Chapter Eight

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A/N: Sorry about the slow updates! I'm gonna try to get more into the groove of updating soon, I've just been so busy with school! Thank you all for being patient, I love you all! <3

Lilli's POV:

"You should be nearly to the bottom now, Lilli." Chris echoed from above me. I bit my lip, nodding.

"Ok." Was all I could muster. I slowly slid a foot down to feel for the next step, holding tightly to the railing as I did so. There was no way in hell I was going to fight through all that I'd undergone, only to get trapped in an underground prison for the rest of my pitiful life. No, if Gally was out there- I would find him. I could hear Shai's incoherent muttering from above, Chris' steady paced steps as they made their way closer to me. I felt for the next step, sliding my hand down the railing, only to feel the bottom of the railing. I extended my other foot outwards to feel for another step, but felt nothing but flat ground. I nodded, tightening my grip on the railing.

"Found it!" I yelled back up. My exclamation, however, was only returned by an adamant Chris, shushing me.

"Don't yell! You'll scare her away!" Chris whisper shouted towards me. I sighed, rolling my eyes through the darkness. What was so important about this girl anyway?

I remained silent as Chris and Shai made their way closer towards me,until I felt Chris' hand on my shoulder.

"Ok..." He whispered. "She'll answer to my voice, so you two need to stay very quiet until I can locate her." Chris said softly.I nodded, despite the complete darkness that shielded his view of my acceptance. Shai just grunted slightly. I assume Chris took this as ayes, because he stepped in front of me slightly, still holding on to the railing as he leaned forward slightly.

"Althelia?" He called out into the darkness.

"Althelia, it's Chris. I know you can hear me." Althelia. That familiar. So familiar, so personal, yet distant from my mind. Like I should know her. But I didn't.

Silence. Silence of speech, but it was obvious there was someone out there. The darkness couldn't shield the presence of another life form. Chris sighed.

"Althelia. Please. It's me, Chris. I need your help. friends and I, we need your help. We want to escape this place. We...we need to. Please, Thelia. I know you're out there. I know you hear me.Please." Chris pleaded. His voice wasn't loud, it didn't need to be. Cracking in a few choice places, the effects of puberty. There was silence momentarily, but I heard breathing. Definite breathing.

"You brought your friends..." A voice, soft and smooth, and radiant with loneliness, pierced the seemingly infinite darkness. I was slightly taken aback by her response, but Chris continued before I had a chance to be properly astounded.

"I have...yes. They know this building better than most. But, but it's been awhile since they've, well, been here. It''s complicated. But they want to help, they want to escape." A pause.

"There's nothing complicated about WICKED wiping their memories."She spoke again. I swallowed hard, turning back to face what I assumed was the general direction of Shai. Chris sighed.

"Right, of course not."

"What are their names...?" She questioned softly, her voice just slightly more prominent now. Chris was hesitant, but eventually spoke.

"Lilli and Shai." His voice, resounding and firm. I heard her voice catch in her throat momentarily, a slight, taken aback gasp.She cleared her throat.

"Of course..." She murmured, more than likely to herself than anyone else.

"Lilli...?" Her voice, louder now, cracked slightly. As though any moment, she may fade into an oblivion of nothingness. My eyes widened, and I was at a loss. She was calling me out? She sounded...she sounded familiar.

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