Chapter 36

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In Hansung's bedroom

Arzen is laying on the bed hugging Hansung who's head resting on his chest they both are looking out the snow fall from the window.

" Arzen " said Hansung softly and Arzen hummed.

" do you really need to go " ask Hansung softly looking up Arzen who tight his grip on his waist as he look down at him nodding his head.

" please don't go " said Hansung with teary eyes.

Arzen lean down and pack his lips softly than said " it's important ".

" am I not important " ask Hansung he is still afraid because of that dream.

" you are the most important in my life " said Arzen softly creasing his cheeks.

" than please don't go " said Hansung again and Arzen sign.

He sit up and Hansung also sit up looking at Arzen with teary eyes.

Arzen pulled him in his lap and Hansung hugged him tightly burying his face in his neck while Arzen crease his head.

" let me go this time only I promise than I will not leave you " said Arzen softly and Hansung shake his head negatively hugging him more tightly.

" please this time only " said Arzen softly kissing his neck and Hansung back away from his neck and Arzen's heart pained seeing Hansung's red face as he was crying silently.

" pinkey promise " said Hansung looking at him through his wet eyelashes and Arzen smiled when a memory of their past birth flushed in his head.

" come soon and take me I will wait for you " said Hansung looking down face covered by the veil.

" I promise my Syera your Arzen can't live without you for too long " said Arzen resting his head against Hansung's hugging his waist.

" pinkey promise " said Hansung making Arzen chuckle.

" pinkey promise " replied Arzen kissing his head.

" pinkey promise " said Arzen looking at Hansung who nod his head and Hansung hug him again.

" I promise my Syera I will come back to you soon " said Arzen with determination hugging Hansung tightly last time he couldn't able to complete his promise but this time he will.

Taekook are roaming in the street of Paris gaining people's attention who is looking at them.

Jungkook is radiating cold aura holding Tae's waist possessively seeing how people are looking at his wife.

Jungkook stop infront of a bouquet shop which owned by an old couple.

" can you please give me that red roses bouquet " said Jungkook to the granny.

" hye beautiful your boyfriend is damn hot " said granny happily making Taekook smile.

" he is my husband not boyfriend grandma " replied Tae making people shocked around them as they thought they are boyfriend's and girlfriends but they turned out husband and wife.

" here is your bouquet young man " said grandma giving Jungkook a rose bouquet.

" here Soniyo " said Jungkook giving that flower bouquet to Tae who kiss his cheek in return.

Jungkook took out one rose and forward it to grandma " this is for you beautiful " said Jungkook leaving grandma in aww.

" thankyou so much sweetheart " said grandma going to take the flower but she got a whole rose bouquet in her hand.

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