13.blue and grey

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Vyn's breath caught in his throat. The weight of his father's words was unbearable, and the suddenness of the decision left him reeling. "Dad, is this really necessary right now?" Vyn asked, his voice shaking with disbelief.

His father's eyes, though tired, were resolute. "You know her well, and I know you love her. It's time, Vyn. Tomorrow is your engagement."

Vyn's world came crashing down around him. He felt a surge of mixed emotions-anger, frustration, sorrow. His heart ached for Fathima, the woman he truly loved, but whom he had lost. The idea of replacing her with someone else felt like a betrayal.

He looked at Ben, hoping for some sign that this wasn't real. But Ben shook his head, confirming the truth.

Vyn's father continued, "Don't be shocked, Vyn. This is the right thing to do. You need to move on."

As the words sank in, Vyn's vision blurred with unshed tears. His father's well-meaning insistence felt like a noose tightening around his neck. Without saying a word, Vyn stood up abruptly and fled to the washroom. Once inside, he slammed the door shut and leaned against it, his mind spinning.

"I can't replace her," Vyn whispered to himself, his voice breaking. "No one can take Fathima's place."

He pulled out his phone and dialed the number of the private investigators he had hired to find Fathima. The same disappointing response came through: no leads, no news. Vyn felt like he was suffocating. He slammed his fist against the sink, his knuckles turning white.

"What am I supposed to do now?" Vyn cried out, his voice echoing in the small, sterile room.

When he finally emerged, his face was pale, his eyes red-rimmed. The members of his group tried to offer comfort, but their words only added to his torment.

"Vyn," Ben began gently, "I know you love her, but it's been almost a year. We need to face reality... She might not come back."

Vyn's emotions boiled over. He grabbed Ben by the collar, his eyes wild with desperation. "Don't you dare say that! I promised her I'd find her!"

Ben, though startled, remained calm. "Vyn, your dad is more important than anything right now. He wouldn't ask this of you if it wasn't for your own good. Think about your family. Think about your future."

Cole stepped forward, his voice firm. "You've done everything you can to find Fathima, but the situation isn't just about you anymore. Your father's health is at stake, and so is your family's happiness."

Vyn's grip on Ben loosened as Cole's words sank in. He turned away, holding his head in his hands. "But how can I just give up? How can I marry someone else when Fathima is still out there?"

Josh joined in, his tone softer but no less serious. "Vyn, maybe the woman your father chose for you can love you just as much as Fathima did. Love is what you need, Vyn. And you deserve to be happy again. You're not just making this decision for yourself; it's for your family, too."

Vyn's shoulders slumped in defeat. He was trapped between his love for Fathima and his duty to his family. The thought of marrying someone else made his heart ache, but he knew he couldn't keep running from his responsibilities.

The room was heavy with silence as the members left Vyn alone to grapple with the impossible choice before him. In that quiet moment, Vyn realized that no matter what he decided, his heart would never be the same.

Current Events Unfolding...

Luke's mind was racing as he thought about Vyn. What on earth is happening?* he wondered, trying to piece together the fragmented information he had. Vyn's engagement, the sudden urgency, and the mystery surrounding it all made him anxious. *Who is he getting engaged to?* The thought gnawed at him as he drove, his focus torn between concern for Lena and worry for Vyn.

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