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With that, he dropped the belt to the floor, the leather landing with a thud that made Ruhani flinch. He positioned her once more, his hand raised, and delivered the first sharp smack to her. The sting brought fresh tears to her eyes, and she immediately began pleading, her words spilling out in a rush.

"I know I made a mistake, Advik! I know it's wrong! Please, I'm sorry! I won't do it again, I swear!" she cried, her voice breaking between sobs.

Advik's hand hesitated in the air as he listened to her frantic apologies. Despite his anger, the sight of her so broken, so genuinely remorseful, tugged at something deep within him. But he reminded himself of the importance of this lesson, of the boundaries he needed to set.

"This is not just about your mistake today, Ruhani," he said, his voice stern but slightly softer. "This is about what's at stake-our future, our families, everything. You have to understand that actions have consequences. I won't allow any more deceit between us. This is for your own good."

He delivered another smack, though with less force this time, as her cries grew more desperate. "You have to learn. I won't let you destroy everything we've built-or could build-because of a moment of weakness."

Ruhani's sobs filled the room, her pleas growing softer as she realized that nothing she said would stop this. The lesson was being taught, and she could do nothing but endure it.

As Advik saw Ruhani's sobs gradually quieting, he allowed her to stand up on her own. "Get up, " he said, his voice now softer but still commanding. "Calm down. You need to compose yourself."

Ruhani, though still trembling, managed to rise to her feet. Advik stepped forward and pulled her into an embrace. The warmth of his body and the solidity of his presence provided her a fleeting sense of comfort amid her turmoil.

"Here," Advik said gently, handing her a glass of water. "Drink this. Calm your nerves."

Ruhani took the glass with shaky hands, her tears falling freely as she drank. The water helped, but her mind was still racing with fear and regret.

Once she seemed more composed, Advik stepped back and met her gaze. "Now, Ruhani," he began, his tone steady, "you need to call Ronit. And when he picks up, you will tell him clearly and directly that it's over. You're not to see him again, and you are marrying me. It's better for him not to interfere."

Ruhani's eyes filled with fresh tears, and she shook her head. "Advik, I can't... Please, not like this. Ronit... he means so much to me. I can't just-"

"Stop," Advik cut her off, his voice firm but calm. "You're going to do this. You know the consequences if you don't. I won't repeat myself."

He bent down, picking up the belt from the floor, and then handed her phone. "Take your phone," he said, holding it out to her. "Call him. And when he answers, you will end it. This is the only way to move forward."

Ruhani took the phone reluctantly, her fingers trembling as she dialed Ronit's number. The seconds seemed to stretch into eternity as she waited for him to pick up.

As Ronit picked up the call, his voice sounded anxious and concerned. "Hello? Ruhani, why are you calling me now? What's going on?"

Ruhani took a deep breath, trying to steady her voice. "Ronit, I... I need to end this. I'm marrying Advik. It's over between us."

There was a stunned silence on the other end before Ronit's voice erupted with anger. "What the hell, Ruhani? How can you do this to me? If I can't have you, that bastard won't get you either! You think you can just toss me aside like I'm nothing?"

Ruhani's heart sank as she heard the rage in his voice. "Ronit, please, calm down. This isn't just about me. It's about my family and my future. I'm not doing this to hurt you."

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