Chapter Four

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It wasn't difficult to find our rooms,thee third floor was designed solely as residents sleeping quarters,and only two rooms were available. They were down at the end of the industrial, white walled hallway. I sighed, opening the creaky, steel door. It was even designed and furnished like a torture prison. Shai gave me a sympathetic smile, before entering her dreary room, closing the large barricade of a door behind her. I sighed, nodding slowly as I pushed against the steel door, the hard, impenetrable metal finally giving way to a less than thrilling situation. And this was coming from a girl who lived almost three years of her life trapped in a maze of dreary brick buildings and laboratories surrounded by insane, diseased psychopaths who were hungry for human flesh. I looked around the small, more than basic room that held nothing outside the bare fundamentals. It was a square room, the walls just as white as the rest of the building. Everything was clean, that was probably the only upside. I bit my lip, scanning around as I saw a twin sized bed pushed up against the far right hand corner of the room, a small wooden bedside table residing beside it.A single light rested on the center of the ceiling, a giant,industrialized factory style light switch resting just arms length away from the door. There was a small wooden desk in the far left hand corner, with a wooden dining room style chair pulled up beside it. On the right wall, there was a a few hooks buried into the walls,one held a white lab coat, the other had a set of plain navy pajamas hanging from it, and the last had a pair of black slacks on a hanger,with a standard white blouse clipped to the hanger. Work wear and sleep wear. I sighed, sitting down on the creaky, stiff mattress of the bed as I ran my hands over the plain cotton like material of the covers. We had to get out of here Get out before it was too late, we'd begin rotting away into the nooks and crannies of this place. We'd begin fading away, I could feel it. That's what places like this did to people. It took away their individuality, until eventually, they became void of humanity. They themselves became the walls, pale and barren and void of any defining difference between them and any other white wall within the spectrum of reality. That's what what they did to us. They turned us into walls, completely unable to perform any task beyond the remedial petty tributes of stability which we provided as a simple humanoid nature and instinct as to who we truly are. And I couldn't stand the thought of rotting away in a place like this, never knowing what was to happen to my friends- to Gally. I could not let them turn me into one of them.Into a wall. I sighed, biting my lip as I laid my head in my hands, the hands that still lingered with his touch. Him. I would find him. No matter what, I will find him.

"Gally...if,by some miracle you can hear me...I promise. I'll find you. I'll find you, and we'll be together again. If you're out there, and you're alive...I'll find away to be with you again. Because...I love you." I whispered into my palm. Suddenly, I remembered the note. The note that Gally had given to me, just before he had made his trek back into into the dangers of the maze. He had told me not to read it- unless I knew for sure that he was dead. I bit my lip, pulling the folded piece of paper out of my pants pocket. I turned it over in my hand a few times, debating whether or not to open it. I sighed, shaking my head as I slipped the note back inside my pocket. I wouldn't read it,until I knew for sure. I had to keep faith. Faith that he was out there somewhere, alive. He was alive...he had to be.

Gally's POV:

Pain surged through my body as I felt what was inevitably a bullet piercing through my fragile skin. I screamed out in pain, my vision blurring as my eyes connected with hers. Her beautiful, brilliant green orbs. They looked so sad, so filled with terror. I wanted to run towards her- yank her from his brutal arms. Cradle her against my and make all her pain go away. But I couldn't I couldn't reach her,she was growing further and further away from me. I felt a second bullet reaching my back as I froze, my vision becoming a distant blur as my body began collapsing. I felt my body making connection with the ground, my senses fading into a distant oblivion. The last thing I saw was her beautiful face, screaming out in horror as she shrieked. Gally. That was what she said. That was the last thing I heard, before everything turned to darkness.

I had woken up about an hour ago. My whole body ached, but somehow,it didn't feel nearly as bad as I had expected. When I had woken up,I had quickly figured out that I was no longer laying on the ground of WICKED's facility. I was in an industrial looking bed, in a small room with a plate of food beside me. On principle, I knew I shouldn't have eaten the food, considering I didn't know it's origin. But I was starving, and it all looked so tempting. When I had finished the food, the metal door to my room opened quickly, and strange people had walked in. I'd never seen them before in my life, a certain wildness preserved within their eyes that looked as if it could explode at any moment. I cringed when I saw them. What did they want from me?

"Up already, I see?" A girl with an athletic build and short,pink hair said, folding her arms across her chest as a couple others nodded. 5 in total. A man stepped forward, probably mid 30's, scruffy beard, bald head, and piercing blue eyes, although one looked slightly skewed and glassy. I scooted farther back on bed, knowing that I was in no condition to fight back.

"Welcome home, boy." He said, a toothy grin spreading across his face. Despite his friendly seeming expression. There was no way in hell I was opting for trusting these strange new people.

"W-Where am I?" I asked, trying to sound confident, although I found my voice crack from the nerves. The girl with pink hair chuckled slightly, taking a step forward.

"You're on our Berg. A ship, of sorts. Name's Milo. This here is Spud, Jordan, Meeks, Kylie, and Reimah. And this-" Before Milo had a chance to introduce the man, he stepped forward, and she quickly shut u, stepping aside. He was clearly the captain, of this strange ship.

"Name's Glass. Just Glass. Don't ask, and we won't have any problems. Got it?" Despite his ever present smile, I felt my stomach growing queezy as I nodded reluctantly. Glass nodded, patting me on the back as I flinched, expecting pain from the bullets buried in my skin to shoot through my veins, but nothing happened.

"Don't worry about the bullets. Boy. We took those out, gave you some meds. You're gonna be just fine." Glass said again, before turning to leave.

"Wait!" I said sharply, Glass turning around with an eyebrow raised.

"Yes?" He seemed slightly annoyed that I hadn't let him leave.

"W-Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you leave me die?"I asked cautiously. Glass chuckled, something more radical and psychotic that I had expected. There was something off with all of them.

"Well, because you can help us, of course! You think we're idiots?We know you're one of WICKED's precious pawns, boy. And we can use ya', for it. Ya' see, us and WICKED...we don't exactly get along too well. Let's just say- they destroyed our happiness, so now we're out to destroy theirs." He paused, letting that sink as I my mouth hung slack slightly. I was completely confused. WICKED's pawn? What was that suppose to mean? Did he actually think I was a part of WICKED?Was he crazy?

"And with your help, boy, we'll get there." His voice was scratchy and worn, but very, very determined. I furrowed my brows together, about to speak up, protest, but they all filed out of my room, closing the door behind them before I could say anything else.What the hell?

So now I've been sitting here in silence for about a hour. Just thinking over everything they'd said, and how I was going to get out of here. I will get out of here. Lilli needed me. And I would find her. I would find her, no matter what.

A/N: Hey guys! So sorry for not updating sooner! I've been sick these past few days, but I'm feeling better now! I probably won't be updating quite as fast as the first book, But I promise I'll try as often as I can! I love you all so much and I hope you have a great day! ILY!


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