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As the time passed by, Inaya's anticipation for meeting her friend grew stronger. The next morning, Advik asked her for the location of her friend's house. Inaya swiftly messaged Riya to confirm the address and forwarded the location to her brother's WhatsApp.

"I'll drop you off there," Advik stated firmly. "But you are not to leave their house. I will talk to her parents before taking you there. Send me their phone number too."

Inaya protested, her excitement palpable. "Bhaiya, I can handle it. I've already told my friend I'm coming today. There's no need to involve her parents."

Advik, already getting ready for the day, turned to face Inaya with a serious expression. "Ini, either you send me their number or you spend the day in this room. The choice is yours."

Just as Inaya hesitated, Advik's phone rang. Inaya glanced at the caller ID and saw it was their father calling. She quickly picked up the call, hoping to garner sympathy for her cause.

"Dad, Bhaiya isn't letting me meet my friend," Inaya whimpered, tears welling up in her eyes.

"Oh, my princess," her father's voice was calm and understanding, "let me talk to your Bhaiya. I'll ask him to let you go."

"Dad, he also made me study yesterday and even hit my palm with a ruler," Inaya added, hoping to evoke her father's sympathy.

Advik listened silently in the background, his disappointment evident on his face as he was getting late but he was enjoying too. He respected their father's authority but remained firm in his decisions, especially when it came to Inaya's well-being and discipline.


"Dad, why did Bhaiya hit me?" Inaya pleaded over the phone, her voice quivering with emotion. "Ask him to let me go and meet my friend. I want to enjoy my life too."

Mr. Malhotra sighed on the other end of the line, his voice filled with concern. "Alright, beta, I'll talk to your brother. Are you happy now?"

"Dad, I also need some pocket money," Inaya added quickly, trying to capitalize on her father's sympathy. "I don't have any."

"Okay, I'll tell him to give you his credit card," Mr. Malhotra replied, wanting to appease his daughter's desires.

"Thank you, Dad!" Inaya exclaimed, kissing the phone screen happily before handing it over to Advik.

"Good morning, Dad," Advik greeted calmly as he took the phone. "Is everything alright?"

"Good morning, beta. All good?" Mr. Malhotra asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"Yes, Dad, your princess is just being a bit...extra," Advik replied, trying to choose his words carefully.

Inaya quickly interjected, "Dad, pocket money..."

Mr. Malhotra paused, considering his daughter's request. "Advik, please give her your credit card."

Advik frowned slightly, questioning his father's decision. "Why? Is there a particular reason she needs a credit card?"

Mr. Malhotra chuckled softly. "If that's what will make her happy, then there's no harm."

Advik sighed, his patience wearing thin. "Dad, I respect your decision, but Inaya is getting 4000 rupees INR for emergencies only. She has no expenses at her friend's house."

Inaya hesitated, feeling the tension in the room. "It's not like we'll run out of money if you give me your credit card..."

Advik's voice hardened as he interrupted her. "You don't earn money, Inaya. You need to learn to manage your expenses. It's a basic life skill. This isn't about being pampered. Forget about the credit card. First, learn to do your work properly."

"Dad, Bhaiya is scolding me again!" Inaya shouted into the phone, frustration evident in her voice as she jumped on the bed to emphasize her point.

Advik swiftly took hold of Inaya's hand and guided her firmly to the floor. "You're not getting a credit card. End of discussion."

"I'll call you back later, Dad. Bye," Advik said, ending the call abruptly.

"Bye, beta. Take care of your sister and keep us posted," Mr. Malhotra replied before they hung up.


"Ini, do you really want to go? If yes, send me the number ASAP. I'm running out of time," Advik said sternly, his patience wearing thin.

Inaya wasted no time and quickly sent him the number, knowing he wouldn't agree with her anyway.

Advik immediately called Riya's family, introducing himself and explaining his sister's desire to visit. He emphasized that Inaya was not to go out without supervision. After a brief discussion and assurances from Riya's family, they agreed to the terms.

Advik turned to Inaya, his tone firm. "Inaya, listen carefully. You are not to break any rules. Understand?"

Inaya nodded reluctantly, sensing the seriousness in her brother's voice.


Meanwhile, back at their home, Mrs. Malhotra was performing a puja with the pandit ji. The atmosphere was serene, filled with the scent of incense and the soft chanting of mantras. As the rituals progressed, Mrs. Malhotra engaged in conversation with the pandit ji.

"Pandit ji, I've been thinking about Advik's marriage. Do you have any suggestions?" she inquired, her voice filled with concern and hope.

The pandit ji smiled warmly. "Yes, indeed, Mrs. Malhotra. I know of a girl who would be perfect for Advik. Their kundalis have matched quite well."

Mrs. Malhotra's interest piqued. She leaned forward, eager to hear more. The pandit ji shared the details of the prospective match, highlighting the girl's virtues and their astrological compatibility.

Excited yet cautious, Mrs. Malhotra discussed the proposal with Mr. Malhotra later that evening. "I think we should consider this match for Advik. Pandit ji seems confident about their compatibility."

Mr. Malhotra listened attentively, weighing the information. "We should talk to Advik about this. He's not at home right now, but we can discuss it with him when he returns."

Mrs. Malhotra contemplated the situation and then said, "I will ask pandit ji to talk to her family first. If they agree to the proposal, then I will discuss it with Advik. It will be difficult to make him agree, but we have to do it."

Mr. Malhotra immediately nodded in agreement. He picked up the phone and called pandit ji to inform him about their decision. "Pandit ji, please speak with the girl's family and see if they are open to this proposal. We would appreciate the good news by tomorrow."

The pandit ji responded warmly, "I will handle it with care, Mr. Malhotra. You can expect to hear from me soon."

As the call ended, Mrs. Malhotra sighed with a mixture of hope and apprehension. "Convincing Advik will not be easy. He's so focused on his work and responsibilities."

Mr. Malhotra placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "We'll find a way. First, let's see if the girl's family agrees. One step at a time."


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I hope you've enjoyed diving into this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Your opinion means the world to me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Whether it's feedback, constructive criticism, or simply your thoughts on the characters and plot, your input helps me grow as a writer.

If you've found this story compelling please consider supporting it by sharing your feedback with me. Your support fuels my creativity and inspires future works.Thank you for taking the time to read this story. I look forward to hearing from you!

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