Chapter 24 - Goodbye!

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As the new morning started, sunrays were falling on a couple's face. Aryan opened his eyes and the beautiful girl slept into his embrace. He was admiring her and then he tucked the strains of hairs behind her ear. Aryan noticed, that the sunrays were disturbing her peaceful sleep, so he got up from bed and closed the curtains, he kissed her forehead and went to the kitchen to make coffee for both of them.

After a while he came back with two coffee mugs in a tray with some cookies. While he entered he saw that his wife was still sleeping so he put the tray at the side table and kissed her forehead saying "Good morning, wifey". Aashi slowly opened her eyes and saw Aryan, "Good morning Hubby".

Aryan: "Did you slept well?

Aashi: "What do you think?" Aashi said while winking at him and Aryan just smirked looking opposite direction

Aryan: "Anyways! you freshen up first, mom and dad is waiting for you downstairs for you on breakfast"

Aashi: "What!, mom- dad is waiting, wait what is time now?"

Aryan: "8:00 AM" Aryan said while looking at his wristwatch

Aashi: "Shit!!, what mom and dad must be thinking about me" she said being all panicked

Aashi: "Baby, relax.... she knows you're tired and all, it was mom who told me, not to wake you up"

Aashi and Aryan got ready and come downstairs, where Aryan's and Aashi's both parents were waiting for them. After seeing her parents, Aashi's eyes got tear up becauses she has to leave for Japan tonight with Aryan, and she don't know when is the next time she is going to see them.

Mrs. Malhotra: "Good morning to both of you"

Aryan: "Good morning Mom and everyone" Aryan said while sitting and pulling a chair for his wife

Mrs. Oberoi: "Looks like my son didn't let you sleep whole night" she said smirkingly

After realizing that in which sense she said those words, Aryan and Aashi choked on there juice and sandwich and there faces become crimson red due to blush.

Aryan : "Mom please, let her eat" Aryan said being all embarrassed

Mrs. Oberoi : "Aashi, have you packed your bags?"

Aashi : "Yes, mom"

Time skip to Evening

Aashi and Aryan bid there goodbye's to everyone before leaving for airport, now they were in car, on there way to Airport. "Aashi was sitting silently, looking outside the window and thinking something deep. Aryan noticed this thing and decided to ask her.

Aryan : "Aashi"

Aashi: "hmm"

Aryan : "What's the matter, why are you so quite"

Aashi : "Aaru, if I'm going to ask you something, will you give it to me"

Aryan : "Always love, what is that you want"

Aashi: "Your permission"

(Aryan looked at her with questioning eyes)

Aashi: "Can I ..... can I meet with Veer one last time before leaving" She asked while looking at her feet

Aryan hold her face, made her look at him and said "Go, I'll be waiting for you at Airport". Aashi's eyes got tear up and she hugged Aryan and said "I love you". After listening her Aryan just chuckled and said "I love you more".

Aryan dropped Aashi in front of Veer's office and left for Airport, Aryan didn't wanted to leave Aashi there alone and wanted to stay with her, but he also knew that this is something which Aashi has to face alone, he trusts her and there love.

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