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Meanwhile, in Thailand, Advik and Inaya were preparing for their day. Advik ensured everything was in order before they left for Riya's house.

Inaya nodded, already anticipating the fun she would have with her friend. She quickly messaged Riya, "I'm on my way! Can't wait to see you!"

As they left the hotel, Advik felt a mix of duty and care for his sister, hoping she would follow the rules and stay safe. Little did he know that back home, his parents were setting the stage for a potential change in his own life.


Later that evening, Mrs. Malhotra anxiously awaited news from pandit Ji. The phone rang, and she quickly answered, "Pandit ji, any updates?"

The pandit ji's voice was cheerful. "Yes, Mrs. Malhotra. The girl's family is very interested and would like to meet you all. It seems like a positive match."

Mrs. Malhotra's face lit up with hope. "That's wonderful news, pandit ji. Thank you so much. We'll discuss it with Advik when he returns. and... Did they mention when they would like to meet?"

Pandit ji replied, "Yes, they did. Their daughter is currently on vacation, but they are eager to meet you as soon as she returns. They suggested a meeting next weekend if that suits your family."

Mrs. Malhotra's heart swelled with excitement. "Next weekend sounds perfect. We'll discuss it with Advik when he returns. Thank you, Pandit ji."

After ending the call, she turned to Mr. Malhotra with a smile. "They agreed! Now, we just need to find the right moment to talk to Advik."

Mr. Malhotra nodded, feeling a sense of progress. "We'll manage. Let's enjoy this good news for now and plan our next steps carefully."

As the day drew to a close, the Malhotra family found themselves on the brink of new beginnings, each member navigating their own paths with hope and determination.


Meanwhile, at Riya's house, the two friends were catching up on their lives. Riya, beaming with excitement, showed Inaya a photo of her boyfriend. "This is Raj. Isn't he cute?" she asked, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

Inaya smiled and nodded. "He's nice. You both look great together."

Riya then asked, "So, what's your story? Any boyfriend back home?"

Inaya laughed and replied, "I'm as single as a one-way street in a small village. No distractions, just straight ahead!"

They both laughed, enjoying the light-hearted moment. They continued to talk about various things—school, friends, and their dreams for the future. The room was filled with laughter and the joy of reconnecting.

Suddenly, Riya's mother entered the room, a professional yet warm presence. "Girls, I have to head to the office for a few hours. You two take care of yourselves, alright?"

Riya nodded, "Sure, Mom. We’ll be fine."

As soon as her mother left, Riya turned to Inaya with a mischievous glint in her eye. "You know, Ini, you should really see more of this city. The nightlife here is amazing. How about we sneak out tonight and have some fun?"

Inaya hesitated, remembering Advik's strict instructions. "I don't know, Riya. Bhaiya was very clear about not leaving the house. And I don't have security right now."

Riya waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, come on! It'll just be for a little while. We'll be back before he even notices. You came all the way to Thailand; you deserve to enjoy it!"

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