we'll just have to find out."


"Hi, Ms. Toro!" Mikey chirped.

"Hello, Mikey," she said. "How are you?"

"I'm fine, thanks. Is Ray in his room?"

"Just like usual."

They laughed and Mikey hopped up the steps. As soon as the door closed behind him, he covered his face to hide the tears.

"Mikey, baby, what's the matter?" Ray asked, jumping up and running over.

Mikey shook his head. He threw his arms around Ray's neck, burying his face in his shoulder.

"Tell me what happened, Mikes. You're okay. You're safe here. No one can get you."

"That's not what I'm worried about," Mikey sobbed. "Gee said someone has a secret and he's kicking someone out tonight. He knows, Ray, I don't know how but he knows I gave you my loyalty!"

"Hey, hey, relax..." Ray led Mikey over to the bed and sat down, taking the smaller boy into his arms.

"I can't relax!" Mikey cried. "I won't have anywhere to go!"

Ray gently wiped Mikey's face.

"You're going to have what you need. Just trust me."

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