Bonus Chapter #2

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"Man, it is raining cats and dogs outside." Taehyung said as he looked out the window.

"That means we can't go out. Damn it." Jimin sighed with a frown.

"We can just find something else to do to pass the time. Any ideas?" Jennie asked.

"Well, we could play a board game if you guys want." Hoseok shrugged.

"That sounds nice." Rose turned to me. "What do you think, Navya?"

"I'll play as long as Jin doesn't." I replied with my arms crossed.

Namjoon frowned. "Are you still mad about that?"

"Yes, I am." I turned to Jin and clenched my jaw.

For the past week, Jin and I have been giving each other the silent treatment because of the huge argument we had. I wanted to hang out with the girls one evening, but Jin said he was worried about me getting stopped by some creepy guy on the streets. I told him I would be okay with the girls, but he still didn't let me go. He was so stubborn about it that it made me really angry and yelled at him, resulting in the huge argument. The others had to stop us because of our loud yelling and after we had calmed down, the both of us didn't speak to each other for the rest of the evening.

It's been a few days and I could tell he was feeling guilty. I wanted to apologize and forgive him, but everytime I remembered what happened, I got angry and frustrated all over again.

"Come on, Navya, you can't be mad at him forever." Lisa crossed her arms together.

"Yeah, you have to forgive him eventually." Jungkook added.

"Let's just play a board game. I don't want to talk about it." I sighed and everyone exchanged glances.

"So, what game do you guys want to play? Scrabble?" Yoongi suggested and everyone shrugged. "Okay, Scrabble it is, then."

For the next hour, we played the game and besides Jin and I not speaking to each other, it went pretty well. Sometimes, we'd make up words just for fun and to make each other laugh.

I would sneak glances at Jin, but he'll be too busy trying to come up with words.

"Well, that was fun. Great game, guys." Jisoo said after the game ended.

"We made tons of words, but it's still pouring outside." Hoseok frowned. "What should we do?"

"I guess I could start making lunch now. You guys are probably hungry." Jin headed into the kitchen.

"Navya, why don't you go and help him?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't need to, he can do it by himself. Besides, I know he'll be too stubborn to let me use a knife because it's dangerous." I said it loud enough for him to hear and he stopped in his tracks, his back turned to us. He slowly turned, his expression a mix of hurt and anger.

"Really? You're going to be making fun of me now?"

"I'm not making fun of you, I'm just pointing out how ridiculous you were acting that day! I just wanted to go out and have fun with my friends, but you had to come in and be so overprotective! It's like you don't trust me!" I exclaimed and Jin's eyes narrowed.

"Overprotective? I was just worried about you, Navya! You know how dangerous the city can be!" He exclaimed back.

"There was still light out, Jin, for fuck's sake!! Nothing is going to happen to me when there's light outside!! Stop treating me like I'm a child!! I'm a grown adult, I can take care of myself!!"

"Now, you're being stubborn!!! You're just making a big deal out of what I said and making the both of us argue!!!" He yelled and what I blurted out next, I immediately regretted it.

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