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Tanya's POV:
By lunchtime, this tension with Leon was still bothering me. I needed a break from thinking about it, so I called Daniel. We haven't even talked in a while. I was curious about why he's been so distant lately.

"Hey, stranger," I said when he answered.

"Tanya! Long time, no talk. Wassup?" Daniel sounded genuinely happy to hear from me, which was a relief.

"Why you been so quiet? I thought we were cool," I asked, cutting straight to the point.

"We good, don't trip. I've just been swamped with work. But I'm here now. What's good?"

We caught up, and it felt like old times. I was glad we cleared the air, but just as we were about to hang up, my phone buzzed with a call from Leon. I ignored it, staying on the phone with Daniel. Whatever Leon wanted could wait.

"Yo im happy we talked, Tan. Don't be a stranger beautiful. You got my number. Make sure you use it." Daniel said, wrapping up.

"Definitely. But umm...I won't be able to hang out as much now that I've got this new job," I warned him.

"I'ts all good. We'll figure it out. I gotta bounce. Talk soon."

After I ended the call, I noticed a text from Leon apologizing for this morning. I wasn't in the mood to deal with it, so I left him on read and went back to work.

Leon: Hey pretty, I'm sorry about this morning. Today is your big day, I should've came correct and ready. I ain't mean all that earlier. I'll make it up to you😉. I know you ain't got a ride so Imma pick you up from work when ya done x.

He didn't have a choice. I definitely wasn't taking a Uber home. I should've just drove my own car.

Alesha's POV:
I sat there for a minute, the argument with Clarence still replaying in my head. Work was the last thing on my mind now. Thankfully, it was lunchtime, so I shut my laptop and decided to get out of his house. The tension was too thick, and I needed to breathe. I quickly texted Shanay:

Me: "Heading to that coffee shop near your job. I need to get out of here🙄. I'll wait for you to clock out, then we can head to Tanya's together. You off at 5:30, right?"

Shanay's reply was almost instant:

Shanay: Yep. Why you tryna escape, A? Clarence gettin' on your nerves again? 😂"

I sighed, but Shanay's humor made me smile. She didn't know the half of it.

Me: "Girl, don't even get me started. He's mad 'cause I said I cant do dinner tonight. He's being all extra about it😒"

Shanay: "You better than me. I'd have told him to take a seat and calm all that down. Ain't nobody trippin' over dinner. There will always be another one.🙄"

I couldn't help but laugh. That was classic Shanay—straightforward and unfiltered.

Me: "Forreal, I just needed to get out. I'll finish work at the coffee shop and wait for you. We can head to Tanya's after🤪."

Shanay: "Cool. Oh and tell Clarence to get a hobby or somethin'. Throwing ya toys out the pram because you can't have your way is crazy. You got your own life, too. I'm off at 5:30, so I'll see you soon. But fr, don't let him stress you out. You gotta save your energy for when you cuss him out later. 😂"

Me: "Exactly bcuz wth?! &You know I got that covered. See you soon."

Shanay: "Bet. And make sure you get a latte or something to calm your nerves. I don't wanna hear you snapping on nobody else today. 😜"

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