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Mikey's hip brushed against Ray's shoulder as he left the classroom. A folded note landed on his desk. Ray glanced up at Mikey, who tried to hide his grin.

We should eat lunch together. Meet me under the bleachers?

Ray slipped the note into his pocket just as Patrick sat down.

"What was that, rebel?" Patrick asked.

Ray rolled his eyes. "Just a note from Mikey."

"Oh," Patrick cooed, laughing. "I wonder what would happen if I kissed you..."

"Patrick, stop being creepy."

"Would he kill me?"

"He wouldn't kill you."

"Knife me?"

"No, Patrick."

"Beat me."

"No. Patrick, if you kiss me, I'll hurt you before he can."

Patrick leaned back. "Woah, touchy much?"

Ray sighed. "Sorry. I just didn't sleep well last night."

"Why not?"

"I was thinking. Mikey was telling me about some of the gang things yesterday in the ER and it was pretty interesting."

"What'd he say?"

"A lot. It's too much to explain right now."

Patrick nodded. He leaned forward, a few inches away from Ray's face.

"Patrick, what the fuck are you doing?"

"Don't swear!"

Ray rolled his eyes, pushing Patrick away. He saw Mikey standing in the doorway, one eyebrow raised.

Ray rolled his eyes. He reached over and flicked Patrick in the ear.

"Idiot. You're going to get him mad at me," Ray muttered.

"But I didn't kiss you!"

"He didn't see that."

Patrick rolled his eyes. "You should really take a nap."


Ray grabbed his lunch, then started down the hallway, away from the cafeteria. He walked out the back door and went to the field that doubled as a soccer field and a football field.

One set of bleachers faced away from the school. Mikey wasn't under those, so he had to be under the others.

Ray made his way to the other bleachers. He looked under them, and sure enough, Mikey was sitting there, waiting for him.

"Hey, baby," Mikey said as Ray sat down.

"Hey. Where's your lunch?"

"You kiddin' me? I don't eat this shit. Come here."

Mikey slid his hands to the back of Ray's head, pulling him in for a kiss.

"Oh, crap, am I interrupting something?" asked a sudden voice.

"You've gotta be kidding me," Ray grumbled, turning around. "Patrick, what the fuck?"

"I saw you weren't eating in the cafeteria today, so I followed you..."

"Patrick, if I wanted you here, I would've told you to come."

"S-Sorry, I'll go..."

"No," Mikey said, taking Ray's hand. "Why, uh, why don't you stay? I don't bite."

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