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Inaya hesitated as Advik opened the car door for her, silently motioning her to get inside. Her fingers fumbled with the coat, trying to cover herself more adequately, but the exposure of her bralette top was evident. The faint smell of alcohol lingered around her, a stark contrast to Advik's composed demeanor.

Advik's silence spoke volumes as he maintained his calm exterior, though inwardly he was seething with disappointment. He knew now wasn't the time to address the situation, but he couldn't ignore the implications of Inaya's state.

Meanwhile, Ruhani stood frozen, her mind racing with confusion. The presence of security guards and the luxurious BMW car left her bewildered and cautious. Her own judgment was impaired by the alcohol she had consumed earlier, clouding her ability to fully grasp the situation. .

Advik stood outside the car, facing Ruhani who was visibly struggling to compose herself. Her speech slurred, she mentioned her home address in Mumbai when asked about her hotel. Advik repeated his question, but Ruhani's response remained unclear and disjointed, leaving him uncertain about how to proceed.

Meanwhile, Inaya, still inside the car, suddenly blurted out an apology to Advik. His expression remained stoic as he ignored her comment, fully aware of their intoxicated state. Despite her reservations, she followed Advik and Inaya into the car, uncertain about what the night would hold.

Inside the car, the atmosphere was tense yet subdued. Inaya sat quietly, her gaze fixed on her lap. Ruhani's unease lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the night's unexpected turn of events and the uncertain dynamics at play within their family

Checking the dash camera to ensure everything was recorded for safety, Advik sighed heavily, steeling himself for the drive ahead.

With a deep breath, he started the engine and began driving towards their hotel, focusing on the road ahead despite the tense atmosphere in the car.

Inaya sat behind him, her emotions in turmoil. The alcohol from earlier weighed heavily on her, clouding her thoughts and emotions. As Advik ignored her, she felt a deep pang of regret for her actions at the club. Each passing moment intensified her guilt, leading her to repeatedly mutter apologies under her breath.

Inaya, subdued by her brother's calm demeanor, grappling with the weight of her actions and the rift she had unintentionally created between them.

As the car sped away from the chaotic scene outside the club, Advik remained silent, his expression unreadable. Inaya, overwhelmed by guilt and fear of her brother's anger, attempted to break the tense silence by murmuring an apology. But before she could finish, Advik turned sharply towards her, his eyes cold and voice stern, commanding her to stay quiet.

Inaya, tears streaming down her face, pleaded, "Bhaiya, I didn't plan any of this..."

Advik's response was swift and harsh. "Quiet!" he snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. His face was a mask of disappointment and frustration, staring at Inaya through the rearview mirror.

Ruhani, seeing Inaya's distress and the fear in her eyes, instinctively pulled her closer to provide comfort. In the dim light of the car's interior, Inaya leaned into Ruhani's embrace, sobbing softly.

Advik struggled to contain his own emotions, his mind racing with anger and concern. In a measured but stern voice, he began to lecture Inaya about the gravity of her actions. "How could you go out without any security, Inaya? In a club, drinking, dressed like that?" His words were laced with a mixture of anger and genuine concern, each syllable heavy with disappointment.

Inaya, trying to explain herself through her tears, faltered. "Bhaiya, I..."

Advik cut her off again, his patience worn thin. "Enough!" he thundered, his tone brooking no argument. "It was a mistake to bring you on this trip," he stated bluntly, his words piercing through Inaya's heart like daggers.

Inaya's sobs grew louder, echoing in the confined space of the car. She felt the weight of her brother's disappointment and her own sense of guilt crushing down on her. The silence that followed was suffocating, punctuated only by Inaya's cries and the hum of the engine as they drove through the city streets.

Advik, his face set in a rigid mask, glanced at Ruhani through the mirror, silently acknowledging her presence and the need for comfort she provided to Inaya. Deep down, despite his stern exterior, he appreciated Ruhani's gesture of compassion towards his sister.

The remainder of the journey was marked by a heavy atmosphere of tension and regret. Advik kept his focus on the road ahead, navigating the streets with a steely resolve. Inaya, still shaken and tearful, leaned on Ruhani for support, her mind filled with remorse and a profound sense of having disappointed her brother.

As they finally arrived at the hotel, Advik parked the car and switched off the engine. He remained seated for a moment, his mind racing with thoughts and emotions. Inaya, feeling overwhelmed by guilt and remorse, was about to speak up, "Bhaiya, I'm really sor-"

Advik cut her off sharply, his voice commanding and stern, "I didn't give you permission to speak. Stay quiet, Inaya."

Turning his attention to Ruhani, he spoke with a hint of softness, "Ruhani, I want you to stay here for the night. We have a suite with four rooms, and you can occupy one of them. Make yourself at home." He glanced briefly at Ruhani before focusing back on Inaya.

Addressing Inaya with a controlled voice, but with an underlying intensity, he continued, " Go straight to your room, Ini. We'll talk about this tomorrow.Is that clear?" His tone brooked no argument, and Inaya began crying louder in response.

Advik's patience wore thin. "Don't waste my time," he snapped. "I asked you a question. Is that clear?"

Inaya nodded, her tears flowing freely now. Advik, his voice now a low hum of frustration, reiterated firmly, "We're not moving until you give me a verbal answer."

With a trembling voice, Inaya managed to reply, "Yes."

Advik then opened the car door, and the security personnel assisted Ruhani out of the car. Ruhani looked around in wonder, bewildered by the opulence and the presence of security, wondering who these people were with all their wealth.

Meanwhile, Inaya hurriedly ran to Ruhani and hugged her tightly. Ruhani, though unsure of the dynamics at play, offered a comforting embrace, silently supporting Inaya through this turbulent moment.

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