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Inaya awoke to the sound of her alarm at 6:30 AM, groggy but determined not to give Advik any more reasons to be disappointed. She dragged herself out of bed and headed to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face to shake off the remnants of sleep.

She took a quick, invigorating shower, the warm water helping to clear her mind and wash away the regrets of the previous night. After drying off, she brushed her teeth thoroughly, scrubbing away the taste of alcohol. She then carefully applied a minimal amount of makeup to hide the signs of her restless night and picked out a simple, comfortable outfit.

As she dressed, she kept glancing at the clock, making sure she wouldn't be late. She ran a brush through her hair and tied it back neatly, wanting to look presentable when Advik arrived. With a final look in the mirror, she took a deep breath and left the bathroom, feeling slightly more composed.

Inaya sat on the edge of her bed, hands clasped in her lap, waiting anxiously for her brother. The minutes seemed to stretch on forever as the clock ticked closer to 7 AM. She rehearsed her apologies in her mind, hoping to convey her genuine remorse to Advik.


At exactly 7 AM, Advik knocked on the door before entering Inaya’s room. His expression was stern but calm, a stark contrast to the emotions of the previous night. He closed the door behind him, giving Inaya a scrutinizing look.

"Good morning, Ini," he said, his tone neutral.

"Good morning, Bhaiya," Inaya replied softly, standing up from the bed.

Meanwhile, Ruhani woke up in her own room with a dry throat. She rubbed her eyes and looked around for a water bottle, but there was none in sight. Feeling parched, she got out of bed and unlocked her door, stepping into the drawing room in search of water.

As she approached the kitchen, she saw Advik entering Inaya's room and locking the door behind him. Her curiosity piqued. She wondered who they were and how they could afford such luxurious accommodations. The sight of the security detail and the high-end car from the previous night had already puzzled her.

Determined to find out more, Ruhani quietly moved closer to the door and pressed her ear against it, trying to catch snippets of the conversation. She hoped to learn more about these intriguing people who had appeared so suddenly and unexpectedly in her life.

On the other hand "Inaya, hand me the hairbrush," he said, his voice firm.

Inaya's eyes widened further as she instinctively took a step back. "Bhaiya, please, let's talk about this. I know I messed up, but I promise I'll change."

Advik shook his head, his expression unyielding. "I've given you plenty of chances, Ini. Every time you said you'd change, and every time you went back to your old ways. It's time you faced the consequences of your actions."

"Bhaiya, please, there must be another way. I'll do anything you ask, just not this," Inaya pleaded, her voice desperate.

Advik's gaze hardened. "I've told you verbally not to push my buttons, Ini. I've given you warnings, and yet you keep disregarding them. It seems the only way to make you understand is to go back to the old days when you actually learned from your mistakes."

Inaya insisted, her voice breaking. "I can learn without that. I promise I'll do better."

"You've said that before," Advik replied, his voice steady. "But actions speak louder than words, Ini. You need to understand that there are consequences to your actions, and sometimes, tough measures are necessary to get the message across."

"But Bhaiya," she sobbed, trying to negotiate, "can't we just talk about this? Please, give me one more chance. I really do understand now."Advik's expression remained stern.

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