21 . FOR YOU

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As I woke up  to the chirping of birds, I stretched my arms and sat up on bed, only to be met with a wave of panic as I realized I'm in an unfamiliar room.

However, upon catching a glimpse of myself in the mirror, memories of my marriage came flooding back.

My tension eased as I felt the nuputal chain around my neck and the vermilion in my hair partition . Unknowingly a subtle smile spread across my face as I gazed at the henna designs bearing my husband's name on my hands.

I've finally decided to give our marriage a chance, to give Veer a chance.

Suddenly Panic set in me as I realized I am running late, prompting me to check the time.

To my dismay, it is already 7 am and no one had woken me.

I'm going to be late on my first day after marriage - what will everyone think ?

Why is this always happens to me? But wait a minute, where is Veer ? Why didn't he wake me up ?

I rushed out of bed and headed to the closet, and upon hearing noises coming from the bathroom, I realized Veer is taking a shower.

Actually, the bathroom is attached to the closet, that's why I didn't hear any sound when I was in the room. I turned to get my stuff from my bag, but when I saw it, it was empty. Ayeein , where have my stuff gone?

I was about to check the closet when I  tripped. I shut my eyes and waited for my head and body to touch the floor. Afer a while, when I didn't make any contact with the floor, I slowly opened my eyes only to see the most beautiful eyes ever.

My eyes met his honey brown orbs, filled with concern right now. I didn't blink, nor did he.

My gaze roamed onto his features, and I noticed a black mole on his nose. It looks cute. His long lashes ? Okay, I'm jealous. His wet hair falling on his forehead, water dripping from them, making him even more handsome than he already is.

I didn't realize that since when , I was just oogling him until he decided to speak.
"Tullip, are you alright ?" , His voice filled with concern as he made me stand on the floor.
"I'm alright, Veer. It didn't hurt anywhere ." , I finally said while my eyes were still looking into his.
"What were you doing here ? ",  he questioned while cupping my cheeks.
" I was—I was just checking for my stuff, but it isn't in the bag. " ,I told him as he held my hand and opened the biggest cupboard. I looked into it and guess what ,
All my stuff is here, kept in a perfect manner.

" Who did this and when ? " , I asked him as my eyes continued to roam on his shirtless body.

He is just in his trousers, a towel wrapped around his neck. He has broad shoulders, a well-built chest, and then his abs. I gulped looking at them. What am I even doing ? I squinted my eyes and composed myself.

" Should I answer or you need some more time to inspect your husband's body , hnn ? " , he whispers near my ears making me gasp as I looked at him . He wa grinning.

" I wasn't inspecting your body , Mr Shekhawat. I was just - just " , I tried to say something but for god's sake I can't form words

" Yes , you were just , what ? Mrs. Shekhawat ? " , he said slowly while pinning me between him and the cupboard. His smirk Never left his lips .

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