Bonus Chapter #3

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"Yoongi, is the soup ready yet?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Yeah, it's just about done. Grab a bowl and I'll pour some in so you can take it to Jin-hyung." He instructed and I nodded, doing what he said.

"Hopefully, he feels better after drinking this soup." I slowly carried the bowl up to Jin's room.

A few days after our argument, Jin had started to feel unwell. He started to feel hot and sweaty and would strip off his sweater or jacket (he was wearing a shirt underneath, don't worry). But, after a few minutes, he would start to shiver and put his jacket or sweater back on again. Another symptom he had were headaches. I would give him some aspirin and water to help lessen the pain, but it would come back after an hour. We all knew Jin was coming down with something and it was only a matter of time before the other symptoms took over his body.

And, later that night, the other symptoms did take over his body.


"Jin, you don't look very well." I said as I watched him cut vegetables.

"I'm fine, Navya. I'm just a little tired." He replied and I frowned, looking at him.

"You look pale and weak. Maybe I should take over."

"I said I'm fine, okay? Now, let me finish dinner." He sniffled and suddenly, he stumbled into me.

"Woah!" I caught him in my arms before he fell onto the floor, hugging him tightly.

"You're clearly not well, Jinnie. You have a fever and you're burning up." I touched his forehead and it was hot.

"But, who's gonna make dinner if I'm sick?" He asked hoarsely.

"Don't worry about that, I'll take care of it. Now, let's get you straight to bed."

End of Flashback

Today, he was feeling a bit better, but still icky. I knocked on his door and heard his hoarse 'Come in.' before entering.

"So, how are you feeling now?" I asked as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"Well, my fever's gone down." He coughed and blew his nose.

"That's good. Here, I brought you some chicken broth to help." I slowly gave him the bowl and he took it from me. "Careful, it's hot."

"Thanks." He grabbed a spoonful and blew it before putting it in his mouth. "Mm, it's really good. Did you make this?"

"No, Yoongi did." I replied and his brows raised.


"Yeah. Why are you so surprised?" I laughed.

"Because he never helps." He took another spoonful of broth and I smiled.

"That's true, but he cares about you and the others. He wants you to feel better."

"I know, he's a really sweet guy." Jin yawned. "Anyways, thank you for the broth. Tell Yoongi it was really good."

"You're welcome and I will. Now, get some rest and I'll bring lunch later, okay?" He nodded and I kissed his forehead. "Sleep tight, handsome."

"You're not gonna kiss me on the lips?" He asked.

"No, not until you're all better." He pouted cutely and I giggled. "But, you will get forehead kisses."

"But, I like your kisses..." He trailed off as his eyes closed and I smiled, slowly closing the bedroom door and heading back downstairs.

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