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I quickly packaged the samosas I made inside some beautiful decorated plastic containers that I ordered online.

I was just packaging the last one when my brother's hand came to pick one after the eight pieces he had carried out of the ones I did. I quickly smacked his hand away shouting out my mother's name to help me arrest the thief caught in the act.

"Mummy!!!!" I called holding Amin's hand just in time as my mother barged into the kitchen
"What?" She asked.

I didn't need to explain the situation as she had already seen it with her eyes, Amin is five years younger than me which makes him 19 years old.

Some people confuse us to be twins due to how well acquainted we are with each other but only a few people know the real truth that is Amin being my step brother and the woman I refer to as Mummy being my step mother.

My own biological mother had died a few years after I was born and since then my step mother became my new mother showing no any partiality in her treatment of Amin and I.

"Don't eat up all her orders Amin." My step mother, Hajara, said helping me in kicking Amin out of the kitchen whilst I packed up my last order keeping them aside.

"Today's your cousin's anniversary. Hope you haven't forgotten about that." Hajara said to me while I responded "How could I forget. In fact I'm making some samosas and egg rolls for them as an anniversary gift. I know she love samosas."

I do have a step cousin who is actually my step mother's sister's daughter- my step cousin that is. We became close when my step mother had introduced me to Aunt Waleeda some years ago and since then I formed this perfect bond with her daughter-Manal.

I can't even remember the last time I visited her, that should be during the naming ceremony of her twins-Iman and Imran some years back.

I got too caught up in my own university world to visit anyone. I  graduated last year in catering and started my own business which became really successful that I even opened my own bakery weeks ago.

"She'll surely love that." Hajara said coming to help me with the snacks. We were working when the same Amin entered the kitchen to inform us "The delivery guy is here."

I showed Amin the packages orders as he took it outside to the delivery guy and came back later with his signature sad face asking for some snacks. I pitied him and have him some of it and that's when he walked off.

"Go get ready Ilham." Hajara said to me once we have finished Aunt Waleeda's anniversary gift. I nodded my head and removed my apron hanging it where it should be in the kitchen as I made my way to my room.

Our house is a comfortable storey building which my architecture father has designed by himself. It isn't small but it is not big at the same time, just a comfortable house right enough to be called a home.

I practically kicked open the door to my room coming face to face with my mother's hung picture on the wall of my room.

My complete lookalike. My father used to tell me that whennever he looks at my face-he sees a photocopy of my mother and I dare say he's super right.

She's dark just like I am, with a rich smooth skin and wonderful smile. Perfectly shaped eyebrows and all. My mother was simply beautiful, very beautiful so am l.

I sighed walking further to kiss my mother's hung picture before going into the bathroom intending to get ready for the anniversary party. There's no doubt that my parents and Amin inclusive are going to be late because of me.

I take a long time bathing not to talk of dressing up that takes an extra time of it's own. I'm just a girl by the way.

I finished bathing after an hour and thirty minutes and I could already hear my step mother's voice from downstairs asking wether I'm changing a new skin. I laughed.
Of course I'm not

I love my ebony skin.

I finished dressing up after some hours wearing a dark blue floral dress that covers up properly.

Covering my head with its veil, I completed my dressing with some touch ups of makeup, a very light one. Then a light spray of perfume.

Carrying my black handbag I stepped out to walked downstairs, my phone in my hand as I checked for the time.



I thought we weren't late but at I reached downstairs, I was surprised to see everyone ready including my father as they all wait for me.

"I don't see any new skin." Amin joked while I apologized for wasting everyone's time.

"It's alright Ilhma. Let's all go before we get late for real now." My father, Muhammad said ushering Amin and I to be at the front while he walks behind with Hajara.

We all entered father's jeep as he begin to drive towards our destination. I scrolled through my phone as I posted my new snaps video on my business account and before I could even blink and eye-tons of likes begin to pour.

"Iyeh Ilham's savories." Amin joked again peeping his head to see the likes bugging my phone. I turned off my phone just as I saw a message from an unknown number

"Amin, did you give anyone my number ?" I asked turning my phone back on as I check for the contact info. Amin has a knack for giving strangers my number by the way.

"The guy wouldn't stop disturbing me. What was I supposed to do." Amin said going further to explain how some random guy was begging him for my number after Amin had posted me on his super famous instagram account.

"Wallahi I'll kill this boy one day." I said playfully kicking Amin with my elbow while he dramatically shout out for my parent's name that are sitting at the front of the car.

"You two should stop." Came my Hajara's command that made us to actually stop whatever stuff we were doing out of respect for her.

"By the way, he wasn't the only one." Amin added just after I've stopped kicking him.

"Amin!!!" Came my frustrated shout while he laughed somewhat finding this amusing.



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