Hello everyone,💜
This is the end of "VOICE". Thank you for supporting throughout the story.
Firstly i apologise for the mistakes in the story. English is not my first language and i am not a professional writer. So of course there are a lot of mistakes. I am sorry. But i will try my best to improve.
And thank you so much for 48K+ reads and 3.5K+ votes. I really appreciate it.
I am really grateful to each and everyone of you, who took the time to read, vote, comment and support me, especially those who were there from the very beginning. It means the world to me and your encouragement give me motivation to keep writing. Thank you soo soo soo much.
Also, i thought about writing another Jimin centric story. But i don't have enough time to write and update regularly. And it really need some planning before starting. What i have in my mind is a historical story. Even though i don't have any idea how it goes, i will try. But i will only start it when i am completely free and able to update properly.
So, for now, i will concentrate in updating 'Fudhanshi'.
Thank you again, for being part of this journey. I will miss writing this and will miss you all. Love you, take care. 🥰😘❤️
© Redamancy_Bangtan. 💜

VOICE | Jimin centric | ✔
Fanfiction"He spilled coffee on Yoongi hyung's shirt and didn't even apologise." Jungkook rolled his eyes. "He doesn't know how to thank someone for helping him." Hoseok said. "When Jin hyung and i went to his house, he didn't even talk to us." Namjoon agreed...