unedited (its been a while, huh?)
"A... baseball game?" You repeated, tilting your head at Satoru. He had come over to visit you and Kiyo, inviting you to bring her and watch the final event of the Sister School Exchange Event. "Seriously? How'd you get Yaga and Gakuganji to agree on that?"
Satoru grinned, shrugging. You knew he somehow tricked them into agreeing for such an event, making it so they couldn't go against his word. Your daughter was sprawled all over him, tugging on his blindfold and telling him to take it off. He kept his hands on hers, trying to prevent her from taking it off and teasing her.
You sat down, opposite to the two. "That was... a good choice, honestly," you hummed. He felt his heart flutter, as you reached your hand up and scratched the side of your cheek, complimenting him (even if it was more of a statement of surprise at his ability to be competent).
"I mean... it won't be violent or anything, right? Nothing extreme?"
Satoru shook his head, taking Kiyo's small hand and squeezing it with just two fingers. She giggled, and he looked to you. "I'm there, so she'll be fine. And, plus, we've increased security. If there's anywhere she'll be safe, it's there."
"That's what they always say," you huffed, chewing at your lips. "But the kids were still in danger-"
"Calm down, Y/N." You paused while chewing your lips, feeling a metallic taste on your tongue. You reached your thumb up to swipe at your lips and check for the blood. You were about to lick your lips, when Satoru quickly brought his finger up to your lip.
You looked up at him in shock, surprised that he'd moved in front of you so quickly - although, to be fair, you shouldn't be very surprised. You raised a brow at him, pushing his finger away, when he brought up chapstick in his other hand.
"Use it," he insisted.
Your brows furrowed. "That's your chapstick, Satoru, I can't use it-"
"It's new," he interrupted.
You frowned. "You always interrupt me."
Satoru grinned, placing the chapstick in the palm of your hand and shaking his head as he stood up. "Hey, of all people, you know I love to hear you talk but even I have to make you quit when you're being dumb."
Satoru didn't know why he couldn't control his blabbermouth.
He noticed you tense up at his words and he didn't need his six eyes to see that. He was quick to step back and sit with Kiyo again. He avoided eye contact, and you were glad about that. You were afraid he would be able to tell that your heat reached to your cheeks and ears, threatening to burn your face off.
"Yeah, well," you huffed, speaking quietly. "Kiyo will end up picking up the habit too."
Satoru nodded, forcing a smile. "Yeah. My bad." He got up, patting Kiyo's head and smiling at her a bit more genuinely as he got up. "Hey, look, I should be on by way, yeah? I'll pick the two of you up for the game, that sound good?"
"Will you pick us up, or will Ijichi be driving while you're the passenger princess?"
Satoru smirked. "Well, Kiyo is like a princess because of one of us and it's pretty clear who it is, so!"
You grinned, placing your hands on your hips as you got up to see him go. "Alright, Satoru, I think you've run your mouth enough today. Go learn the rules of baseball first, princess."
He couldn't do that because you'd just given him a heart attack.

أدب الهواةIn which, Gojo Satoru is head over heels for a woman who would much rather not hear from him - his ex-wife.