𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟗

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"Guys i have something to tell you." They all looked at Hoseok, who stood at the doorway of kitchen.

"Of course, go ahead, hobiyaa." Namjoon encouraged.

Hoseok closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. "I think i have feeling for Jimin." Hoseok said in one breath.

"WHAT?" All of them shouted in unison.

They were in the kitchen preparing dinner before Jimin get there. They have to make up with the younger for their mistakes. The preparation was almost done.

When Hoseok said he wanted to tell something, this isn't what Taehyung had expected.

It was silent for a minute. They all looked at Hoseok with wide eyes and open mouth.

The plate Taehyung was holding, slipped and fell on to the ground, breaking the silence. The sound of metal colliding with floor echoed through the kitchen. He was glad it was a steel plate. Otherwise it would have broke and injured them.

"What are you saying, hobi?" Jin frowned in confusion.

"You heard it right, hyung. I do have feelings for Jimin. And i know some of you have too." Hoseok announced with so much confidence.

After seeing all of their eyes on him he looked down at his hands which were fiddling with the hem of his shirt. "After talking about importance of honesty in a relationship, i didn't want to hide my feelings." He whispered.

Taehyung processed the older's words. Hoseok loves Jimin. His boyfriend love his best friend, who Taehyung himself have feelings for. He was trying to suppress those, cause he felt like he is cheating on his boyfriends. But after hearing Hoseok words, he have a chance with Jimin. If all of them love Jimin, they can be together. Jimin can become their boyfriend. That means he don't need to ignore his feeling for the smaller.

A smile spread in to his lips at the thought, which he bite back.

"You love Jimin?" Namjoon asked surprised. His eyes looked like they are gonna pop out of the socket, so does others. Taehyung know he also have the same expression. It's not like you get to experience, your boyfriend confessing his love for your crush, everyday.

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah. I have been thinking about it for awhile. And today i realized i love Jimin, like, more than friends." He explained.

"Let's move to the couch. We can talk there." Jin suggested, turning off the stove. Others nodded and walked towards the living room.

They all sat on the couch. It was silent. They were all collecting their thoughts. There is so much think, before making this kind of decision.

Yoongi broke the silence, clearing his throat making them all turn towards him. After looking at all of them one by one he opened his mouth. "I also feel like that." He announced confidently. Still he was fiddling with his fingers.

Taehyung admired both his hyung's courage. Where he was trying to ignore his feelings, trying to hide them, his boyfriends confessed it honestly.

He wants to vocal it out too. "Me too." He sports not daring to look up at any of them.

"Does all of us like Jimin, more than friends?" Taehyung looked up at Jin, who were looking at all of them with confused yet surprised face. There was slight frown on the older's lips which he wanted kiss away.

"Yeah, i do. I have been thinking about the kiss whole time. I couldn't forget it. I really liked it." A slight blush adorned Jungkook face when he whispered his thoughts. Taehyung couldn't contain his smile at older's cuteness. But he is a little bit jealous of him, that he get to kiss Jimin.

"Same." Jin and Namjoon said the same time. They looked at each other with surprised eyes then back at their own lap. Both of their face turned red as if they remembered the kiss. Even if Taehyung was slightly jealous of them, he couldn't contain his own blush when he imagined his boyfriends kissing Jimin.

"Does all of you want Jimin in our relationship?" Namjoon asked a little while later, as if he is confirming that's what they all wanted. They all nodded. "Then we can talk to him. Let's make the dinner more special." Taehyung looked around to find, all of his boyfriend's face lighting up with happiness.

It was easy. His boyfriends are really understanding. Taehyung just had to talk about his feelings. And Hoseok did it. He is thankful to the older for doing so. He should have know all of his boyfriends like Jimin. Of course who wouldn't like an angel.

That means they have a chance with Jimin. He can love Jimin openly. He don't need to suppress his feeling anymore. He don't need to ignore the other because of his feelings. He can hug and ki-

"But do you think he will accept it?" Taehyung's reverie broke in to million pieces by Yoongi's words.

Taehyung know, there is a point in Yoongi's words. It's not about them. It's about Jimin. Will he love them back? Will he accept the proposal? Does he want to be in a polyamory relationship? Will he be disgusted by them?

Jungkook placed a hand on Taehyung's thigh, interrupting the over thinking. "Let's not overthink about it. Let's hope for the best." Jungkook looked at the younger then to all of them.

"Yeah, he will be here soon." Jin smiled at Jungkook agreeing with him.

"But it's already past 7:30. He usually gets here before seven. He is persistent with time." Taehyung looked at the clock, which showed 7:35. The others also turned towards the clock.

"Call him or text him." Yoongi suggested. Taehyung took out his phone and texted Jimin. But blue tick never appeared. After waiting for a little, he decided to call. But the phone was off.

"His phone is off." Taehyung concerned looking at his boyfriends who mirrored his expression.

Namjoon got up and walked towards the window, where they can see Jimin's house. "It's dark. There is no light in there." He turned to the others.

"I will go and checkup on him." Jin stood up from the couch.

"I will go with you, hyung." Yoongi said following the older out of the house. Taehyung also wanted to follow them. But he know better than that. If all of them went there, it's gonna get crowded. What if Jimin doesn't like it. So he decided to stay back. He trust his hyungs to take care of Jimin.

But the duo returned within fifteen minutes without any information about their neighbor. The house was empty. There was no one there. And now they are concerned. Jimin will never cancel plans without informing them. Taehyung have a really bad feeling about this situation.

"It must be because of 'him'." Jungkook mumbled.

"Who?" Hoseok asked, confused.


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I would like you to check the warnings in Author's note, before next update😊

ε('。•᎑•。')っ ♡


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